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  • What is Animation of Life in Iridology?

    What is Animation of Life in Iridology? Iridology is a fascinating branch of alternative medicine that examines the iris to determine the state of a person’s health. A critical concept in iridology is theAnimation of Life,which refers to the idea that the iris reflects the dynamic flow of energy throughout the body, revealing both its vitality and the

  • What Does It Mean If the Lungs Are Seen on Iridology?

    What Does It Mean If the Lungs Are Seen on Iridology? Iridology is a holistic health assessment technique that involves examining the iris to reveal potential imbalances within the body. While it is not a diagnostic tool, iridologists use various signs, colors, and patterns in the iris to gain insights into an individual’s overall health. When iridologists observe signs they

  • What Does It Mean When Lungs are Seen in Iridology?

    What Does It Mean When Lungs are Seen in Iridology? Iridology is a practice within alternative medicine that studies the iris to assess the health of various organs. Practitioners believe the iris reflects changes in the body’s tissues, including indicators of potential lung health issues. Specific markings or colors appearing in the iris are thought to correspond to certain body

  • Ce poate face un consult de iridologie pentru tine

    Modul în care o consultare pentru iridologie vă poate beneficia de o consultare pentru iridologie oferă informații despre sănătatea dvs. generală prin analizarea modelelor, culorilor și marcajelor în iris. Iridologii consideră că fiecare parte a irisului corespunde unei alte părți a corpului, iar examinarea acestor zone poate ajuta la indicația predispozițiilor genetice, a dezechilibrelor potențiale sau a zonelor în care ar putea fi practici de sănătate preventivă …

  • What does Anticiockwise Clockwise mean of Iridology Software(Mac OS)?

    When we usually take iris pictures, we often encounter the problem that the shooting angle is not clockwise. This can lead to inaccuracy in analyzing the iris images. Anticiockwise: Rotates the iris pointing area counterclockwise. Clockwise: Rotate the iris zonation clockwise.