Maikong-Professional Iridology Camera Iriscope Výrobca a dodávateľ

iridologická kamera

» iridologická kamera

So, you gave iridologia iriscopio-ing a shot? Didn’t work out? 12 things to try next.

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iridologická kamera, iridologická kamera pre PC, iridologická kamera pre PC a TV, iridologická kamera pre PC TV, Kamera Iris, iriskop, Iriscope, Produkty
Získajte cenovú ponuku
  • Špecifikácie
  • Technical Specifications
  • MAIKONG Iridology Chart
  • Installation And Operation Video

iridologia iriscopio

SD8004 Super Digital iridologia iriscopio

SD8004 Super Digital iridologia iriscopio

Joyful Living Services, in partnership with Iris Imaging, is excited to announce that we now offer an 24.2MP Digital Iridology and Sclerology Camera System that has the capability of extremely high resolution and uncompromising quality at affordable prices.

Our Iridology and Sclerology System is based on the 24.2MP Nikon DSLR. The system uses a highly rated, crystal clear 90mm lens that has even greater clarity than the 105mm macro lens for unparalleled performance and clarity.

The camera features a newly designed oversized Nikon CMOS sensor specifically optimized for low noise and high saturation, giving you the best image quality available. It also uses Image-processing engine EXPEED 3the same as that used by the Nikon D4 FX-format flagship camera and a 3-inch Clear View LCD with anti-reflective and scratch-resistant coating. You’ll have uncompromised Digital performance with power and flexibility in the palm of your hands.

We use a highly regarded macro lens along with a specifically designed flash and two high quality fiber optic strands to illuminate the eye perfectly. This allows for greater depth of field and consistently clearer pictures. The flashes are still within the pupil so no part of the eye is obscured.

The portable fully adjustable custom camera stand is made of heavy duty plate aluminum with a beautifulBrite Dippedface mount rather than the plastic found in other systems. This gives you unequaled beauty, strength, stability and longevity. It is easy to set up on any table, at any location for ultimate portability and comfort.

The lighting system gives you perfectly illuminated shots every time without flash spots on the iris. The twin head focus light is embedded in the flash ring giving you ease in focusing while being easy on the client.

iridologia iriscopio

What is Iridology?

What is Iridology?

Iridológia je štúdium farby, pigmentácií a štruktúry dúhovky alebo farebnej časti oka, pretože sa geneticky vzťahujú prostredníctvom reflexnej reakcie na silné a nedostatky telesných systémov.

Iridológia dopĺňa všetky zdravotné vedy, pretože poskytuje informácie nielen o tom, čo môže nachnúť klienta, ale aj o hlavnej príčine poruchy.

Mnoho iridológov okrem toho pozoruje hranicu žiaka, ako aj vaskulárne označenia v sklére, aby im pomohli lepšie porozumieť viac o celkovom zdraví osoby.

Sme presvedčení, že iridológia je jedným z najlepších nástrojov na hodnotenie, ktoré sú k dispozícii na zistenie, ktoré oblasti tela sú geneticky silné a ktoré sú nedostatočné. Pomocou iridológie môžeme analyzovať celkovú ústavu podľa konkrétnych farieb a označení dúhovky.

iridologia iriscopio

Čo je iridológia?

Čo je iridológia?

Iridology (also known as iridodiagnosis or iridiagnosis) is an alternative medicine technique whose proponents claim that patterns, colors, and other characteristics of the iris can be examined to determine information about a patient’s systemic health. Practitioners match their observations to iris charts, which divide the iris into zones that correspond to specific parts of the human body. Iridologists see the eyes aswindowsinto the body’s state of health.

Iridologists claim they can use the charts to distinguish between healthy systems and organs in the body and those that are overactive, inflamed, or distressed. Iridologists claim this information demonstrates a patient’s susceptibility towards certain illnesses, reflects past medical problems, or predicts later health problems.

As opposed to evidence-based medicine, iridology is not supported by quality research studies and is widely considered pseudoscience. The features of the iris are one of the most stable features on the human body throughout life.[disputed – discuss] The stability of iris structures is the foundation of the biometric technology which uses iris recognition for identification purposes.

In 1979, Bernard Jensen, a leading American iridologist, and two other iridology proponents failed to establish the basis of their practice when they examined photographs of the eyes of 143 patients in an attempt to determine which ones had kidney impairments. Of the patients, forty-eight had been diagnosed with kidney disease, and the rest had normal kidney function. Based on their analysis of the patientsirises, the three iridologists could not detect which patients had kidney disease and which did not.

The iris is the greenish-yellow area surrounding the transparent pupil (showing as black). The white outer area is the sclera, the central transparent part of which is the cornea.Iridologists generally use equipment such as a flashlight and magnifying glass, cameras or slit-lamp microscopes to examine a patient’s irises for tissue changes, as well as features such as specific pigment patterns and irregular stromal architecture. The markings and patterns are compared to an iris chart that correlates zones of the iris with parts of the body. Typical charts divide the iris into approximately 80–90 zones. For example, the zone corresponding to the kidney is in the lower part of the iris, just before 6 o’clock. There are minor variations between chartsassociations between body parts and areas of the iris.

According to iridologists, details in the iris reflect changes in the tissues of the corresponding body organs. One prominent practitioner, Bernard Jensen, described it thus:Nerve fibers in the iris respond to changes in body tissues by manifesting a reflex physiology that corresponds to specific tissue changes and locations.This would mean that a bodily condition translates to a noticeable change in the appearance of the iris, but this has been disproven through many studies. (See section on Scientific research.) For example, acute inflammatory, chronic inflammatory and catarrhal signs may indicate involvement, maintenance, or healing of corresponding distant tissues, respectively. Other features that iridologists look for are contraction rings and Klumpenzellen, which may indicate various other health conditions.

