Some of the more frequently asked questions we receive are listed below:1. Do the eyes change?
The answer to this question has been hotly debated for many years. We are confident in saying the
only ‘changes’ we have photographically documented in the past 17 years is the addition of color and Psora. Psora begin forming about the age of about two and have been seen to form as late as 32. Generally, during the mid-twenties, no new Psora appear. Lacunae do not appear to change or transform in any other way than their normal reshaping due to pupil dilation. The appearance of Lacunae changes in photographic images are usually due to this factor.
2. What is the difference between Behavioral Iridology and Physical Iridology?
Jim Verghis is a former Rayid Master, Rayid’s highest level of achievement. Although these two approaches both use the iris to determine personality, there is distinct difference in teaching styles and emphasis on specific information. The Rayid method has a more metaphysical approach toward viewing the iris, seeing it more as a mandala of cosmic energy. Behavioral Iridology evaluates the iris identifying two primary types, focusing in great detail iris positions and their effect on personality. Behavioral Iridology also includes iris color as a personality modifier. Both systems have value in their own right.
3. What is the difference between Behavioral Iridology and Rayid?
Jim Verghis is a former Rayid Master, Rayid’s highest level of achievement. Although these two approaches both use the iris to determine personality, there is distinct difference in teaching styles and emphasis on specific information. The Rayid method has a more metaphysical approach toward viewing the iris, seeing it more as a mandala of cosmic energy. Behavioral Iridology evaluates the iris identifying two primary types, focusing in great detail iris positions and their effect on personality. Behavioral Iridology also includes iris color as a personality modifier. Both systems have value in their own right.
4. How long do I have to study Behavioral Iridology I can begin using it?
Behavioral Iridology is extremely user friendly and interactive. We ask our students to begin to use this information as soon as possible. A lighted magnifier for viewing eyes is included with our courses as it is important to start to look into eyes as soon as possible. As in all studies, practice with patience is the best way to learn. Having worked with numerous Iridologists, we have noted how quickly people become accustomed to our user friendly terminology and personality type explanations. Behavioral Iridology is practical – the more you interact and use the information, the faster you learn.
5. What is the best way to learn BI?
Behavioral Iridology is best learned initially by correspondence course. Our course utilizes a PowerPoint presentation with attached MP3 audio files. We are available by e-mail and phone during your study period for questions and clarifications. The courses arrive complete with book and audio CDs. (Each disc is approximately 45 minutes long.) The prospective student should decide whether he or she wishes to study Behavioral Iridology only or integrate some basic Physical Iridology knowledge as well.
Bridging The Gap incorporates Physical Iridology information along with Behavioral Iridology. The Behavioral Iridology course is aimed more at those working in the areas of counseling, social work, or physiological fields. You can e-mail Jim to sponsor a local weekend event or find an upcoming event near to you.
(See contact information).
6. Does iris color effect personality?
The answer to this question is quite simply ‘yes’. Iris color adds some unique adaptive features to the
way an iris is interpreted. The issue of color is geographic – the more one inclines to the northern hemisphere, the greater the conservation of bodily heat and increased stress is placed upon the lymphatic system. The nearer one gets to the equator, the greater the discharge of bodily heat and increased stress is placed upon the hepatic system. A typical blue-eyed person tends to be more conservative in outlook with inner directed personal goals or agendas. A typical brown-eyed type tends toward a gregarious and group-motivated dynamic, seeing the needs of the collective outweighing the individual (traditionalist). There is much more about this subject in our correspondence courses.