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  • la iridología o estudio del iris Glossary terms for Beginners

    la iridología o estudio del iris Glossary terms for Beginners iriología Conceptos básicos La iriología es un sistema de visualización de la naturaleza del hombre, que indica en su “archivo” ocular las patologías y “tendencias” acorde a la importancia y no a la extensión de una enfermedad. Así, tendremos signos muy notorios para pequeños desarreglos en una pequeña glándula, por

  • what is iridology therapy ?

    What is iridology therapy? Some scientists postulated that emotions originated in the body, but soon discovered that emotions are both cognitive and visceral and originate simultaneously in brain and body. Science has shown that both the gut and the physical brain receive all the same neurotransmitters, neuropeptides and their receptors. The neuropeptides in the brain not only contain their receptors

  • practical iridology and reviews

    practical iridology Book The human iris provides a unique window into our bodies, offering clues to our past, present, and future health. Its related science–iridologia–allows us to assess our wellbeing and provides pathways to follow to ensure we remain physically and emotionally fit. Iridologist Peter Jackson-Main demonstrates just how easy it is for readers to make use of this diagnostic

  • ridology examples

    ridology examples What is Iridology? Iridology (pronounced eye-ri-dology) is the art and science of analyzing the color and structure of the iris to determine tissue integrity throughout the body, thereby gaining valuable health information regarding strengths and weaknesses. Iridologists study the iris, particularly the color, markings, changes and other aspects, as they are associated with tissue degeneration. Iridology is one

  • rayid iridology : what it,chart ,why it

    What is Rayid Iridology? Iridology combined with Rayid method is a specialized extensive health and behavioral analysis using this scientific method through the intricate fiber structures in the iris of the eyes by way of the optic nerve, to determine certain states of emotional and physical health. Iridology identifies specific acute, sub-acute, pre-chronic, chronic, degenerative and genetic conditions. This supports

  • iridology sydney

    About Sydney Iridology Sydney Iridology works with clients and students from various cultures, across different backgrounds and with a wide variety of health concerns. Taking into account individual likes and dislikes, Sydney Iridology will work closely with you to improve diet and lifestyle and support you in achieving the very best health outcomes. As the key practitioner, Mercedes Diverio applies