2nd Hand iridology camera for mac iridology camera for mac
2nd Hand iridology camera for mac iridology camera for mac
Used Pixera Capture Cam, DV2000, $4,000 or Best Offer.
This camera system was originally purchased in 1999 with a total value of $5,500 which included the camera, software, carrying case, videos, and 2 instructional courses. It is a complete turn key system which utilizes the patented Fiber Optic Lighting System (180,000 optical fibers) designed for close-up macro enlargement of the iris of the eye. The photographs can be immediately viewed on a personal computer, laptop or video TV. It has very high resolution, up to 1.2 million pixels. It comes with telescoping legs and supporting platform, chin and headrest for stabilization and comfort, two fiber optical lighting assemblies, and a lockable travel case. It is in excellent condition. Contact Don Caron at or The following are pictures of the camera as well as an example of the quality of iris photo the camera can take on your computer:
This unit was purchased in 1999 and was used for only 1-1/2 years and has been in storage since 2001. Includes: Panasonic Super-Dynamic wv-GP454 camera, Stand with chin rest providing precision movement and a forehead support, Twin solid state lights mounted on stand, fully adjustable for effective positioning, Iridology flash card set, and Hookups for video/computer. Contact Jim at orwith IRIDOLOGY in the subject line. Click on the following links to see images of the camera
Used Pixera Capture Cam DV2000, $3,000 or Best Offer.
This camera system was originally called the EE113, then upgraded to the 114EE. When I bought this one in 1999 it’s name was again changed to the DV2000. It is a complete turn key system which utilizes the patented Fiber Optic Lighting System (180,000 optical fibers) designed for close-up macro enlargement of the iris of the eye. The photographs can be immediately viewed on a personal computer, laptop or video TV. It has very high resolution, up to 1.2 million pixels, uses Windows ’95, ’98 or 2000 and a minimum of 32 megs of ram. It comes with telescoping legs and supporting platform, chin and headrest for stabilization and comfort, two fiber optical lighting assemblies, a lockable travel case and the original Pixera instruction manual. It has only been used on about ten patients and is in excellent condition. Contact Jay Gilbert N.D. at 970-688-0052 or to download the pdf file describing the camera in detail.
Used Jensen III Iridology Camera with an X370 Minolta, $2,000 or best offer.
Camera is 8 years old. Photos of camera are available upon request. Contact Shawnee Smith at Santa Monica Healing at 310-581-2500 or via e-mail to
Used Canon T50 35mm Camera, $1,400.
The camera itself is a Canon T50 “programmed automation; automatic film transport”. The lens is a Canon lens FD 85mm 1:1.8. The camera is made in Japan and has chin and forehead rests. It can be adjusted horizontally and vertically. It was purchased in 1988-1989 and is in good condition. It uses 35mm film and comes complete with a 4 painted leg stand. Contact George Salvo at if you are interested. USA
Used Jensen Iriscope Model 111S, Original asking price:$2,700. Current asking price: $2,200 or best offer.
This is a Minolta 35mm with all accessories in perfect condition. Digital pictures of the camera are available by contacting Brenda at JLS at joyful@best.com. For more information and/or to purchase this camera, contact Jeffrey Reed at or call him at 941-671-1783 on his cell phone. USA
Used Digital Iriscope, Computer and Printer, $4,500.
Computer includes Windows 98, 64MB ram, 10 gigs, 3D graphics card, and 333-megahertz processor. Software includes IriSearch Pro, Brown Irides, NaturBase, The Iridologist, Constitutional Classification. Printer includes HP desk 930C printer, prints 1,200 BPI, printer was only used 3 times. Contact Shasta Palmer at 970-241-7630. USA

What is 12MP iridology camera for mac for mac iridology camera for mac?
What is 12MP iridology camera for mac for mac iridology camera for mac?
iridology camera for mac Accessories:
1. Handset x1pc
2. 30x lenti iris x1pc
3. Piatta PU in pelle X1pc
5. Linea USB da 1,5 metri X1pc
6. Copertura protettiva delle lenti x1pc
* Istruzioni & Garanzia x1pc
* CD (software di analisi driver e pro) X1pc
What is the primary benefit of photo iridology ?
Not only does it bring clues to your iridology analysis, but it helps to create a better connection with your patient. The patient, who’s naturally curious, is eager to see their own iris. With some simple explanations they can get a basic understanding of your analysis. The connection with your patient strengthens and their understanding of their process improves.
* Sistema di analisi dell'iride: tecnologia internazionale, funzioni uniche.
* Il sistema di analisi dell'iride è uno strumento medicinale che controlla le condizioni del corpo e impedisce che si verifichi malattie.
* Abbiamo portato la tecnologia avanzata dell'analisi dell'iride dalla Germania per condurre le persone a scoprire fonti di malattia e comunque cura della salute del corpo e dello spirito.
* Lo strumento può mostrare le condizioni del corpo dei clienti e suggerire ai clienti gli alimenti salutari adeguati e i piani per prendersi cura dei loro corpi.
Guarigione con iridologia:
L'iride perfetta non è mai stata vista e tutti gli individui presentano un certo grado di debolezza dei tessuti, sia che sia stata acquisita e sviluppata da abitudini e ambiente di salute discutibili o da genitori di trucco genetico.
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iridology camera for mac digital eye iridology camera for mac for mac iridology camera for maciridology camera for mac digital eye iridology camera for mac for mac iridology camera for mac
La guarigione viene dalla parola radice che significa intera. Così fa la salute e il santo!
La guarigione deriva dalla cura di tutte le aree di tutto il nostro io, essendo mente, corpo e spirito.
In my opinion, when you get rid of what the body can’t use and give it what it needs, the body will do the rest. The body is a wonderful incredible specimen. Everyday it breathes by itself, the heart pumps by itself, if you cut yourself or break a bone, they heal by themselves. You never have to tell your body what to do automatically. Our responsibility is to provide the elements for the body.And you are the only one who can do that.
iridology camera for mac Specifications
1. Alta risoluzione, REAL 2 Magepixel Immagini
2. Facile operazione senza installazione del driver
3. Pacchetto in pelle di lusso
iridology camera for mac Instruction:
* Bell'aspetto e design innovativo
* Illuminatore a LED intorno all'obiettivo
* Lente importato con strato placcato
* 8.1 Mega pixels high resolution CCD sensor
* Processore di immagine DSP speciale, stabilizzatore dell'immagine ottica
* Pulsante di acquisizione singolo e cattura di pausa digitale.
* Focus regolabile per dare un'immagine chiara.
* Bilancio bianco e regolazione del contrasto, filtro a temperatura colore
* Funzione di confronto a doppia immagine
* Modalità di acquisizione 3D negativa
* Compatibile con lente iris, lente per capelli.
* Fornire immagini chiare e accurate.
* Facile da usare.

What is Iridology?
What is Iridology?
Iridology is the study of the color, pigmentations, and structure of the iris or colored portion of the eye as they relate genetically through reflex response to the strengths and deficiencies of the body systems.
Iridology complements all the health sciences as it furnishes information, not only about what may be ailing the client, but also about the root cause of the disorder.
In addition, many Iridologists observe the border of the pupil as well as the vascular markings in the sclera to help them better understand more about the overall health of the person.
We believe that Iridology is one of the best assessment tools available to discover which areas of the body are genetically strong and which are deficient. Using Iridology we can analyze the overall constitution according to specific iris colors and markings.