What being iris chart is a surprisingly good idea 10 pc

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iris chart

iris chart

iris chart

iris chart

iris chart

iris chart

iris chart

iris chart

iris chart

iris chart
How to read iris chart?
Tongue Reading
Tongue ReadingTongue reading has a much more extensive history as it has been used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years. Like the eye in iridology, the tongue has a reflex map that also represents the organ systems. The Chinese were the first to find similar reflex relationships with the ears, hands, and feet associated with acupuncture points. Observing the tongue’s appearance and size, quality, color, texture, and coating, our doctors gather information that help to clarify the function of the organs and the specific needs of the patient.
iris chart
diagramă de iridologie
Our doctors use iridology and tongue reading as an adjunct to the biochemical metabolic tests, laboratory blood tests, physical exam, and history, rather than as a solo diagnostic method. In conjunction with these other methods we are able to gather more information about tendencies and patterns that may not be evident otherwise. The doctor looks at color variations, shapes, patterns, topography of fibers, in relation to the reflex iridology map to help determine how systems function. In our experience, iridology is most useful to understand how the “organ system” is functioning rather than exacting particular organs or body parts. For instance it is more likely to determine circulatory stress, digestive stress, or toxic waste accumulation instead of exacting “heart” dysfunction, or “pancreatic” dysfunction, or lead toxicity.
Iridology and tongue reading are safe, non-invasive diagnostic techniques that have been validated by many studies and challenged by others. It deserves further investigation to find its strengths so that it may be incorporated into traditional physical examinations.
iris chart video
what can do the iridology?
Can Iridology be used to diagnose disease?–No. Iris analysis is a tool that may be used to assess, or evaluate, a person’s overall health picture, as well as to determine their potential risks for developing health challenges based upon the interaction of genetic susceptibilities with lifestyle, environment, and nutrition.
What Iridology can Reveals-Dr. Jim Jinks- Inherently weak organs, glands and tissues.
Inherently strong organs, glands and tissues.
Constitutional strength or weakness.
What organ is in greatest need of repair and rebuilding.
Relative amounts of toxic settlements in organs, glands and tissues.
Stages of tissue inflammation and activity.
Where inflammation is located in the body.
Under activity or sluggishness of the bowel.
Spastic conditions or ballooned conditions of the bowel.
The need for acidophilus in the bowel.
Prolapsus of the transverse colon.
Nervous condition or inflammation of the bowel.
High-risk tissue areas in the body that may be leading to a disease.
Pressure on the heart.
Circulation level in various organs
Nerve force and nerve depletion.
Hyperactivity or hypo activity of organs, glands or tissues.
Influence of one organ on another, contribution of one organ to a condition elsewhere in the body.
Lymphatic system congestion.
Poor assimilation of nutrients.
Depletion of minerals in any organ, gland or tissue.
Relative ability of an organ, gland or tissue to hold nutrients.
Results of physical or mental fatigue on the body.
Need for rest to build up immunity.
Tissue areas contributing to suppressed or buried symptoms.
High or low sex drive.
A genetic pattern of inherent weaknesses and their influence on other organs, glands and tissues.
Pre-clinical stages of potential diabetes, cardiovascular conditions and other diseases.
Recuperative ability and the health level of the body.
Build up of toxic material before the materialization of disease.
Genetic weaknesses affecting the nerves, blood supply and mineralization of bones.
Genetic influence on any symptoms present.
Healing signs indicating an increase in strength in an organ, gland or tissue.
Bone marrow problems.
Potential for varicose veins in legs as shown by inherent weakness.
Positive and negative nutritional needs of the body.
Probably allergy to wheat.
Sources of infection.
Acidity of the body or catarrh development, as indicated by acute signs in the iris.
Suppression of catarrh, as indicated by sub acute or chronic signs in the iris.
Condition of the tissue in any part of the body or all parts of the body at one time.
Climate and altitude best for patient.
Potential contributions to sterility.
Effects of polluted environment.
Adrenal suppression, which may indicate low blood pressure, lack of energy, slowed tissue repair, deficiencies of vitamin C and adrenaline.
Resistance to disease, as shown by amount of toxic settlements in the body.
Relationship or unity of symptoms with conditions in organs, glands and tissues.
The difference between a healing crisis and a disease crisis.
The workings of Hering’s Law of Cure.
Whether a particular program or therapy is working or not.
The quality of nerve force in the body.
Response to treatment; how well the body is healing itself and at what rate.
The “whole” overall health level of the body as a unified structure.