Is There Science in Iridology?
Is There Science in Iridology?
As my inquiry of iridology proceeded, the issue of science did come up. How could I prove to someone else that the iris was anatomically and physiologically equipped to indicate what I was taught to believe it could? Early in my iridology training I was taught that nerve impulses reach the brain from the tissues in the body and are routed to the iris through the optic nerve. When the nerve information reached the iris fibers it caused a restructuring in the iris to reflect the condition of the tissues of the body. As my training went on, my teachers came across the sad fact that the iris and optic nerve have little influence on each other. The theory then changed to state that the information reached the iris via the oculomotor nerve.What evidence indicates that the iris can change fiber structure based on the information it receives via the oculomotor nerve? One iridologist has claimed, “We know from research using electron microscopes, that each fiber in the iris is actually a nerve sheath containing over 20,000 nerve fibers. Each of the nerve fibers travels through the central nervous system to every organ, system and area of the human body. As such, each region of the iris represents an area of the body.”
(eGuide on iridology) Is there correlation for this evidence?A histology text states, “The anterior (front) surface of the iris is irregular and rough, with grooves and ridges. It is formed by a discontinuous layer of pigment cells and fibroblasts. Beneath this layer is a poorly vascularized (blood fed) connective tissue with few fibers and many fibroblasts and melanocytes (color cells). The next area is rich in blood vessels embedded in loose connective tissue.” [Taken from page 456 of Basic Histology 8th edition by L. Carlos Junquerira, Jose Carneiro, Robert O. Kelley ISBN: 0-8385-0567-8] In other words, the iris fibers are not bundles of nerve fibers, but strands of cells that are similar to the ones in cartilage. With this “microanatomy” in mind, where is the scientific support for the idea of a structural change to the iris via the nervous system? Unless other evidence is presented, there is no support for this idea.The whole issue of presenting an anatomic, histologic, and physiologic basis for iridology is crucially important. Up to the point that I was finally willing to question the basic ideas of iridology, my previous studies presented only a shadow of doubt. Up to this point, I was able to question the validity and value of my conclusions against iridology because other iridologists had opposite conclusions or found nothing wrong with conclusions similar to mine. It was hard to believe that something I trusted most of my life was wrong.

O estudo dos olhos: o que é iridologia?
O estudo dos olhos: o que é iridologia?
A iridologia também comumente chamada de análise de iridologia, também denominada diagnóstico de íris, ou diagnóstico de iridologia, é o estudo da íris do olho humano.
Uma descrição mais formal, conforme declarado pelo iridologista americano de renome mundial, Ellen Tart-Jensen é: “Iridologia é o estudo da cor, pigmentação e estrutura da íris ou porção colorida do olho, relacionando-se geneticamente através da resposta reflexa às forças e deficiências do corpo.
Além disso, muitos iridologistas observam a fronteira do aluno, bem como as marcações vasculares na esclera para ajudá -los a entender melhor a saúde geral da pessoa.
Cada íris é completamente única. Ele fornece o plano genético para o corpo de uma pessoa. As pessoas geralmente podem adquirir fraquezas físicas herdadas que podem ter afetado os membros anteriores da família. Estes podem ser detectados através da iridologia. Através da análise da íris, o iridologista pode determinar o estado geral de saúde de uma pessoa. A iridologia pode revelar muitas coisas, talvez o mais importante, a possibilidade de inflamação e irritação nas várias partes corporais. Nesse sentido, a iridologia é uma ferramenta analítica útil.
O iridologista mais moderno usa uma câmera de iridologia para tirar fotografias de seus clientes, íris esquerda e direita. Uma vez que eles obtiveram imagens de qualidade de alta resolução da íris, eles usam um mapa de iridologia ou gráfico de iridologia para iniciar sua análise de iridologia. O iridologista também pode usar o software de iridologia para ajudar na análise de iridologia.
A iridologia complementa todas as ciências da saúde, pois fornece informações, não apenas sobre o que pode estar doente, mas também sobre a causa raiz do distúrbio.
A iridologia é uma ferramenta analítica segura e não invasiva, que pode ser integrada à medicina ortodoxa e complementar.
A iridologia ajuda as pessoas a aprender sobre seus pontos fortes e fracos genéticos e a se tornarem mais conscientes do que podem fazer para se ajudar.
Iridologista, acredite que a iridologia é uma das melhores ferramentas de avaliação disponíveis para descobrir quais áreas do corpo são geneticamente fortes e quais são deficientes. A iridologia pode analisar a saúde geral de acordo com cores e marcações específicas da íris.

How Choosing an iridology camera suppliers
How Choosing an iridology camera suppliers
Essential elements to look for in iridology camera supplierss
Our cold lighting fibre optic system minimizes client irritation and gives precise daylight illumination for optimum exposure and true colour every time. It includes variable intensity adjustment to enable even the darkest eyes to display every detail with no loss of contrast! In addition, our lights avoid the pupils to avoid putting artifacts in this vital assessment area.
Easy operatation. Get perfect focus with ease.
One of the most important features to consider is the lighting. Our fixed lighting system ensures easy comparative analysis. Side lighting option included.
Our designer has had more than 30 years clinical experience as an ND and Iridologist bringing with him a keen understanding of what professional Iridologists need.
We only use high quality current model cameras and professional grade materials. Most of our camera systems include state of the art analysis software in the price.
All of our cameras meet iridology photographic criteria. In fact, we lead the way in iris photography!