Maikong Profissional Iridology Camera Iriscope Fabricante e fornecedor


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  • The application and development of iridology observation (1)

    The application and development of iridology observation (1) According to the history, 3000 thousand years ago China and India researched and investigated on the reaction of sense organs. Eyes and changes of iris were the researched target. In the grave of Pharaoh Tutankhamen (King of Old Egypt, BC 1392-1400), a silver plate with imagine of iris was discovered by G.

  • The toxic in body and the changes of iris iridology  performance

    The toxic in body and the changes of iris�� performance The toxic in body could be defined as internal toxic and external toxic. Internal toxic means the harmful matters in body. In the process of metabolize for sugar, protein, fat, the wastes are being produced constantly, like Lactic Acid, ketonic acid, uric acid, free radical and so on. In addition,

  • Irilology iris and Acid Physique

    Irilology iris and Acid Physique Iris and Acid Physique: Human body is made up of all kind of chemicals, every chemical has its features, and the rate of pH is one of the chemical features. The change of pH is related with human��s health closely, especially human��s blood, which is the label of human��s health. Human��s blood is low acid; the rate of pH

  • The Colors of Iris iridology

    The color of iris is decided by the pigmentation and distributing of iris tissue. At first, there are only 2 kinds of colors, blue and brown. Between blue and brown there are many color changes, someone has the color of mixture of 2 colors for his or her parents have different iris colors. According to the iridology analysis, the iris

  • 7 iridology iris Skin Metabolize Ring

    Skin Metabolize ring is located at the most outside of iris, it is the 7th ring.Skin Metabolize ring is the most outside ring of iris, the color varies from dark to light, and it is a circle pointed to the center. When the skin metabolize ring comes out, it means the decline of skin, there are always acne, pox spots,

  • 6 iridology iris Lymph System Ring

    Lymph System Ring is located in the 6th ring in the iris. Lymph System Ring is golden with shining point, and for blue iris it is white. Lymph System Ring is a part of circulatory system, it is made up of lymphatic which transport the lymph fluid and lymphoid organs which produce lymph cells ( include Lymph nodes, tonsils, spleen,