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chart of vitamins and minerals

Cos'è l'esame Iridology?

Cos'è l'esame Iridology?

Sebbene lo studio dell'occhio possa essere ricondotto alle antiche civiltà, l'iridologia clinica fu introdotta alla fine del diciannovesimo secolo da Ignatz von Peczely, un medico ungherese. Von Peczely ha progettato il suo primo grafico Iris dopo aver notato una correlazione tra strisce o marcatori nell'iride di un paziente e corrispondenti disturbi fisici. Dalla creazione del suo grafico dell'iride, i moderni iridologi usano questo strumento per determinare i cambiamenti nell'iride che danno indizi ai cambiamenti fisici all'interno del corpo, tra cui infiammazione, tossicità, linfonodi congestionati e indurimento delle arterie. Sebbene l'iridologia non possa rivelare malattie o disturbi specifici, può avvisare il paziente di potenziali problemi di salute. Un esame di iridologia è una procedura indolore e non invasiva che include un questionario sulla salute sulla tua storia e stile di vita medica e un esame dell'iride che utilizza uno strumento chiamato Iridiscope (un vetro d'ingrandimento con una luce). Una fotocamera speciale chiamata Iridocamera può anche essere utilizzata per scattare una foto dell'iride, che viene quindi scaricata in un computer per l'analisi.

Le controversie sulla circondazione dell'iridologia sono aumentate a causa dell'idea sbagliata che la terapia alternativa può diagnosticare accuratamente le malattie croniche e potenzialmente fatali. Questo malinteso virale è stato propagato dagli iridologi che abusavano della loro pratica della tecnica alternativa.

“L'iridologia è lo studio dell'iride o la parte colorata dell'occhio. L'iridologia non è uno strumento diagnostico; Piuttosto è uno strumento di screening che ci dà uno sguardo alla road map genetica con cui è nato,” Spiega Trixie Clark, RN, ND, IIPA certificato IRIDOLOGGO SETTUITO (CCI) e vicepresidente della International Iridology Practitioners Association. “Ereditiamo le tendenze dei nostri genitori e nonni che possono influire sulla nostra salute. Con l'iridologia, possiamo informare qualcuno di queste tendenze in base al colore degli occhi e a vari segni che si vedono. Ancora una volta, non possiamo diagnosticare malattie, come il cancro o l'anemia, dall'iride.”

chart of vitamins and minerals

The Simplified Guide to IridologyEbook

The Simplified Guide to IridologyEBook

Discover What Your Eyes Are Telling You About Your Health!
Eyes Aren’t Just Good for Looking Out, They Can Also Be Used to See Inside & Get a Better Picture of Our Health!

It turns out your eyes aren’t just great for seeing the outside world, they also reveal what is happening inside you.

It’s true, everything from your eye color to your iris patterns to the shape of your pupil may actually be revealing your genetic inheritance.

With Iridology you can use iris charts to identify inherent strengths and deficiencies within the body.

While Iridology has been around for many, many years; finding good, quality information about it can be difficult.

To remedy this situation and to help keep those who could benefit from this science from missing out, we’ve created a new e-book entitled, The Simplified Guide to Iridology.

Written by Ellen Tart-Jensen, Ph.D., D.Sc. C.C.I.I., this book is an up-to-date introduction into this fascinating subject.
About the Author

Ellen studied the science of Iridology for several years with the legendary natural healer, Dr. Bernard Jensen, at the Hidden Valley Health Ranch in California. Dr. Bernard Jensen is known worldwide as theFather of American Iridology.

Ellen became Dr. Jensen’s protégé, learning all that he had to teach in the fields of Iridology and Nutrition and is the only person who has written permission from Dr. Bernard Jensen to place his seal on iridology certificates.

Ellen has studied and worked in the field of iridology and natural healing for nearly 30 years. She is now an internationally recognized authority on iridology and holistic health.

Discover What Your Eyes Are Telling You About Your Health!
Eyes Aren’t Just Good for Looking Out, They Can Also Be Used to See Inside & Get a Better Picture of Our Health!

It turns out your eyes aren’t just great for seeing the outside world, they also reveal what is happening inside you.

It’s true, everything from your eye color to your iris patterns to the shape of your pupil may actually be revealing your genetic inheritance.

With Iridology you can use iris charts to identify inherent strengths and deficiencies within the body.

While Iridology has been around for many, many years; finding good, quality information about it can be difficult.

To remedy this situation and to help keep those who could benefit from this science from missing out, we’ve created a new e-book entitled, The Simplified Guide to Iridology.

Written by Ellen Tart-Jensen, Ph.D., D.Sc. C.C.I.I., this book is an up-to-date introduction into this fascinating subject.
About the Author

Ellen studied the science of Iridology for several years with the legendary natural healer, Dr. Bernard Jensen, at the Hidden Valley Health Ranch in California. Dr. Bernard Jensen is known worldwide as theFather of American Iridology.

Ellen became Dr. Jensen’s protégé, learning all that he had to teach in the fields of Iridology and Nutrition and is the only person who has written permission from Dr. Bernard Jensen to place his seal on iridology certificates.

Ellen has studied and worked in the field of iridology and natural healing for nearly 30 years. She is now an internationally recognized authority on iridology and holistic health.

Discover What Your Eyes Are Telling You About Your Health!
Eyes Aren’t Just Good for Looking Out, They Can Also Be Used to See Inside & Get a Better Picture of Our Health!

It turns out your eyes aren’t just great for seeing the outside world, they also reveal what is happening inside you.

It’s true, everything from your eye color to your iris patterns to the shape of your pupil may actually be revealing your genetic inheritance.

With Iridology you can use iris charts to identify inherent strengths and deficiencies within the body.

While Iridology has been around for many, many years; finding good, quality information about it can be difficult.

