MAIKONG-Professional iridology camera iriscope Manufacturer and supplier



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  • iridology eye chart diagnosis 5

    What is our individual rate? What is our individual rate? Iridology takes a lot of the guesswork out of these questions. Going through life without this information is like taking a trip without a map. What are your chances of arriving at your desired destination? Will you get there efficiently, or end up taking many detours along the way? And …

  • bernard jensen iridology chart 7

    How to take your iridology images How to take your iridology images Use your thumb to pull down your bottom eyelid, while at the same time use your index finger to lift-up your top eyelid until the entire eye is visible (the top and bottom part of your eye must be visible); if that doesn’t work, then open your eye …

  • bernard jensen iridology chart 9

    Why iridology? Why iridology? Contraction Furrows. Sclera Signs. Syndromes iridology book Contraction Furrows. Sclera Signs. Syndromes iridology book CONTRACTION FURROWS SCLERA SIGNS SYNDROMES Power Point CD, 59 Frames By Ellen Tart-Jensen, Ph.D., D.Sc., CCII This colorful power point show has very clear and detailed iris signs, showing various types of contraction furrows (formerly called stress rings). The area the furrows …

  • iridology eye chart diagnosis 5

    Iridology history Iridology history The practice of Iridology has origins as far back as Ancient Egypt. It is here that drawings have been found relating the eye to the anatomy of the body. Modern iridology is in its infancy of less than two hundred years founded in 1861 by Ignatz Von Peczley, a doctor from Hungary. The story goes that …

  • bernard jensen iridology chart 6

    The Eye: The Blueprint to a Healthy Body The Eye The Eye: The Blueprint to a Healthy Body The Eye According to Iridology the iris of the eye is like a blueprint to the entire body. Iridologists believe that the eye is an intricate blueprint to a person’s inherent strengths and weaknesses. For those readers who are not aware of …

  • iris reading chart

    Is Iridology Beneficial for Children? Is Iridology Beneficial for Children? Iridology is especially important and valuable when working with children. To determine a child’s genetic weaknesses, and support them at a young age with proper herbs and nutrition, means they do not necessarily have to struggle with these weaknesses passed down through family lines. In fact, it is documented that …