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Iridology history
The practice of Iridology has origins as far back as Ancient Egypt. It is here that drawings have been found relating the eye to the anatomy of the body. Modern iridology is in its infancy of less than two hundred years founded in 1861 by Ignatz Von Peczley, a doctor from Hungary. The story goes that as a young man Von Peczley had found an owl with a broken leg which he noticed to have had a black line in the bright yellow iris. As he nursed the owl back to health the line filled in with fine white lines and eventually looked like new. This observation stimulated Von Peczley to investigate the correlation with the iris and health. His knowledge as a doctor allowed him to create the first known map that connected the iris to specific problems within the aspects of his patients.
IridologyAround the same time a young Swedish boy Nils Liljequist became ill after a vaccination and needed to take quinine for treatment. He noticed his eyes changed color with the medicine and he published maps that coincided similarly with Von Peczley. Over the years iridology has expanded, matured and advanced technologically. From the Germans and Eastern Europeans to the pioneering work of the American Bernard Jensen who is the father of modern iridology, all have tested its diagnostic potentials upon hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. Today practitioners in all fields of medicine are still utilizing iridology.
The Simplified Guide to Iridology – EBook
Discover What Your Eyes Are Telling You About Your Health!
Eyes Aren’t Just Good for Looking Out, They Can Also Be Used to See Inside & Get a Better Picture of Our Health!
It turns out your eyes aren’t just great for seeing the outside world, they also reveal what is happening inside you.
It’s true, everything from your eye color to your iris patterns to the shape of your pupil may actually be revealing your genetic inheritance.
With Iridology you can use iris charts to identify inherent strengths and deficiencies within the body.
While Iridology has been around for many, many years; finding good, quality information about it can be difficult.
To remedy this situation and to help keep those who could benefit from this science from missing out, we’ve created a new e-book entitled, The Simplified Guide to Iridology.
Written by Ellen Tart-Jensen, Ph.D., D.Sc. C.C.I.I., this book is an up-to-date introduction into this fascinating subject.
About the Author
Ellen studied the science of Iridology for several years with the legendary natural healer, Dr. Bernard Jensen, at the Hidden Valley Health Ranch in California. Dr. Bernard Jensen is known worldwide as the “Father of American Iridology.”
Ellen became Dr. Jensen’s protégé, learning all that he had to teach in the fields of Iridology and Nutrition and is the only person who has written permission from Dr. Bernard Jensen to place his seal on iridology certificates.
Ellen has studied and worked in the field of iridology and natural healing for nearly 30 years. She is now an internationally recognized authority on iridology and holistic health.
Discover What Your Eyes Are Telling You About Your Health!
Eyes Aren’t Just Good for Looking Out, They Can Also Be Used to See Inside & Get a Better Picture of Our Health!
It turns out your eyes aren’t just great for seeing the outside world, they also reveal what is happening inside you.
It’s true, everything from your eye color to your iris patterns to the shape of your pupil may actually be revealing your genetic inheritance.
With Iridology you can use iris charts to identify inherent strengths and deficiencies within the body.
While Iridology has been around for many, many years; finding good, quality information about it can be difficult.
To remedy this situation and to help keep those who could benefit from this science from missing out, we’ve created a new e-book entitled, The Simplified Guide to Iridology.
Written by Ellen Tart-Jensen, Ph.D., D.Sc. C.C.I.I., this book is an up-to-date introduction into this fascinating subject.
About the Author
Ellen studied the science of Iridology for several years with the legendary natural healer, Dr. Bernard Jensen, at the Hidden Valley Health Ranch in California. Dr. Bernard Jensen is known worldwide as the “Father of American Iridology.”
Ellen became Dr. Jensen’s protégé, learning all that he had to teach in the fields of Iridology and Nutrition and is the only person who has written permission from Dr. Bernard Jensen to place his seal on iridology certificates.
Ellen has studied and worked in the field of iridology and natural healing for nearly 30 years. She is now an internationally recognized authority on iridology and holistic health.
Discover What Your Eyes Are Telling You About Your Health!
Eyes Aren’t Just Good for Looking Out, They Can Also Be Used to See Inside & Get a Better Picture of Our Health!
It turns out your eyes aren’t just great for seeing the outside world, they also reveal what is happening inside you.
It’s true, everything from your eye color to your iris patterns to the shape of your pupil may actually be revealing your genetic inheritance.
With Iridology you can use iris charts to identify inherent strengths and deficiencies within the body.
While Iridology has been around for many, many years; finding good, quality information about it can be difficult.
To remedy this situation and to help keep those who could benefit from this science from missing out, we’ve created a new e-book entitled, The Simplified Guide to Iridology.
Written by Ellen Tart-Jensen, Ph.D., D.Sc. C.C.I.I., this book is an up-to-date introduction into this fascinating subject.
About the Author
Ellen studied the science of Iridology for several years with the legendary natural healer, Dr. Bernard Jensen, at the Hidden Valley Health Ranch in California. Dr. Bernard Jensen is known worldwide as the “Father of American Iridology.”
Ellen became Dr. Jensen’s protégé, learning all that he had to teach in the fields of Iridology and Nutrition and is the only person who has written permission from Dr. Bernard Jensen to place his seal on iridology certificates.
