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Iridology history
Although the science of Iridology is at least 3,000 years old and is used worldwide, it is still essentially a “sleeping giant” in the United States, but it is growing in recognition and acceptance quite rapidly. The oldest discovered records to date have shown that a form of iris interpretation was used in ancient China as far back as 3,000 years ago, or 1,000 B.C. Two men “rediscovered” the idea of iris analysis in the nineteenth century and are both held to be the modern day “Fathers of Iridology.” These were Dr. Ignatz von Peczely of Germany, and Nils Liljequst, a Swedish clergyman. Throughout the years others have contributed greatly to the research and development of understanding the iris. The “Father of Iridology” in the United States is Dr. Bernard Jensen. Prior to his death in 2001 (at the age of 92), he wrote numerous books on Iridology, nutrition and health; and spent countless hours lecturing and teaching.
What is Iridology?
Iridology is the study of the color, pigmentations, and structure of the iris or colored portion of the eye as they relate genetically through reflex response to the strengths and deficiencies of the body systems.
Iridology complements all the health sciences as it furnishes information, not only about what may be ailing the client, but also about the root cause of the disorder.
In addition, many Iridologists observe the border of the pupil as well as the vascular markings in the sclera to help them better understand more about the overall health of the person.
We believe that Iridology is one of the best assessment tools available to discover which areas of the body are genetically strong and which are deficient. Using Iridology we can analyze the overall constitution according to specific iris colors and markings.
NYCI Iridology Training
Please call 212 968 0231 for for tuition information or email us using the form here. The current schedule is available online.
NYCI offers a certification course of studies in Clinical Iridology (ask us about this term). The full Course of Studies includes three classroom Modules, Practicums, and Skill Transfer Assurance (internship) activities. Classes in NYC are held on weekends and repeat five times a year.
Module 1 — Basic Iridology concepts, including Ocular Biomarkers
Module 2 — Iridology concepts applied to the major body systems
Module 3 — Advanced concepts including the difficult dark brown iris
Professional Seminars in Iridology for graduate students
Can’t come to NYC?
Try InteractiveLive, the Internet’s first and only Iridology Certification training with a live teacher. See and talk with your teacher as though you were in a NYC class. Connect your PC via video and desktop collaboration tools (Skype and Yugma are free) and start learning without the disappointment of old fashioned correspondence courses or distance learning. You’ve tried webinars (too stilted), CDs (can’t ask questions!) and know what you want — InteractiveLive!
Call Harvey at 212 968 0231 for eligibility, noon to 8 pm EST.
practical iridology Training-Practical Iridology (IIPA Level One) with Manual
The eyes have been called the windows to the soul – and for good reason. The iris of the eye contains a wealth of information about a person’s genetic inheritance, general level of physical health, and even their personality. Iridology can help you determine what body systems are likely at the root of people’s health problems, what diseases they are genetically prone to and where the body is likely to breakdown under stress. This makes iridology one of the most valuable tools you can use for practicing preventive health care! Iridology can also help you develop stronger connections with others by helping you know the best way to communicate them.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with it, iridology is the art and science of examining the colored part of the eye (the iris) to acquire information about a person’s physical, mental and emotional health. I’m the author, Steven Horne, and Practical Iridology is a course I created for the herbalist, nutritionist and/or natural health practitioner. As a professional iridologist and former member of the Board of Directors of the International Iridology Practitioner’s Association (IIPA), I share IIPA’s goal to elevate the practice of iridology worldwide. I am an IIPA Certified Comprehensive® Iridology Instructor (CCII) and am revising this program so it will qualify as an IIPA Level One course.
In Practical Iridology, you’ll learn:
The correct terms to describe all of the anatomical structures of the iris
How to use iridology charts correctly (most people waste a lot of time looking at every marking in the iris, which isn’t necessary for good results)
What the iris can and cannot tell you (a lot of iridologists get this wrong and really abuse this health assessment tool, giving iridology a bad reputation among medical professionals)
The most up-to-date terms for the various markings, signs and patterns that appear in the iris and what they mean
The various constitutional types from German iridology
Basic therapies to use with different iris patterns
The basic elements of Rayid iridology, a system of assessing personality issues using the iris
Practical Iridology features an up to date color manual and additional online materials to make it compliant with requirements for IIPA Certification.
Class Outline
This class will be taught in ten sessions, as follows:
Lesson 1. History, Anatomy and Fundamentals
Our first class will briefly cover the history of iridology, mentioning some of the pioneers in this field. We’ll also cover the actual anatomy of the eye, which helps us understand exactly what we’re observing when we look in the eye and make certain that we use correct terms. We’ll also cover the fundamental concepts of iridology, such as what the iris can and cannot do, and ways the eyes can or cannot change. We’ll also introduce iris maps.
