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Infinite Iris to Release New E-textbook on IRIS ANALYSIS

Infinite Iris to Release New E-textbook on IRIS ANALYSIS



Techniques in Iris Analysis, by author Ellen Tart-Jensen

World Renowned Iridologist and author of TECHNIQUES IN IRIS ANALYSIS , Ellen Tart-Jensen PH. D., D.Sc. CCII is currently being published by INIFINITE IRIS and hardcopies are available at INFINITE IRIS, is her new Iridology education company that will create a new platform from which Ellen will launch several new products that pertain to the subject of Iridology.

Iridology is an alternative technique which utilizes the patterns, colors, and other characteristics of the iris to determine information about an individual’s systemic health. Essentially, Iridologists believe that they can match their observations of the eye to an eye chart, which divides the iris into zones. Ellen Tart-Jensen has been an Iridologist for nearly 30 years. She was trained by Dr. Bernard Jensen who has serviced more than 350,000 patients and has obtained his research and medical methodology by observing behavior, health, nutrition and cultural difference within 65 different countries.

Ellen Tart-Jensen has worked with famous musicians such as singer song writer “Jewel” and has a busy practice where she utilizes Iridology to help her many clients. Her new book, which will be available in January 2013 in E-TEXTBOOK format at, provides a comprehensive look at Iridology and how a non-invasive technique can potentially help give clarity and insight to health issues of the human body. It also provides information on how certain nutritional changes may alter overall health. This book is excellent for anyone who would like a serious and up to date study on the science of Iridology, taught by a distinguished Iridologist.
A Complete Textbook On Iridology

One of the most up to date Iridology textbooks available in the world today. Clearly written with hundreds of color photographs and illus­trations. This book is positioned to become the new standard in the Science of Iridology.

Beautifully Illustrated with Educational Color Graphs and Charts
Reviews the Remarkable History and Roots of Iridology with Historical Iridology Charts from Around the World
Teaches in Depth Comprehensive Iridologyas is approved by the International Iridology Practitioners Association (IIPA)
Definition of Iridology and What It Can and Cannot Do
Iris Zones
The Anatomy and Physiology of the Human Eye
Iris Fiber Structure, Density, and Resilience
Iris Color and Pigmentation
The Latest Research on Ways the Eyes Change
The Many and Varied Iris Constitutions Based on Color & Struc­ture with Informative Nutritional Recommendations for Each
A Complete Review of the Collarette and What It Indicates About Vitality Levels and Digestive Ability
The Various Pupil Shapes and What They Indicate About the Health of the Spine and Bodily Organs
Iris Signs, Lacuna Types, Transversal Signs, and Iris Syndromes With Specific Arrows to Signs Within Iris Photographs
Sclera Signs with Arrows and Explanations
Diseases, Injuries, and Deformities of the Eye
Detailed Iris Analysis and Instructions On How to Perform an Iris Analysis

chart of vitamins and minerals

How to Steer clear of Diagnostic claims?

How to Steer clear of Diagnostic claims?

Clark cautions that there is no scientific proof that any medical conditions can be diagnosed through iridology.If someone says they can diagnosis anything, they are not someone you need to be working with in dealing with your health,she warns.Unfortunately, there are iridologists out there that will tell you they see cancer, parasites, etc. in your iris, but scientific research has proven that you cannot see these things.

Iridology is certainly a form of complementary medicine that you can incorporate into your comprehensive health care. Utilize it as a screening technique and consult with your regular medical provider on any health issues that an iridologist reveals during an iridology exam.

chart of vitamins and minerals

What can you tell from Iridology

What can you tell from Iridology

A qualified iridologist, by assessing the iris of both eyes, can obtain information about all parts of the body simultaneously. The iris reveals our inherited health disposition, our tendency towards, health concerns or problems. It helps us understand our potential risk factors if we don’t take care of ourselves. This is powerful knowledge and can help us care for our bodies so these tendencies do not become reality. Early detection of health imbalances and prompt correction is vitally important. Iridology is an excellent tool of assessment for current conditions and for preventive healthcare.

Client symptoms may indicate that something is not right in the body, but not necessarily reveal why. When one understands that symptoms are an end result of many influences and processes taking place in the body, it becomes clear how important it is to identify these contributing factors. Iridology can often help in this regard by identifying the underlying process or foundation of these symptoms. In this way, Iridology is great for preventive healthcare.

There are three basic constitutional types of irises by color: Lymphatic (or blue); Biliary (or mixed); and Hematogenic (or brown). Each of these types by color tell us a number of things about the person’s health and potential issues. The structure, and the markings seen in the iris, tell us further information based on their location, shape and a variety of other factors. An Iridologist looks at these and several other factors in the iris in order to provide an assessment (iris analysis).

chart of vitamins and minerals

Lugar de origemGuangdong, China
Garantia1 ano
Serviço pós-vendaSuporte técnico em vídeo
TipoCâmera de iridologia, iriscope
RecursoAnálise de pigmentação, análise de rugas de pele, detectar umidade da pele
AplicativoPara uso doméstico
Número do modeloMK-9822U
Pixels12 MP
LinguagemInglês / Espanhol
SistemaWindows XP, WIN2000, 2003, Vista, Win7, Win8, Win 10, Win 11, Apple MAC OS
Resolução do sensor CCD5,0 MP
Detalhes da embalagemCaixa de exportação
Tempo de espera5-7 dias (dependendo da quantidade)
Capacidade de fornecimento10.000 peças/peças por mês
Tamanho de pacote único33X28X12cm
Peso Bruto Único2.500kg

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