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iridology chart right eye

October 3, 2017

iridology chart right eye

Iridology chart on this page shows the right eye iris zones as they relate to specific tissues & organs in the body from Dr. Jenson’s Iridology charting studies

The Iridology Chart below documents the right eye Iris zones related to tissues and organs in the body from Dr. Bernard Jenson’s charting of Iridology zones.  Our Iridologist who studied under Dr. Jensen utilizes the iridology charts to identify possible weaknesses in tissues and organs of the body.

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iridology map

iridology map

Iridology Chart of the Right Eye Iris

Iridology Chart of the Right Eye Iris


The study of Iridology asserts that through studying markings in the iris one can learn about the inner workings of the body.

The word “iris” is Greek and means “rainbow” or “halo.” The iris is the colorful portion of the eye that surrounds the pupil.

Every fiber, color, pattern, and defect in the iris is believed to have a reflex correlation with a disease manifestation or organ system malfunction. By studying the eye, Iridologists can reveal a patient’s overall state of health, as well as their tendencies toward inherited disease and possible future problems.

The left eye is believed to correspond with the left side of the body and the right eye with the right side of the body. In general, the higher organs (brain, thyroid) are at the top of the iris and the lower organs (kidneys) are at the bottom.

Iridology is used as more of a diagnostic tool than a treatment. It is not a medical exam or a definitive diagnosis of disease. Rather, it proposes to recognize:

* Toxins and their locations
* Stages of Inflammation
* Inherent Weakness or Strength
* General Health level
* Biochemical Deficiencies


In reading the iris to gain insight to the body there are several characteristics that are studied. These include, but are not limited to layers, colors, rings and spots.

iridology Layers

A primary theory of Iridology is that the iris is constructed in layers that represent the four stages of tissue activity.

* Acute changes
* Sub-acute changes
* Chronic changes
* Degenerative changes

iridology eye images

iridology COLORS

There are 3 main physical eye types:

● Blue-Eyed Type (Lymphatic): At increased risk for problems with the upper respiratory tract, digestive tract, urogenital tract, lymphatic tissues, joints, kidneys and adrenal gland imbalances.

● Mixed-Eye Type (Biliary): This type has discolorations (usually light brown) on top of a blue background. They are at increased risk for liver related problems, digestive tract problems and allergies.

● Brown-Eyed Type (Hematogenic): This type is predisposed to blood disorders and imbalances of minerals, especially calcium. This type should pay attention to the circulatory system, liver, spleen, bone marrow, digestive system and endocrine glands.

Colors over certain areas on the iris correspond to the area of the body as indicated by the maps. You can then decide what types of changes are occurring.

* White indicates an area of the body working hard to “maintain.”
* Yellow-white indicates an area of the body losing a battle.
* Yellow indicates poor kidney function; yellow sclera (white part of the eye) suggest gallbladder disease.
* Orange indicates problems metabolizing carbohydrates and weakness in the liver and/or pancreas. Glucose levels should be checked.
* Red-brown indicates deterioration.
* Brown indicates poor liver function and “dirty blood.”
* Black indicates dying tissue.

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iridology  RINGS

There are numerous rings seen in the iris. Here are a few of the main ones.

* Scurf Rim or Ring of Purpose is a dark band around the iris, indicating that the skin is not functioning properly. These people do not sweat easily (lack of detoxification), have increased mucous production and kidney stress. They are “thick-skinned” emotionally.
* Stress Rings or Rings of Freedom look like growth rings on a tree. They indicate neuro-muscular tension and stress. These people tend to be perfectionists and are highly active and accomplishment-oriented.
* Lipid Ring or Ring of Determination is a heavy white ring partially or completely covering the outer edge of the iris. This ring is mostly found in older people, and it is indicative of arteriosclerosis and other cardiovascular problems. It can also indicate problems with the liver and thyroid, and an increased risk of Parkinson’s Disease. These people tend to be stubborn.
* Lymphatic Rosary or Ring of Harmony looks like a tiny ring of clouds around the outer iris. These people have lymphatic congestion and swollen lymph nodes. Perhaps the person with this ring is not getting enough exercise for the particular body parts underlying the ring. These people internalize others’ problems to make everything appear harmonious, as they dislike conflict and tension in their environment.

iridology  SPOTS

Spots may “move” across the iris and are believed to indicate deficiencies or a “blocking” of awareness about a particular organ or system.

by Lisa Niebergall, MD

What is Iridology?

Iridology is the science and study of pathological and functional disturbances in the human body as indicated by abnormal markings and color changes in the iris of the eye, while revealing inflammation, where it is located and in what stage it is manifesting. The iris reveals bodily conditions as it relates to inherent weaknesses, levels of health, and the transition that takes place in a person’s body when they choose to purify the way they, think, live and eat.

iridology History

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The idea of the irises as indicators of potential illness isn’t a fad born of the New Age movement. Iridology’s roots date back more than 2,000 years. But the practice went through its own Dark Age, and much of its wisdom was lost amidst historic turmoil. Modern Iridology has its origins in 19th century Europe and an 11-year-old boy.

As a child, the Hungarian physician Ignatz von Peczley wrestled with an owl in his backyard and accidently broke the bird’s leg. He noticed that the iris of the owl’s eye had developed a dark stripe where there was none before. Intrigued, he wondered if this phenomenon would happen in people too. While he was working in a hospital, Dr. von Peczley observed the same occurrence in his patients and began to make detailed drawings of their eyes- the basis for many of todays iris charts.

While von Peczley is considered the father of Iridology, Dr. Jensen is credited with keeping the practice alive in America. He launched his career as a chiropractor in 1929 and later became one of the country’s leading nutritionists. A devout advocate of studying the iris, he developed a comprehensive eye chart that was the prominent one for decades. He kept the Iridology message alive when allopathic medicine was pushing holistic therapies aside.

Can Iridology Detect Susceptibility to Cancer?

Objective: This prospective case-control study aimed to investigate the value of iridology as a diagnostic tool in detecting some common cancers.

Subjects: One hundred ten (110) subjects were enrolled in the study: 68 subjects had histologically proven cancers of the breast, ovary, uterus, prostate, or colorectum, and 42 were control subjects.

Methods: All subjects were examined by an experienced practitioner of iridology, who was unaware of their gender or medical details. He was allowed to suggest up to five diagnoses for each subject and his results were then compared with each subject’s medical diagnosis to determine the accuracy of iridology in detecting malignancy.

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