Maikong Profissional Iridology Camera Iriscope Fabricante e fornecedor

câmera de iridologia

» câmera de iridologia

  • Especificações
  • Installation & Operation
  • MAIKONG Iridology Chart
  • Configuration Parameter List

What is 12MP best iridology camera?

best iridology camera

Melhor câmera de iridologia

best iridology camera

Melhor câmera de iridologia

best iridology camera

Melhor câmera de iridologia

best iridology camera

Melhor câmera de iridologia

best iridology camera

Melhor câmera de iridologia

best iridology camera Specification:

Melhor câmera de iridologia

* Nice appearance and innovative design
* LED illuminator around lens
* Imported lens with plated layer
* 12.00 Mega pixels high resolution CCD sensor
* Special DSP image processor, Optical Image Stabilizer
* Single capture button and digital pause capture.
* Adjustable focus to give clear image.
* Auto white balance and contrast adjustment, Color Temperature Filter
* Compatible with iris lens, hair lens.
* Deliver clear and accurate images.
* Easy to operate.
* OS: Windows XP, WIN2000, 2003, Vista, Win7. Win8,win 10

best iridology camera Introduction:
The Iriscope is easy to operate. It is plugged directly into the computer and doesn’t require an electrical power supply. Light brightness and focus can be adjusted by using the switch on the handle.
The iris scope uses its own software which can save client information and photos as well as product recommendations. Analysis reports can be printed and photos are saved according to the date and time taken.
This machine will help the client know his health condition frankly ,including the problem which you have get in the former ,now and future .and the Iridology will be your health counselor, tell you how to keep away from the illness and sub-health.

best iridology camera

Melhor câmera de iridologia

best iridology camera

Melhor câmera de iridologia

best iridology camera

Melhor câmera de iridologia


Why you choose our best iridology camera?

1. Software easy to use, help you to command. Advanced auto iris analysis technology to provide the best help for beginners to learn.
2. Iris analysis system: international technology, unique functions.

3. Iris analysis system is a medicinal tool that checks the body conditions and prevents diseases from occurring.

4. We brought in the advanced iris analysis technology from Germany to lead people to discover sources of illness, and care the body health and spirit in anyways.

5. The instrument can show the body conditions of customers and suggest customers the suitable health food, and the plans to care their bodies.
6. iriscope machine can edit your product in the software and show on the you promotion healthy product.

best iridology camera Product Details:

Lugar de origemChina
Número do modeloGY-9822U
Maximum resolution3840*2880
feature4 LED/2 LED lamps control
Pixels12 MP
linguagemInglês / Espanhol
softwarewith pro Analysis software



best iridology camera Accessories:

Mão 1pc
30X Iris Lens 1pc
Aluminum Box 1pc
Lens protective cover 1pc
User Manual 1pc
CD (Driver and Pro Analysis Software) 1pc
Software USB KEY 1pc
best iridology camera

Melhor câmera de iridologia

best iridology camera

Melhor câmera de iridologia

iridology software

software de iridologia

iridology software

software de iridologia

iridology software

software de iridologia

How to use he Cadi CV Advance Analysis System English Version auto iridology software?

1) Open desktop the “Versão em inglês do sistema de análise avançada CadiCV”
2) use select “usuário”, senha: 111111 e clique em: “Conecte-se”
3) click “ferramenta de cliente”, insira as informações do seu cliente. Se ok, clique “adicionar”,and
4) click “Capture o olho direito”.–clique “capturar”,left eye repetition Last Step.
5) select the eye pic (right eye pic / left eye pic)
6) click “análise”
7) click “Defina o parâmetro” botão.
1st. put the mouse arrows in center of pupil, click left key of mouse,
2nd . remove arrows of mouse edge of pupil, click left key of mouse,
3rd.remove the arrows of mouse between iris and sclera, then click left key of mouse.
And click the “set parameter” button.
8) click “Análise da íris” button,and click “show organ” button.
then choose what part of eye do you want to analysis, view its color and
shape, at last click its color and shape, as following“Brown, lump”,

remove the arrows of mouse to your choose correct part, at last, you can see the following
analysis result picture, if you choose “color, or shape” is wrong, no any result of the part

Note: when you can read analysis result each time, please click “add to report” of right eye, store
the analysis result. Of course, you can continue to any part of right eye, repeat to choose color and

When you finish the right eye analysis, please click “analysis” again, then choose “left” of eye, to
repeat above operation ways.

9). When you finish all parts analysis , please click “analysis” again, then click “save”, to store a
complete of customer iris analysis result.

10) click button “customer report” button and click your replort name,


gráfico de iridologia de canto gráfico de iridologia de canto baixar gráficos de iridologia gratuitamente Gráfico de Iridologia de Canto

Lugar de origemGuangdong, China
Garantia1 ano
Serviço pós-vendaSuporte técnico em vídeo
TipoCâmera de iridologia, iriscope
RecursoAnálise de pigmentação, análise de rugas de pele, detectar umidade da pele
AplicativoPara uso doméstico
Número do modeloMK-9822U
Pixels12 MP
LinguagemInglês / Espanhol
SistemaWindows XP, WIN2000, 2003, Vista, Win7, Win8, Win 10, Win 11, Apple MAC OS
Resolução do sensor CCD5,0 MP
Detalhes da embalagemCaixa de exportação
Tempo de espera5-7 dias (dependendo da quantidade)
Capacidade de fornecimento10.000 peças/peças por mês
Tamanho de pacote único33X28X12cm
Peso Bruto Único2.500kg




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