MAIKONG-Professional iridology camera iriscope Manufacturer and supplier

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» iridology ڪئميرا

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iridology camera what it?

iridology camera

iridology ڪئميرا

iridology camera

iridology ڪئميرا

iridology camera

iridology ڪئميرا

iridology camera

iridology ڪئميرا

2018 newest protable USB 12.0 MP CCD iridology camera-Type:iridology camera, ProtableCertification:CEPlace of Origin:Guangdong, China (Mainland)Brand Name:QianheModel Number:QH-990UName:iridology cameraPixels:12.0 Mega pixelsColor:White and redOerate:EasyMax resolution:2560×1920OS:WIN2000, 2003, Vista, Win7,8 ,10 package Box:AluminumPackage Size:31.0 * 33.0 * 312.0cm
Gross Weight:2.0kg
2018 newest protable USB iridology camera 12.0 MP CCD
Introduction of 12.0 MP iridology camera
Iris analysis system: international technology, unique functions.
* Iris analysis system is a medicinal tool that checks the body conditions and
prevents diseases from occurring.
* We brought in the advanced iris analysis technology from Germany to lead
people to discover sources of illness, and care the body health and spirit in anyways.
* The instrument can show the body conditions of customers and suggest
customers the suitable health food, and the plans to care their bodies.
1Advanced auto iris analysis technology to provide the best help for beginners to learn.
2)Software easy to use, help you to command.
3)Recommend to use of 1024X768 resolution, it will be the best.
4)Recommend to use WIN2000, 2003, Vista, Win7,8 ,10 system.
Feature of 12.0 MP CCD iridology camera
* Nice appearance and innovative design * LED illuminator around lens * Imported lens with plated layer * 12.0 Mega pixels high resolution CCD sensor * Special DSP image processor, Optical Image Stabilizer * Single capture button and digital pause capture. * Adjustable focus to give clear image. * Auto white balance and contrast adjustment, Color Temperature Filter * Dual image compare function * 3D-Negative capture mode * Compatible with iris lens, hair lens. * Deliver clear and accurate images. * Easy to operate. * Maximum resolution: 2560×1920
* OS: , WIN2000, 2003, Vista, Win7,8 ,10
Accessories of 12.0 MP iridology camera

iridology ڪئميرا

30X Iris Lens
Aluminum Box
1.5 Meter USB Line
Lens protective cover
Instructions & وارنٽي
CD (Driver and Pro Analysis Software)
Want more information about the iridology camera, pls contact us:

iridology camera

iridology ڪئميرا

iridology camera

iridology ڪئميرا

iridology camera

iridology ڪئميرا

iridology camera

iridology ڪئميرا

iridology camera how to take the images?

How To Take Your Iris Photos by iridology camera-To take the best photos for your reading, set your camera to MACRO and try, if possible, to use natural, daytime indoor light with a flash. Set the size of the photo for a higher resolution, with a minimum of 1.2M (2208 x 1248). 1.2M (2784 x 1568) is best.
Step 1: Taking Your Iris Photos with a Digital Camera

Set Camera to Macro Setting.
Increase Resolution to 1.2M (2784 x 1568).
Turn on Flash.
Use Indoor Daylight.
Stand sideways from any window (facing the window will cause glare).
Have someone else hold the camera or use a tripod and timer.
Hold the upper and lower eyelids open to make entire iris visible.
Take one photo of each iris at a time.
Keep the eye close to the camera. On Macro Setting, you can be 4-5 inches from the lens.

Step 2: Checking Your Photos for Lighting and Clarity

Check the photo on the Viewfinder of your camera. Use the zoom feature to see the iris.
Be sure the iris is clear; otherwise try again.
Be sure there is no red eye; otherwise turn on ‘red eye reduction’ and try again.
Be sure the entire iris is visible; otherwise try again.
Be sure there is no significant glare on the iris; otherwise turn your body slightly away from any window and try again.

iridology analysis reports

iridology analysis reports

iridology analysis reports

iridology analysis reports

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iridology camera software

iridology ڪئميرا سافٽ ويئر

iridology camera software

iridology ڪئميرا سافٽ ويئر

iridology camera software

iridology ڪئميرا سافٽ ويئر

iridology software 33

Step 3: Emailing Your Final Iris Photo Results

You may crop the photos so only the eye is visible to reduce the file size.
If this is too much work, then simply email the entire photo.
You can send 3-5 pictures of the Left Eye in one email.
You can send 3-5 pictures of the Right Eye in another email.

Using a Digital Camera: Video Instructions on How to Take Iris Photos
Using an iPhone: Video Instructions on How to Take Iris Photos
Examples of Unacceptable Iris Photo Submissions

NO! Both of these example have significant glare, making portions of the iris unreadable

In the first example above, the person was likely facing a window, causing the glare to appear in the iris. The solution: Turn slightly away from the window and try again.

