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caso de iridologia
Discover The Causes of Disease Processes Through Computerised Iridology. Computerised Iridology is the Science and practice of Constitutional Iris Diagnosis. The constitution represents the whole of an individuals inherited and acquired characteristics. It also portrays the reactive potential of an individual in establishing the capability for adaptation.The strength of an individual’s constitution is proportional to the integrity of the iris …
Iridology Iridology is a quick, accurate, non-invasive system of health analysis through the examination of the coloured part of the eye known as the iris. Iridology is also the art and science of analyzing the colour and structure of the iris to gain valuable health information. The eyes, long considered to be the “mirrors of the souls”, are now acknowledged …
by Karen Siegel-Maier Beth was losing her balance and falling. But the problem wasn’t with her legs, it was with her ears. She had Meniere’s disease, an aural disorder that causes tinnitus, a chronic ringing in the ears, and vertigo. Concerned, she went to her M.D. who prescribed Meclizine. Only the drug “made the problem worse, and me a space …
Iridology is a science that reveals the health of the body through the iris of the eye. The iris is connected to every organ and tissue of the body by way of the brain and nervous system. The patterns, structures, colors and degrees of lightness and darkness in the iris tell if an area of the body is inherently strong …
— The primary nutritional needs of The body — Inherent weak/strong organs, glands & tissue — Constitutional weakness/strength — What organ in in greatest need of repair & rebuilding — Relative amounts of toxic settlements — Poor assimilation of nutrients — Depletion of minerals — Buildup of toxic material before the manifestation of disease — Healing signs indicating an increase …