To remedy this situation and to help keep those who could benefit from this science from missing out, we’ve created a new e-book entitled, The Simplified Guide to Iridology.

Written by Ellen Tart-Jensen, Ph.D., D.Sc. C.C.I.I., this book is an up-to-date introduction into this fascinating subject.
About the Author

Ellen studied the science of Iridology for several years with the legendary natural healer, Dr. Bernard Jensen, at the Hidden Valley Health Ranch in California. Dr. Bernard Jensen is known worldwide as theFather of American Iridology.

Ellen became Dr. Jensen’s protégé, learning all that he had to teach in the fields of Iridology and Nutrition and is the only person who has written permission from Dr. Bernard Jensen to place his seal on iridology certificates.

Ellen has studied and worked in the field of iridology and natural healing for nearly 30 years. She is now an internationally recognized authority on iridology and holistic health.

Discover What Your Eyes Are Telling You About Your Health!
Eyes Aren’t Just Good for Looking Out, They Can Also Be Used to See Inside & Get a Better Picture of Our Health!

It turns out your eyes aren’t just great for seeing the outside world, they also reveal what is happening inside you.

It’s true, everything from your eye color to your iris patterns to the shape of your pupil may actually be revealing your genetic inheritance.

With Iridology you can use iris charts to identify inherent strengths and deficiencies within the body.

While Iridology has been around for many, many years; finding good, quality information about it can be difficult.

To remedy this situation and to help keep those who could benefit from this science from missing out, we’ve created a new e-book entitled, The Simplified Guide to Iridology.

Written by Ellen Tart-Jensen, Ph.D., D.Sc. C.C.I.I., this book is an up-to-date introduction into this fascinating subject.
About the Author

Ellen studied the science of Iridology for several years with the legendary natural healer, Dr. Bernard Jensen, at the Hidden Valley Health Ranch in California. Dr. Bernard Jensen is known worldwide as theFather of American Iridology.

Ellen became Dr. Jensen’s protégé, learning all that he had to teach in the fields of Iridology and Nutrition and is the only person who has written permission from Dr. Bernard Jensen to place his seal on iridology certificates.

Ellen has studied and worked in the field of iridology and natural healing for nearly 30 years. She is now an internationally recognized authority on iridology and holistic health.

chart of vitamins and minerals

chart of vitamins and minerals of the Left Eye Iris

chart of vitamins and minerals of the Left Eye Iris
Il grafico iridologico per l'iride dell'occhio sinistro definisce i numerosi dettagli delle zone iridologiche tracciate per mostrare come l'iridologia si collega ai tessuti & organi del corpo umano

The chart of vitamins and minerals below documents the left eye Iris zones related to tissues and organs in the body from Dr. Bernard Jenson’s charting of Iridology zones. Our Iridologist who studied under Dr. Jensen utilizes the iridology chart to identify possible weaknesses in tissues and organs of the body.
Iride sinistra

chart of vitamins and minerals of the Left Eye Iris

chart of vitamins and minerals

Come funziona l'iridologia?

Come funziona l'iridologia?

IridologyThe rationale behind iridology is believed to be associated with the nerve connections between the eye and brain through the optic nerve. This connection makes a circuit possible to every part of the body and distinguishes between healthy and unhealthy nerve supply. Iris fibers that reflex to a specific organ that is in an acute or chronic state will be evident by color and texture.

chart of vitamins and minerals

Can Iridology Be Used to Diagnose Disease?

Can Iridology Be Used to Diagnose Disease?

In short, Iridology cannot diagnose disease, furthermore, iridology cannot give the name of any disease a person may have, or have had or identify pathology. Instead, Iridology is a tool to assess potential strengths and deficiencies within the body.
Many types of health practitioners practice iridology, including Medical doctors, chiropractors, nurses, and herbalist. Each use their own particular realm of expertise to determine the course of action they would use in response to what they observe in the eyes of their client. This usually includes suggestions for diet, supplementation and exercise.
For example, if a potential genetic tendency for a deficiency in the heart area is found, it may be suggested that the client avoid a diet high in fats and salt, along with proper exercise to keep his or her weight down. An herbalist might recommend herbs, such as, hawthorn that have been traditionally used to strengthen the heart. For a client with a potential tendency toward lymphatic congestion, a suggestion could be made that in cases like these avoiding foods high in gluten, sugar, and dairy products may help avoid allergic reactions

It is believed that iridology reveals the areas of genetic strengths and deficiencies within the body. Further, iridology may show the presence and location of tendencies for tissue irritation and inflammation. These features of the eye make it the perfect window for observing a person’s health potential.

Iris analysis is a non-invasive, painless, and economical means of assessing a person’s overall health and is to be utilized in conjunction with other systems of analysis.

Iridology complements all the health sciences as it provides information, not only about what may be ailing the client, but also about the root cause of the disorder.

chart of vitamins and minerals

Luogo d'origineGuangdong, Cina
Garanzia1 anno
Servizio post-venditaSupporto tecnico video
Tipotelecamera per iridologia, iriscopio
CaratteristicaAnalisi della pigmentazione, analisi delle rughe della pelle, rilevamento dell'umidità della pelle
ApplicazionePer uso domestico
Numero di modelloMK-9822U
Pixel12 MP
LinguaInglese / spagnolo
SistemaWindows XP, WIN2000, 2003, Vista, Win7, Win8, Win 10, Win 11, sistema operativo Apple MAC
Risoluzione del sensore CCD5,0MP
Dettagli dell'imballaggioCartone per esportazione
Tempi di consegna5-7 giorni (a seconda della quantità)
Capacità di fornitura10000 pezzo/pezzi al mese
Confezione singola33X28X12 cm
Peso Lordo Singolo2.500 chilogrammi

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