MAIKONG-Professional iridology camera iriscope Manufacturer and supplier



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  • iridology equipment

    What is iridology equipment? iridology equipment is iridology camera,iriscoep,iriscope camera. Iridology equipment images   Iridology Equipment Take Iridology Picture iridology equipment use what iridology software?    

  • is iridology accurate

    What is iridology? Iridology is a naturopathic diagnosis method which speculates the theory that the iris contains nerve fibres connecting through cranial nerves to different parts of the body. The following article with Ophthalmologist, Dr Peter Martin from Harley Place Day Surgery in Bondi Junction, discusses the speculation, the history, and the facts about whether or not Iridology is a …

  • iridology london

    What is iridology? Historically, the study of the eye can easily be traced back through civilization. The Chinese discerned health tendencies from the size shape and set of the eyes, and in Ayurvedic medicine the colour of the eyes is part of the description of a person’s Prakriti (constitution).Modern Iridology is defined as the study and analysis of the coloured …

  • iridology calgary

    What is iridology? he eyes are closely connected to the brain. Actually, the eyes are an extension of the brain, just like a computer monitor showing the output of data produced in the hard drive.The brain is the central computer for the body. It recognizes, transforms and processes all activities and information (ie. shock, trauma, stress) both internally and externally …

  • Dog iridology chart
  • cat iridology chart

    Dat iridology chart