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  • sclerology chart free 2

    What is Iridology? What is Iridology? Iridology is the study of the color, pigmentations, and structure of the iris or colored portion of the eye as they relate genetically through reflex response to the strengths and deficiencies of the body systems. Iridology complements all the health sciences as it furnishes information, not only about what may be ailing the client,

  • bernard jensen iridology chart 4

    Who is the founder of Iridology and how was it developed? Who is the founder of Iridology and how was it developed? Assessing health through studying the eyes is thought to date back at least as far as ancient Greece, Egypt and China. In modern times, Iridology came into practice in the mid 1800’s out of Budapest, Hungary from a

  • sclerology chart free 2

    O olho: o plano para um corpo saudável o olho: o plano de um corpo saudável o olho de acordo com a iridologia A íris do olho é como uma planta para todo o corpo. Os iridologistas acreditam que o olho é um projeto intrincado para os pontos fortes e fracos de uma pessoa. Para os leitores que não estão cientes …

  • bernard jensen iridology chart 1

    Iridology, Nutrition & Cleansing NEW! iridology CD Iridology, Nutrition & Cleansing NEW! iridology CD ridology, Nutrition and Cleansing Power Point CD, 254 Frames By Ellen Tart-Jensen, Ph.D., D.Sc., CCII How do we help people become healthy with clear smooth skin and bright smiles? What should we do to help people feel vibrant and have lots of strength and energy? How

  • iridologia charts

    Is Iridology Support For Color Changes? Is Iridology Support For Color Changes? Looking back it is amazing to me that I thought iridology had any chance scientifically. Once I took a look at the basic anatomy of the eye and nervous system I knew it was impossible to make a change structurally, but what about color? Perhaps the iris did

  • bernard jensen iridology chart 1

    Iridologist Job Duties Iridologist Job Duties Those considering careers in iridology should note that iridology is not recognized by the mainstream medical community in the U.S. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed evidence that iridology has no therapeutic value, and most U.S. insurance companies do not cover iridology.According to the International Iridology Practitioners Association