Maikong Profissional Iridology Camera Iriscope Fabricante e fornecedor

Maik Co.Ltd


O que uma consulta de iridologia pode fazer por você

O que uma consulta de iridologia pode fazer por você

How an Iridology Consultation Can Benefit You An iridology consultation offers insights into your overall health by analysing patterns, colours, and markings in the iris. Iridologists believe that each part of the iris corresponds to a different part of the body, and examining these areas can help indicate genetic predispositions, potential imbalances, or areas where preventive health practices might be

Iridology: What Does Cholesterol Look Like in the Iris?

Iridology: What Does Cholesterol Look Like in the Iris?

What Does Cholesterol Look Like in Iridology? In iridology, the presence of cholesterol and related health concerns can sometimes be detected by examining the iris for certain characteristics. The iris can reveal a lot about an individual’s health, including indicators of potential cholesterol build-up. High cholesterol levels are typically associated with risks for cardiovascular conditions, so understanding these indicators through

What is Iridology Analysis?

What is Iridology Analysis?

What Is Iridology Analysis? Iridology analysis is a natural health assessment technique that involves examining the iris, the coloured part of the eye, to gain insights into a person’s health. This non-invasive method is based on the belief that the iris reflects the body’s health condition and can reveal imbalances, weaknesses, and even early signs of disease. Practitioners use iridology

What Can Iridology Tell You?

What Can Iridology Tell You?

What is Iridology? Iridology is the study of the iris, the coloured part of the eye, as a method for determining information about a person’s health. It is based on the principle that the eye is a mirror of the body, and changes in the patterns, colours, and other characteristics of the iris can reflect a person’s overall health status.

O que é iridologia?

O que é iridologia?

What is Iridology? Iridology is a non-invasive health assessment technique that examines the iris—the coloured part of the eye—to detect physical, emotional, and genetic predispositions. The iris is believed to function as a “map” that reflects the body’s internal condition, potentially showing signs of underlying health concerns. By analysing various features, such as patterns, colour variations, and specific markings in