digital iriscope what it? digital iriscope Cadi CV advance 2.19 -Iriscope-Name:digital iriscope surgical instruments for maxillofacial surgery Main Functions and Features: a. Nice appearance and good-looking design b. Cold light illuminator around camera c. Imported lens with plating layer d. Imported CMOS sensor with 5 Mega pixels e. Special DSP image manipulation lens f. Control light of 8 mm camera …
iriscope software The main function characteristics: appearance novel design Products around lens coaxial cold light source dynasty, imported component coated lenses 130 million pixels COMS sensor Dedicated image processing chip DSP Sharpness can be adjusted quickly and accurately clearly reflect the image change 8mm lens can be controlled inside the left and right to open and close the …
Equipamento de iriscopeio As principais características da função: aparência de novos produtos de design em torno da lente Dinastia Coaxial Cold Light Source, lentes revestidas de componentes importados 130 milhões dentro da esquerda e direita para abrir e fechar o frio …
iriscope iris analyzer The main function characteristics: appearance novel design Products around lens coaxial cold light source dynasty, imported component coated lenses 130 million pixels COMS sensor Dedicated image processing chip DSP Sharpness can be adjusted quickly and accurately clearly reflect the image change 8mm lens can be controlled inside the left and right to open and close the cold …
Iriscope para venda As principais características da função: Aparência Novel PRODUTOS DE PROJETO AO CONSUMO DE LUZ COMA LUZ Coaxial Dinastia, lentes revestidas de componentes importados 130 milhões controlado dentro da esquerda e direita para abrir e fechar o frio …