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Bismillahirrahmanirrahiim,, Assalammualaikum Wr Wb.. Apa itu IRIDOLOGI..??? IRIDOLOGI adalah Ilmu pengetahuan dan Praktik yg dapat mengungkapkan adanya peradangan (inflamasi), penimbunan toksin dalm jaringan organ tubuh, bendungan kelenjar (congestion), di mana lokasinya (Pada organ mana yg terdapat peradangan), dan seberapa tingkat keparahan kondisinya (akut, subakut, kronis dan generatif) dengan cara mengamati dan menganalisis susunan Iris mata (sering di sebut selaput pelangi …
IRRIDOLOGY can tell you loads of information about a persons health. Whaaa jimmy brilliant comment. Could every eye be a universe ? Very thought provoking eyes are doors to the universe of one’s soul.(?) Patterns keep repeating in nature and not just in eyes . This is a very thought provoking discussion actually . Beautiful, I hate to be pedantic …
Dear all. I have my first iridologist appointment next week with Dr. Serge jurasunas, in Portugal. I’m apprehensive and excited at the same time. I want to feel better and I have hope. The only worry is the cost of the medications. I don’t know whether I’ll be able to afford them for too long. I’d love to hear opinions …