Maikong Profissional Iridology Camera Iriscope Fabricante e fornecedor

câmera de iridologia

» câmera de iridologia

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iridology camera and software

Essential elements to look for in iridology camera and software

Essential elements to look for in iridology camera and software

Our cold lighting fibre optic system minimizes client irritation and gives precise daylight illumination for optimum exposure and true colour every time. It includes variable intensity adjustment to enable even the darkest eyes to display every detail with no loss of contrast! In addition, our lights avoid the pupils to avoid putting artifacts in this vital assessment area.

Easy operatation. Get perfect focus with ease.

One of the most important features to consider is the lighting. Our fixed lighting system ensures easy comparative analysis. Side lighting option included.

Our designer has had more than 30 years clinical experience as an ND and Iridologist bringing with him a keen understanding of what professional Iridologists need.

We only use high quality current model cameras and professional grade materials. Most of our camera systems include state of the art analysis software in the price.

All of our cameras meet iridology photographic criteria. In fact, we lead the way in iris photography!

iridology camera and software



When people are asked what they look at first when they notice an attractive person, several answers come to mind; some say they notice how a person walks or what a person is wearing. Some notice the perfume or cologne they wear, some take notice of the type of body, or the color and style of hair. However a great proportion of people notice the eyes of a person, for the eyes are often described as the windows to our soul. When we look at people’s eyes, we can often determine whether people are lying, whether they are angry or whether they are in love. We often can tell whether people are tired or not feeling well because the eyes will appear dull or lack the usual sparkle when people are not in the best of health. The eye is not only the window to our soul; the eye is a map to our body.

Iridology or iris diagnosis as it is often called is a method used in alternative medicine to analyze the health status by studying colors, marks and signs in the iris, pupil, and sclera of the eye.

Have you ever noticed that there often appear clouds or marks in the iris of your eyes and these often change depending on your state of health or age? Have you noticed that your left eye is different than your right eye? If you have, congratulations, as many people believe that their eye color remains the same all of their lives.

After studying thousands and thousands of irises in great detail over many years, I have had the opportunity to notice these changes in the irises, pupils, and sclera of eyes and have come to the conclusion that what is revealed in the eyes, mirrors the state of health of our entire body. That is right, the iris of the eye is actually a map where each place represents a different body organ or system.
How did iridology start?

Iridology dates back hundreds of years, but the first iris map developed was in the early 1800’s by a doctor named Ignatz von Pezcely in Hungary. He is known as the father of iridology. In his childhood it is written that he captured an injured owl in his backyard that had a broken leg. He noticed in one of its eyes that there was a black line but when the leg healed, a white mark appeared where the dark mark was. This incident started a life-long interest and study of iridology. Since then, many scientists, doctors, and health professionals around the world have studied iridology. Iridology is taught in countries like America, Australia, Germany, and Russia, where even modern medicine has begun to take notice.
A career in Iridology

Many medical doctors, healers, natural therapists and laypeople have decided for a career in Iridology. Iridologists are in great demand all over the world as patients are increasingly searching for alternative ways to find the causes of their health problems. Modern medicine unfortunately has its limitations and many diagnostic techniques such as blood tests and x-rays are often painful, invasive and carry with them a certain degree of risk. An Iridology examination is an absolutely safe, non-invasive, painless and reliable method of obtaining information about the health status of an individual and one of the few real methods to view all the body organs and systems as a whole and how they interact with each other. In recent years Iridology and natural medicine have shown unbelievable growth as a career option the world over. The potential is fantastic and Iridology in combination with other natural healing methods such as Nutrition, Homeopathy, Herbal Medicine or vitamin and mineral therapy is providing an effective solution to the growing rate of chronic health problems.

iridology camera and software

O que é iridologia?

Iridology Definition

Iridology, also called iris analysis or iris diagnosis, is the study of the iris (the colored part of the eye). Irisreadingsare made by iridologists to assess a person’s health picture (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual) and guide them to take measures to improve their health.Iridology: Iridology is the analysis of the iris, which is the colorful area of the eye that surrounds the pupil. By analyzing the iris, a person’s level of health and specific areas of nutritional deficiency can be identified. This allows appropriate remedies to be recommended.The International Iridology Practitioners Association (IIPA) states that iridology isthe study of the iris, or colored part, of the eye. This structure has detailed fibers and pigmentation that reflects information about our physical and psychological makeup.

It identifies inherited dispositions (how our body reacts to our environment and what symptoms are most likely to occur), risks (what areas or organ systems are more likely to have symptoms) and future challenges (where we are likely to have more problems as we age). Iridology helps identify inherited emotional patterns which can create or maintain physical symptoms, as well as identify lessons or challenges and gifts or talents available to us.

iridology camera and software

Will this harm my eyes?It safe for my eye?

Will this harm my eyes?It safe for my eye?

Absolutely not. You should have no adverse effects from the iris photography. This is not an invasive process.

iridology camera and software

Lugar de origemGuangdong, China
Garantia1 ano
Serviço pós-vendaSuporte técnico em vídeo
TipoCâmera de iridologia, iriscope
RecursoAnálise de pigmentação, análise de rugas de pele, detectar umidade da pele
AplicativoPara uso doméstico
Número do modeloMK-9822U
Pixels12 MP
LinguagemInglês / Espanhol
SistemaWindows XP, WIN2000, 2003, Vista, Win7, Win8, Win 10, Win 11, Apple MAC OS
Resolução do sensor CCD5,0 MP
Detalhes da embalagemCaixa de exportação
Tempo de espera5-7 dias (dependendo da quantidade)
Capacidade de fornecimento10.000 peças/peças por mês
Tamanho de pacote único33X28X12cm
Peso Bruto Único2.500kg

gráfico de iridologia de canto gráfico de iridologia de canto baixar gráficos de iridologia gratuitamente Gráfico de Iridologia de Canto




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