Lesson 2. Iris Topography and Signs
In this second class, we will cover the basics of iris topography—positions, zones and “clock.” We’ll also introduce the major iris signs, including pigments, the various types of lacuna (open, closed, crypts and defect signs), cords, reflexive signs, perifocal lightening and transversals. We’ll explain the difference between topostabile and topolabile signs and compare old iridology terms to new iridology terms.
Lesson 3. Introduction to Constitutional Types
In this lesson we will discuss the nature of constitution as a genetic predisposition. We’ll consider this from the Disease Tree perspective and the Health Equation, created by Bill Caradonna, co-founder of IIPA. We’ll discuss both structural (density and shading) and the three iris color types (Lymphatic, Billiary and Hematogenic). We’ll also introduce the subtypes for each of the color types and the basic therapies those types can use to improve their health.
Lesson 4. Constitutional Types and Subtypes
In this lesson we’ll review the three color constitutions and then go into detail about the constitutional subtypes associated with each of them. These include overacid, febrile, hydrogenoid, uric acid, scurf rim and ferrum chromatose. We’ll also look at the lipemic diatheses, which is a corneal sign, not an iris sign. For each of these types we’ll look at the health problems typically associated with it and the therapies that can be used to balance the body in each of these situations.
Lesson 5. Pigments, Colors and Lacunae Types
In lesson five we’ll cover the meaning of various colors (straw yellow, orange, fluorecent orange, brown and tarry black) and pigments in the iris. We’ll discuss various heterochromia’s (central, partial, hypertrophic and hypotrophic) as well. We’ll also review the various types of lacunas (honeycomb, stairstep, torpedo, beak, tulip, shoe, asparagus, leaf, polypose and medusa) along with collarette crypts and neuronal netting. We’ll talk about topostabile and topolabile signs for both pigments and lacunas.
Lesson 6. Pupil Tonus and Collarette Signs
Lesson six will cover the pupil tonus variations and how they are related to nervous system function. We’ll look at factors like pupil size, ellipses and flattenings and what they mean. We’ll also examine various aspects of the collarette. We’ll consider factors like placement, quality, appearance and shape. We’ll again discuss possible therapies for health problems that may be associated with these signs.
Lesson 7. Contraction Furrows and Sclera Signs
This lesson will cover the various types of contraction furrows, such as concentric, humoral, intersection, peripheral, sectional opening, sloped and stairstep and what they may indicate. We’ll also cover some of the signs seen in the sclera of the eye such as trauma forks, fermentation signs, encapsulations signs, pinguecula and ptergium. We’ll also talk about the meaning of various types of blood vessels visible in the sclera, such as indicator, tangetial, meandering, bordered, spiral and netted.
Lesson 8. Emotional Iridology
Independently of iridologists, Denny Johnson created a system of emotional interpretation of the iris. Since all traditional systems of constitutional typing link physical and personality tendencies, it makes sense that basic genetically-determined personality characteristics would be visible in the eye. So, in this lesson we’ll talk about the four basic emotional types, flower, jewel, stream and shaker. We’ll also cover introversion and extroversion, right and left brain dominance and the emotional meaning of specific signs and map areas. This topic will be covered in more detail in the Personality Typing and Therapy class in the Certified Emotional Healing Coach program.
Lessons 9 and 10. Iris Analysis by Body System, Parts One and Two
In lesson’s nine and ten we’ll put it all together. We’ll go through the various body systems and show how to put things together to read the iris as a whole. We’ll demonstrate how to move from the general to the specific, ask the right questions and put together programs using the information we gain from the iris.
Iridology History
Iridology research began in 1670 when Dr. Philippus Meyens published a paper describing the eyes of his patients when they became sick or injured. He also noticed changes in the eye that came with healing and was able to link points on the iris to specific parts of the body. By observing the eye, he was eventually able to identify areas in the body in need of support which would show up in the eye long before physical symptoms would manifest.While eyes have been a focus in civilizations throughout the ages, “современный” Iridology got its start just over 100 years ago. In the late 1800’s, a physician from Hungary and another from Sweden began observing eyes and organizing their findings. This process of observation and correlating has been slow, but it established a foundation for others to build on.
The first book on Iridology in America, by an emigrated Austrian physician, was printed in 1904. This was followed by the works of N.D.s and other naturopathic oriented M.D.s.Working with limited magnification and photography equipment, progress was difficult. Then with the emergence of the AMA and other political and economic influences and the advent of “чудо” drugs, almost all natural medicine practices declined in this country. Dr. Bernard Jensen is credited with keeping Iridology alive in North America.In Europe, a different political and economic climate created an environment that has allowed Iridology (and other natural medicine practices) to evolve. Extensive research has been carried out in Europe and iridology is now widely accepted as a valuable preventative health care approach. Currently in the U.S. more people are showing interest in iridology as an alternative method for improving health. Now you can experience the benefits of this remarkable assessment tool/technique.