In the second example, it is likely that this photo was taken at night or in a room with no windows and only overhead light. Due to the darker light in the room, the light is refracting off the iris, causing significant glare and making the photo blurry. The solution: Take the photo in indoor daylight with no overhead lighting. Side lighting is usually ok.

A small amount of glare in the pupil (the black dot in the center of the iris) is ok.

NO! Not looking directly at the camera lens creates a distorted image of the iris

In the above 2 examples, the individuals are most likely trying to take the photos themselves so they are inadvertently looking at the camera while trying to take the photo.
The solution: Have someone else hold the camera steady for you or use a tripod with a timer.

NO! In these photos, the top and/or bottom of the iris is covered

When taking your photographs, check to see that the entire color portion of the eye is visible, especially the top and bottom. If you tend to have ‘droopy’ eyes, just gently pull the skin away from the eye using your thumb and forefinger.
Examples of Acceptable Iris Photo Submissions

YES!! Perfect photos – note flash inside pupil and full iris visible

YES!! Although not perfectly clear photos, these 2 examples are still readable

YES!! Very good photos – full iris visible, clear and easy to read for Iridology

YES!! Perfect photos – note flash inside pupil and full iris visible

YES!! Perfect photos – note flash inside pupil and full iris visible

Learn what to expect from your Iridology Analysis at Iridology Explained.

Find answers to any additional questions about Iridology and how it works at Iridology – FAQ’s.

Start Now! Schedule your online appointment at Book Your Iridology Consultation.

Iridology cannot diagnose specific disease.

iridology software 51 iridology software 54

iridology camera software what can do?

1)add comstomer info to software.

2)Edit or Delete comstomer info.

3)Take the iridology eye images to software.

4)Analysis the eye iridology images.

5)Pint the iridology analysis reports.

6)Comparing Before and after iridology eye images.

7)Comparing iridology analysis reports.

How to use he Cadi CV Advance Analysis System English Version auto iridology software?

1) Open desktop theCadiCV Advance Analysis System English Version
2) use selectuser,password:111111,and click:login
3) clickclient tool, enter your customer info. if ok,clickadd,and
4) clickcapture right eye”.–ڪلڪ ڪريو “capture,left eye repetition Last Step.
5) select the eye pic (right eye pic / left eye pic)
6) clickanalysis
7) clickset parameterbutton.
1st. put the mouse arrows in center of pupil, click left key of mouse,
2nd . remove arrows of mouse edge of pupil, click left key of mouse,
3rd.remove the arrows of mouse between iris and sclera, then click left key of mouse.
And click the “set parameter” button.
8) clickiris analysisbutton,and click “show organ” button.
then choose what part of eye do you want to analysis, view its color and
shape, at last click its color and shape, as following“Brown, lump”,

remove the arrows of mouse to your choose correct part, at last, you can see the following
analysis result picture, if you choose “color, or shape” is wrong, no any result of the part

Note: when you can read analysis result each time, please click “add to report” of right eye, store
the analysis result. Of course, you can continue to any part of right eye, repeat to choose color and

When you finish the right eye analysis, please click “analysis” again, then choose “left” of eye, to
repeat above operation ways.

9). When you finish all parts analysis , please click “analysis” again, then click “save”, to store a
complete of customer iris analysis result.

10) click button “customer report” button and click your replort name,

cadi iridology software

cadi iridology software

cadi iridology software

cadi iridology software

iridology camera manaul

IR-9915U iridology camera for sale


اصل جي جاءِGuangdong, China
وارنٽي1 Year
بعد-سيلز سروسوڊيو ٽيڪنيڪل سپورٽ
قسمiridology camera,iriscope
خاصيتPigmentation Analysis, Skin Wrinkle Analysis, Detect Skin Moisture
درخواستگھر جي استعمال لاء
برانڊ جو نالومائيڪو
ماڊل نمبرMK-9822U
ٻوليEnglish / Spanish
سسٽمWindows XP, WIN2000, 2003, Vista, Win7, Win8, Win 10, Win 11, Apple MAC OS
سي سي ڊي سينسر جي قرارداد5.0MP
پيڪنگ جا تفصيلڪارٽون برآمد ڪريو
اهم وقت5-7 Days (Depending on Quantity)
فراهمي جي صلاحيت10000 Piece/Pieces per Month
سنگل پيڪيج سائيز33X28X12 cm
اڪيلو مجموعي وزن2.500 kg

iridology چارٽ iridology چارٽ iridology چارٽس مفت ڊائون لوڊ ڪريو ڪنڊر Iridology چارٽ

مائڪنگ ايريڊولوجي ڪئميرا

MAIKONG IRIDOLOGY سافٽ ويئر تنصيب ۽ آپريشن


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اسان هڪ معروف عالمي roidology ڪئميرا فيڪٽري فيڪٽري، مقابلي واري قيمتن ۽ بهترين معيار پيش ڪري رهيا آهيون. جيڪڏهن توهان وٽ غير ملڪي ڪئميرا بابت ڪي سوال آهن، مهرباني ڪري اسان سان رابطو ڪرڻ لاء آزاد ٿيو.

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