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» Správy » iridology



  • Iridology and Constitution

    Iridology and Constitution We perceive a constitutional iris by its defined shade of color to the degree of its primary shade that is characteristic for that specific constitutional type. Constitution is the whole of an individuals inherited and acquired characteristics. It represents the reactive capacity of an individual in establishing the capability for adaptation. Constitutions are genotypic and expose specific

  • Theory and Philosophy and iridology

    Every science remains in significance on a set of theoretical hypotheses that form its foundation and philosophy. It represents the particular context of theories, observations, experiments and tentative assumptions. Those that have extensively investigated Iridology believe its major hypotheses have already been verified by experience and by comparison with other diagnostic methods. According to Dr. Bernard Jensen(USA), the Central Hypotheses

  • Birth of Iridology

    Iridology, or the study of the iris, goes back for several centuries. Written records and silver plates that date back to Egypt and are kept in the Vatican’s library and Harvard University are the first known educational materials on iridology. The Egyptian priests at the time had an extraordinary knowledge of medicine. In 1922, G. Carter discovered pictures of the

  • Iridology Practicum in Singapore!

    A very successful and well organized iridology practicum seminar was held March 27th to 29th, 2009 at SMU (Singapore Management University) in Singapore. Special thanks goes to IAAS members (Iridology Asia Association Singapore) who organized the very professional practicum lecture facilities at SMU and the delicious vegan buffets that were offered each day! IAAS is a newly formed association in

  • What is Iridology?

    What is Iridology? What is Iridology? Iridology, also called iris analysis or iris diagnosis, is the study of the iris (the colored part of the eye). Irisreadingsare made by iridologists to assess a person’s health picture (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual) and guide them to take measures to improve their health. Iridology is generally based on the concept of neural

  • How does the Iris Reflex work?

    Each part of the whole body contains information on all parts of the body. This is true for all forms of life, at the level of genetic encoding for metabolic processes, cellular respiration, and tissue generation. For example cutting off some trimmings from a Geranium bush and sticking the branches into the ground triggers a differentiation process, changing the cut