Seven rings Iris zones/rings and accompanying body region/organ
Inner: Stomach.
Second: Small and large intestine.
Third: Circulation of blood and lymph.
Fourth: Internal organs and endocrine system.
Fifth: Musculoskeletal system.
Outer: Skin and organs of elimination.

iridologia iriscopio

Iridology iridologia iriscopio

Iridology iridologia iriscopio

The iridologia iriscopio allows you to easily create sharp images of eyes and irises. Because of the strong magnification you can see barely visible details. In Naturopathy, the IriScope is often used for iris diagnosis. Iridologists assess the health status of patients on the basis of colors characteristics in the iris of the eye. According to iridologists they can diagnose conditions such as diabetes, rheumatism or gout by using iris diagnosis and treat the patient accordingly.

Camera made especially for Iris Photography

The contoured hood on the microscope camera ensures that the camera can be close to the eye. Because of the built-in LED lightingtwo white and two yellow LEDs you can easily create good images without the need of an external light source. The yellow LEDs are used to provide better images of dark irises. The practitioner can watch the iris image directly on at the screen of a computer or laptop with Windows or MacOS or with a Windows tablet, which proves the versatility and easy mobility of the IriScope.

Patients direct involvement in the diagnosis

Naturopathic practitioner Frederike Otger from The Hague, The Netherlands, has been using the IriScope for some time:It is a handy and simple microscope camera to make sharp images of eyes and irises. With the adjustable magnification I can focus properly on the eye and discover the smallest irregularities. Both my patients and myself find it very pleasant that the images can be viewed directly on the screen. In this way, the patient is more involved in the diagnosis and can also give better feedback.
For naturopathic practitioners the Iriscope is affordable, compact and very easy to use. Images can be digitally stored in the patient file. Frederike Otger:The combination with a tablet makes the IriScope a wonderful tool to emphasize the modern character of my naturopathic practice.

iridologia iriscopio

What is venta iridologia iriscopio digital?

What is venta iridologia iriscopio digital?
Detalles del producto:

Lugar de origen






Número de modelo


Resolución máxima



4 LED/2 lámparas LED control






Con Pro software de análisis


El iridologia iriscopio es fácil de operar. Se conecta directamente al ordenador y no requiere una fuente de alimentación eléctrica. Brillo de la luz y enfoque se puede ajustar usando el interruptor en el mango.
El alcance IRIS utiliza su propio software que puede ahorrar información y fotos del cliente, así como recomendaciones de productos. Los informes de análisis se pueden imprimir y las fotos se guardan según la fecha y hora tomadas.
Esta máquina ayudará al cliente a conocer su condición de salud francamente, incluyendo el problema que tienes en el antiguo, ahora y el futuro. Y la iridología será su consejero de salud, le diré cómo mantenerse alejado de la enfermedad y la subsalud.


* Buena apariencia y diseño innovador
* LED iluminador alrededor de la lente
* Lente importada con capa plateada
*5Sensor CCD de alta resolución mega píxeles
* Procesador de imagen de DSP especial, estabilizador de imagen óptica
* Solo botón de captura y captura de pausa digital.
* Enfoque ajustable para dar una imagen clara.
* Equilibrio blanco automático y ajuste de contraste, filtro de temperatura de color
* Compatible con lente Iris, lente de cabello.
* Entrega imágenes claras y precisas.
* Fácil de operar.
* Os: Windows XP, Win2000, 2003, vista, win7, Win 8, WIN 10

¿ Por qué eliges nuestro iridologia iriscopio?

1. software fácil de usar, ayudarle a dirigir. Avanzada tecnología de análisis de iris automático para proporcionar la mejor ayuda para principiantes para aprender.

2. Sistema de Análisis Iris: tecnología internacional, funciones únicas.

3. El sistema de análisis IRIS es una herramienta medicinal que comprueba las condiciones del cuerpo y evita que se produzcan enfermedades.

4. presentamos la avanzada tecnología de análisis de IRIS desde Alemania para dirigir a la gente para descubrir fuentes de enfermedad, y cuidar la salud corporal y el espíritu de todos modos.

5. el instrumento puede mostrar las condiciones corporales de los clientes y sugerir a los clientes la comida adecuada para la salud, Y los planes para cuidar sus cuerpos.

6. la máquina iriscope puede editar su producto en el software y mostrar los informes. ayuda a promocionar un producto saludable.

USB iridologia iriscopio


1 unid

30X lente de IRIS
1 unid

Caja de aluminio
1 unid

Cubierta protectora de la lente
1 unid

Iridología gráfico
1 unid

Manual del usuario
1 unid

CD (software de controladores y análisis Pro)
1 unid

Clave de software USB
1 unid

Términos de pago y envío:

Cantidad de orden mínima

1 unidad

Detalles de empaquetado

Caja de aluminio

Tiempo de entrega

3 días después del pago completo

Condiciones de pago

T/T, Unión Occidental, PayPal, tarjeta de crédito

Capacidad de la fuente

5000 unids cada mes

iridologia iriscopio

Place of OriginGuangdong, China
Warranty1 Year
After-sales ServiceVideo Technical Support
Typeiridology camera,iriscope
FunkciaPigmentation Analysis, Skin Wrinkle Analysis, Detect Skin Moisture
ApplicationFor Home Use
Model NumberMK-9822U
JazykEnglish / Spanish
SystemWindows XP, WIN2000, 2003, Vista, Win7, Win8, Win 10, Win 11, Apple MAC OS
CCD Sensor Resolution5.0MP
Packaging DetailsExport Carton
Lead Time5-7 Days (Depending on Quantity)
Supply Ability10000 Piece/Pieces per Month
Single Package Size33X28X12 cm
Single Gross Weight2.500 kg

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