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» Blog » iridología



  • dra juanita en monterrey medicina alternativa iridologia acupuntura


  • iridology review- how to read your eyes for health

    Iridology is the study of the iris of the eye as a reflection of the body’s overall health. According to the principles of iridology, different areas of the iris are believed to be related to different organs and systems in the body, and changes in the color, texture, and other characteristics of the iris can be used to identify health …

  • principios y fundamentos de la iridología de reflejo múltiple

    La iridología de reflejo múltiple es una técnica de evaluación de la salud basada en el principio de que la iris del ojo refleja la salud y el funcionamiento de los órganos y sistemas del cuerpo. Según esta teoría, cada área de la iris está relacionada con un órgano o sistema en particular, y las alteraciones en el color, la …

  • youtube how to take a clear picture for iridology

    To take a clear picture for iridology, follow these steps: Set up the camera: Use a high-resolution camera with a macro lens or a smartphone with a good camera and a close-up lens attachment. Adjust the lighting to provide even illumination across the eye. Position the subject: Have the subject sit in a comfortable position with their head tilted slightly …

  • ciencia y practica de la iridologia bernard jensen pdf

    “Ciencia y Practica de la Iridologia Bernard Jensen” is a book written by Bernard Jensen, an American chiropractor who was a proponent of iridology. As I mentioned earlier, iridology is a form of alternative medicine that involves the examination of the iris of the eye to diagnose medical conditions. Iridología  

  • Software Para Iriscopio

    Como funciona o software para iriscopio? 1. instalar o software.   Ligue a chave USB cor-de-laranja ao seu PC. 3Open desktop “CadiCV Advance Analysis System English Version”. 1) Seleccione “User”, password: 111111, depois clique em: “Login”. 2) Clique em “Ferramentas do Cliente” e introduza os dados do seu cliente. Se puder, clique em “Adicionar” e depois clique em “Fechar”. 3) …