Maikong Profissional Iridology Camera Iriscope Fabricante e fornecedor


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  • What studies are needed (highest priority to lowest) to confirm or disprove elements relating to Iridology?

    Studies are needed in natural history of iris color change throughout life, population studies in all areas of the world to develop demographic and epidemiologic profiles of color and texture distribution, examining clinical correlates from empirical data, establishment of protocols and standards in both methodology and technology, and recruitment of biomedical experts to participate in research by providing necessary technical

  • What is the clinical usefulness of Iridology?

    The use of iris interpretation has great clinical benefit. A close look at the iris reveals a detailed illustration of ones intrinsic qualities as well as records of specific responses in the past. More advanced methods enable the interpretation of ancestral genetic factors leading to the current individual status.

  • Why might a medical practitioner want to refer a patient to an iridologist?

    If the client has general systemic problems of an unresolved nature including symptoms ranging from simple diffuse feelings of malaise to systemic chronic disturbances, referral for evaluation by an iridologist is an efficient means of acquiring an objective genetic profile of the client’s constitutional characteristics, both physiological and behavioral. The iridologist combines this information with other clinical data such as

  • What qualities and qualifications should one look for in a practitioner of Iridology?

    The same type of qualities that you would seek in any health-care professional. Professionalism includes prompt and courteous attention to the client, respectful and efficient conduct of examination, adequate instrumentation, data collection and record keeping, efficient and hygienic operation of the office and lab areas, purposive interview dialog, clear and detailed explanation of the Iridology findings and a suitably customized

  • How is Iridology applied in a health consultation?

    The practitioner who uses Iris Analysis will normally examine the iris by direct view with an illuminated magnifier, or acquire a photographic image of the iris on the client’s initial visit. The iris is inspected for textural and chromatic features, which are noted along with global properties. From both specific features and combinations of features, an interpretive model is applied

  • What clinical and research systems are available?

    The iris imaging systems developed and made available by Miles Research are specifically designed with modularity and standardization for unified practice management and integration with other office functions. Adequate data collection is essential for a more accurate and scientific view of your client base and work progress. Efficient management of information improves quality of service.