Maikong Profissional Iridology Camera Iriscope Fabricante e fornecedor

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câmera iridologia para PC, Câmera Íris, iriscópio, Iriscópio
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iriscope equipment

equipamento de iriscópio

iriscope equipment

equipamento de iriscópio

What is iriscope equipment?

The Dino-Lite iriscope equipment allows you to easily create sharp images of eyes and irises. Because of the strong magnification you can see barely visible details. In Naturopathy, the iriscope equipment is often used for iris diagnosis. Iridologists assess the health status of patients on the basis of colors characteristics in the iris of the eye. According to iridologists they can diagnose conditions such as diabetes, rheumatism or gout by using iris diagnosis and treat the patient accordingly.

Camera made especially for Iris Photography

The contoured hood on the microscope camera ensures that the camera can be close to the eye. Because of the built-in LED lightingtwo white and two yellow LEDs you can easily create good images without the need of an external light source. The yellow LEDs are used to provide better images of dark irises. The practitioner can watch the iris image directly on at the screen of a computer or laptop with Windows or MacOS or with a Windows tablet, which proves the versatility and easy mobility of the iriscope equipment.

Patients direct involvement in the diagnosis

Naturopathic practitioner Frederike Otger from The Hague, The Netherlands, has been using the iriscope equipment for some time:It is a handy and simple microscope camera to make sharp images of eyes and irises. With the adjustable magnification I can focus properly on the eye and discover the smallest irregularities. Both my patients and myself find it very pleasant that the images can be viewed directly on the screen. In this way, the patient is more involved in the diagnosis and can also give better feedback.
For naturopathic practitioners the iriscope equipment is affordable, compact and very easy to use. Images can be digitally stored in the patient file. Frederike Otger:The combination with a tablet makes the iriscope equipment a wonderful tool to emphasize the modern character of my naturopathic practice.

12mp Usb Digitai Eye iriscope equipment Iridology Camera Iris Analyzer Pro iridology software
Skin Analyzer, Multi-Function Beauty Equipment,Skin Analyzer
Place of Origin:
Guangdong, China (Mainland)
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English, Spanish, Malaysia
12M Pixel
Iris, Skin, Eye
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iriscope equipment

equipamento de iriscópio

iriscope equipment

equipamento de iriscópio

iriscope equipment software what can do?

1)add comstomer info to software.

2)Edit or Delete comstomer info.

3)Take the iridology eye images to software.

4)Analysis the eye iridology images.

5)Pint the iridology analysis reports.

6)Comparing Before and after iridology eye images.

7)Comparing iridology analysis reports.

How to take your iridology images

Use your thumb to pull down your bottom eyelid, while at the same time use your index finger to lift-up your top eyelid until the entire eye is visible (the top and bottom part of your eye must be visible); if that doesn’t work, then open your eye wide enough to where the photographer can see the top and bottom part of your eye. Then Look Straight into the camera’s eye, and shine a flashlight, or pin light directly at each corner of your eye (one eye at a time). This will illuminate your iris fibers so that the camera can pick-up the iris fibers. All is needed is a photo of your iris (eye) and not your entire face .

iriscope software

software de iriscópio

iriscope software

software de iriscópio

iriscope software

software de iriscópio

How to Choosing an iridologist?

Como faria com qualquer profissional de saúde, faça sua pesquisa para garantir que você escolha um iridologista qualificado. Clark enfatiza, “Os iridologistas credíveis devem ter um nível de educação que indique que estudou e ganhou uma credencial no campo ... qualquer pessoa que ajudará alguém com problemas de saúde precisa ser educada, ética e profissional.” Procure iridologistas que receberam certificação através da International Iridology Pactitioner Association, uma organização que define o padrão para a prática de iridologia.

How to use the iridology software?




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