Maikong-Professional Iridology Camera Camera Iriscope Производитель и поставщик

иридологическая камера

» иридологическая камера

  • Технические характеристики

spots iridology camera up the urethra Why iridology have Black ?

Iriscopio de 12.0 Megapíxeles (Modelo IR-9925U) (2)

spots iridology camera up the urethra Why iridology have Black 1 spots iridology camera up the urethra Why iridology have Black

Pay attention to prostate disease, or sexual dysfunction, pay attention to maintenance.

What the mean when your iridology have the Spot:
(1) Long-term use of antibiotics;
(2) Represent hypoxia, poor organ activity and fast aging;
Hyper pigmentation usually appear in the weakest organ activity.What the mean when your iridology have the:Flat;: Drop of body health, sometime together with pain.

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q es la iridología


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iridology camera up the urethra

Blue Iris

spots iridology camera up the urethra Why iridology have Black 2

more info about the iridology reanding and iridology camera up the urethra

iridology camera up the urethra

How to reading the iridology by color?

how to read eyes iridology?

iridology liver Case Reading

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