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Thinking Type Above:Burnt orange to dark brown or black dots in the iris indicate an activation within the left brain creating a need for some specific form of information. This in turn stimulates the person to verbally communicate information, ideas, or opinions. These people have an insatiable desire for knowledge. wake up thinking, have an affinity for caffeine, and often find it hard to “wind down” in order to sleep. The greater the number of spots or Psora found in both irises, the more these traits are accentuated. People of this personality type are prone to be clear, concise communicators. They also possess a highly developed emotional side which is often hidden deep within their phyche. Their primary lesson is to trust their innate wisdom in their hearts using their words to reflect their inner truth and not necessarily their frequently rigid options.
Emotional Type Above:Rounded openings in the iris shaped like pockets indicate a stimulation of the right brain which in turn sparks imagination, creativity, and spontaneous emotion. People of this type communicate with postures and gestures. They are inherently non-verbal communicators, finding it a challenge to choose words that describe the multitude of feelings and emotions bubbling up inside them. This personality type is “others-centered”, allowing other people to determine or dictate their actions. They seek a heart connection so strongly they may even compromise themselves to achieve it. Buried within their psyche is a strong mind. Their lesson in life is to verbally speak the truth from their hearts, while creating stability through consistency and structure.
6. Does iris color effect personality?
The answer to this question is quite simply ‘yes’. Iris color adds some unique adaptive features to the
way an iris is interpreted. The issue of color is geographic – the more one inclines to the northern hemisphere, the greater the conservation of bodily heat and increased stress is placed upon the lymphatic system. The nearer one gets to the equator, the greater the discharge of bodily heat and increased stress is placed upon the hepatic system. A typical blue-eyed person tends to be more conservative in outlook with inner directed personal goals or agendas. A typical brown-eyed type tends toward a gregarious and group-motivated dynamic, seeing the needs of the collective outweighing the individual (traditionalist). There is much more about this subject in our correspondence courses.
Why We Do What We Do
Children are the barometer for the family, reflecting the overall health and harmony within the family tree. Because our children are the furthest point downstream in the family lineage, they automatically inherit the unresolved pain, as well as the gifts from their mother, father and previous generations.
The solutions to addressing challenges in our children, such as ADD, ADHD, difficulties with learning, and sleep disorders, to name a few, are held within the family tree. In fact, all imbalances in the human body have components found within our genealogy, if you know where and what to look for. Have you ever wondered what happens when your violent, abusive, alcoholic paternal grandfather dies, or the implications of your mother who fought with her mother who fought with her mother? The spirit of these behaviors is passed to the next generation, and unless these issues are consciously addressed, they are handed down to the next generation. These energies snowball and build momentum, eventually causing physical disease and conditions that manifest in our present and future generations. Left unresolved, the present and future generations will repeat the patterns of the past.
When parents are willing to see their children as the reflection of their own childhood challenges and pain, they take the first step in healing themselves, their children, and previous generations. This is a quantum shift in awareness from the old paradigm that identifies “the children” as the problem. The result is an improved quality in the parents’ lives and expanded love in their marriage, which benefits their entire family. These benefits extend to the past as well as unborn generations.
Changing the Destiny of Your Family’s Future
A key ingredient to the success of our programs is the level of commitment parents are willing to take to create changes within the family matrix. Parents are guided, encouraged and supported every step of the way to achieve their desired results. The tools we use include:
The Whole Family uses natural, non-invasive, organic tools and techniques to create structures for your family on the path to greater cooperation, health, and harmony. The systems we work with allow us to quickly and efficiently know your family dynamic on a very personal level. The first step in our process is a free family screening to determine compatibility of your family with us and our programs.
Call us for your free Family Screening @ 505-466-4344.
Beth M. Bennett, M.A., Ed.D. Beth has worked in the education field for over 30 years, primarily facilitating children with special needs, including the gifted and talented. Beth’s gift is connecting with children to find and nourish the next phase of their expansion and learning. Beth’s playful and innocent attitude creates a safe environment for your child’s learning to expand. Beth’s responsibilities in our programs include providing one-on-one tutoring for your children, teaching children body balancing techniques, as well as implementing the structure and continuity within our programs.
Jim Verghis, B.I.
Jim is the owner and director of the Institute of Behavioral Iridology. He has been interpreting personality and inherited family patterns from the eyes for over 24 years. Jim works with three primary modalities including iris patterns, specific gender sequence (birth order), and family history. Jim’s gift is the ability to synthesize diverse and complex personal and family data into a practical clear understanding of sequences that create physiology and behaviors.
Jim brings humor and joy to his work, making the most difficult of topics fun and easy to comprehend. Jim’s comprehensive understanding of family dynamics brings clarity and direction to the overall program.