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How to Use an Iridology Chart? Practical Guide by MAIKONG

How to Use an Iridology Chart? Practical Guide by MAIKONG

How to Use an Iridology Chart? An iridology chart is a visual tool used by iridologists to interpret health-related information through the iris, the coloured part of the eye. Each section of the iris correlates with specific organs, systems, and body areas, enabling practitioners to spot potential health imbalances. MAIKONG Co. Ltd., a global leader in health diagnostics, provides high-quality

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The 10 Best iridology eye chart for iridology chart

The 10 Best iridology eye chart for iridology chart

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10 лучшая диаграмма для иридологии глаз

The 10 Best chart for iridology eye chart How to read the iridology eye chart? Read the ridology by color Rayid Types & Temperaments: Jewel-mental type (Choleric) or (Red personality in Color Code) Dot-like freckles or pigments in the iris indicate a logical thinking, intellectual person. Mental types direct their perceptions and feelings through internal thought & analysis. They tend

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10 лучших диаграмм для иридологической диаграммы

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