Ellen has studied and worked in the field of iridology and natural healing for nearly 30 years. She is now an internationally recognized authority on iridology and holistic health.
Discover What Your Eyes Are Telling You About Your Health!
Eyes Aren’t Just Good for Looking Out, They Can Also Be Used to See Inside & Get a Better Picture of Our Health!
It turns out your eyes aren’t just great for seeing the outside world, they also reveal what is happening inside you.
It’s true, everything from your eye color to your iris patterns to the shape of your pupil may actually be revealing your genetic inheritance.
With Iridology you can use iris charts to identify inherent strengths and deficiencies within the body.
While Iridology has been around for many, many years; finding good, quality information about it can be difficult.
To remedy this situation and to help keep those who could benefit from this science from missing out, we’ve created a new e-book entitled, The Simplified Guide to Iridology.
Written by Ellen Tart-Jensen, Ph.D., D.Sc. C.C.I.I., this book is an up-to-date introduction into this fascinating subject.
About the Author
Ellen studied the science of Iridology for several years with the legendary natural healer, Dr. Bernard Jensen, at the Hidden Valley Health Ranch in California. Dr. Bernard Jensen is known worldwide as the “Father of American Iridology.”
Ellen became Dr. Jensen’s protégé, learning all that he had to teach in the fields of Iridology and Nutrition and is the only person who has written permission from Dr. Bernard Jensen to place his seal on iridology certificates.
Ellen has studied and worked in the field of iridology and natural healing for nearly 30 years. She is now an internationally recognized authority on iridology and holistic health.
Infinite Iris to Release New E-textbook on IRIS ANALYSIS
Techniques in Iris Analysis, by author Ellen Tart-Jensen
World Renowned Iridologist and author of TECHNIQUES IN IRIS ANALYSIS , Ellen Tart-Jensen PH. D., D.Sc. CCII is currently being published by INIFINITE IRIS and hardcopies are available at INFINITE IRIS, is her new Iridology education company that will create a new platform from which Ellen will launch several new products that pertain to the subject of Iridology.
Iridology is an alternative technique which utilizes the patterns, colors, and other characteristics of the iris to determine information about an individual’s systemic health. Essentially, Iridologists believe that they can match their observations of the eye to an eye chart, which divides the iris into zones. Ellen Tart-Jensen has been an Iridologist for nearly 30 years. She was trained by Dr. Bernard Jensen who has serviced more than 350,000 patients and has obtained his research and medical methodology by observing behavior, health, nutrition and cultural difference within 65 different countries.
Ellen Tart-Jensen has worked with famous musicians such as singer song writer “Jewel” and has a busy practice where she utilizes Iridology to help her many clients. Her new book, which will be available in January 2013 in E-TEXTBOOK format at, provides a comprehensive look at Iridology and how a non-invasive technique can potentially help give clarity and insight to health issues of the human body. It also provides information on how certain nutritional changes may alter overall health. This book is excellent for anyone who would like a serious and up to date study on the science of Iridology, taught by a distinguished Iridologist.
A Complete Textbook On Iridology
One of the most up to date Iridology textbooks available in the world today. Clearly written with hundreds of color photographs and illustrations. This book is positioned to become the new standard in the Science of Iridology.
Beautifully Illustrated with Educational Color Graphs and Charts
Reviews the Remarkable History and Roots of Iridology with Historical Iridology Charts from Around the World
Teaches in Depth Comprehensive Iridology™ as is approved by the International Iridology Practitioners Association (IIPA)
Definition of Iridology and What It Can and Cannot Do
Iris Zones
The Anatomy and Physiology of the Human Eye
Iris Fiber Structure, Density, and Resilience
Iris Color and Pigmentation
The Latest Research on Ways the Eyes Change
The Many and Varied Iris Constitutions Based on Color & Structure with Informative Nutritional Recommendations for Each
A Complete Review of the Collarette and What It Indicates About Vitality Levels and Digestive Ability
The Various Pupil Shapes and What They Indicate About the Health of the Spine and Bodily Organs
Iris Signs, Lacuna Types, Transversal Signs, and Iris Syndromes With Specific Arrows to Signs Within Iris Photographs
Sclera Signs with Arrows and Explanations
Diseases, Injuries, and Deformities of the Eye
Detailed Iris Analysis and Instructions On How to Perform an Iris Analysis
How long does a consultation take?
When an iris analysis is completed as part of a comprehensive health evaluation, the appointment time is normally about two hours. If an individual wants only an iris analysis without a comprehensive health consultation, the appointment is normally one hour.
Contraction Furrows. Sclera Signs. Syndromes iridology book
Power Point CD, 59 Frames
By Ellen Tart-Jensen, Ph.D., D.Sc., CCII
This colorful power point show has very clear and detailed iris signs, showing various types of contraction furrows (formerly called stress rings). The area the furrows are located, whether they intersect or break. Where they intersect or break can tell the iridologist a great deal about the nervous system and health of that person. This CD also shows various signs that show up in a person’s sclera that may indicate trauma to a part of the body, tendency for poor vessel strength, excess sugar in the body and many other things. Syndrome patterns that can occur within the iris including Cardio Abdominal, Cardio Renal and Pancreatic are shown. This CD has wonderful written explanations, and arrows pointing to the signs are being taught. Excellent for a student learning iridology or for an iridology instructor to use in the classroom.
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