MAIKONG-Professional iridology camera iriscope Manufacturer and supplier



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  • 9822u iridology camera feedback reivewer

    i dont know 23.04 Ok. Ithink it is all solved 23.05 I’m so glad i found this what’s app number lt was working for a few months and now I know i can connect here for support yes right 23:15W my engineer call me for that result 23115/ please help us to write your kindly 5star feed back and viewer …

  • iridology software use in mac iridology camera for IOS iridoscopio

    iridology software use in mac iridology camera for IOS  how to use the iridology camer in ios system   1) you need one usb hub to type-C. 2) In the software for ios/MAC system. 3)running the software.

  • Software Para Iriscopio

    Como funciona o software para iriscopio? 1. instalar o software.   Ligue a chave USB cor-de-laranja ao seu PC. 3Open desktop “CadiCV Advance Analysis System English Version”. 1) Seleccione “User”, password: 111111, depois clique em: “Login”. 2) Clique em “Ferramentas do Cliente” e introduza os dados do seu cliente. Se puder, clique em “Adicionar” e depois clique em “Fechar”. 3) …

  • the science and practice of iridology by bernard jensen

    The science and practice of iridology by bernard jensen One of the greatest healers in the world. Dr. Jensen has been a pioneer in the field of holistic health for over 60 years, paving the way for the alternative health revolution we are now experiencing. Dr. Jensen began his career at the West Coast College of Chiropractic, and Bernard became …

  • rayid iridology

    How does Rayid differ from the physical view of the iris? Iridology is the study of the iris or colored part of the eye and is used as a diagnostic tool by trained healthcare professionals. Through the various markings, signs and discoloration on the iris, nature reveals the genetic weaknesses and strengths, personality traits, patterns, behavioral traits, attitudes, challenges and …

  • free iridology chart

    free iridology chart   Iridology Chart of the Right Eye Iris Iridology chart on this page shows the right eye iris zones as they relate to specific tissues & organs in the body from Dr. Jenson’s Iridology charting studies The Iridology Chart below documents the right eye Iris zones related to tissues and organs in the body from Dr. Bernard …