Maikong Profissional Iridology Camera Iriscope Fabricante e fornecedor

iridologia Educação

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iridologia Educação

iridologia Educação

  • Pigments on iris reveal important hints regarding the imbalances in our nutrition

    You should change your diet, replace elements like eggs, milk, and all those sources of tryptophan with elements which can provide you similar nutritional content, remember the eyes provide you the first warning of an imbalance before the actual disease takes place. When an urosein pigment appears reveals an excessive accumulation of elements like tryptophan in the body. So too

  • Attached are images of a client that I have

    Attached are images of a client that I have,In the left iris there are significant red fibers at the 3:30 and 5 o’clock area. The client has had 3 C-sections and feels tired but no other significant symptoms right now. Principle family history of blood pressure and stroke. the left iris is on the left. Well thank you all

  • What do y’all think of my eye!?

    What do y’all think of my eye No Micheal! I study health and well-being! Pretty eyes. Over acid, lymph congestion, support kidney. Massage would be good to get lymph nodes moving. Apple cider vinegar with the mother would be good for kidneys. Personality, you stand up for what you believe in. High energy, almost appears in top photo glandular support.

  • Would you mind taking a look at my eyes and comment what you see

    Hello everybody! ? Thanks in advance. Adopt an alkaline diet

  • Happy to find this group! Interested in learning iridology

    Happy to find this group! Interested in learning iridology. Here are our eyes Here is a holistic healer that has over 300 videos and he has a handful of iridolgy teaching ones. Dr Bernard Jensen is the top book writer on the subject. Watch this and many more videos from Dr Robert Morse. Good Luck and Be Well. Thank you

  • There is no iridologyst on my country so it’s hard to know about this cience but some body told me that I must visit one… Thanks and greetings from México

    Good afternoon thank you all for joining me to this group me I know your feelings about this eye? There is no iridologyst on my country so it’s hard to know about this cience but some body told me that I must visit oneThanks and greetings from México Brown pigment in sclera, digestive issues, support liver in particular. Lymphatic,