MAIKONG-Professional iridology camera iriscope Manufacturer and supplier



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  • history of iridology

    What Is Iridology? Proponents of iridology claim that information about the patient’s overall health—including healthy or unhealthy organs, past andfuture health issues, and susceptibility to certain illnesses/diseases—can be gleaned from the study of the patterns, colors, and other characteristics of the patient’s iris.Flashlights, magnifying glasses, cameras, and slit-lamp microscopes are used to examine the patient’s irises. Iridologists look for tissue …

  • iridology simplified

    iridology simplified This is a basic introduction to the science and practice of iridology. Diagrams and photographs demonstrate various conditions in the iris. A fine resource for the layman, beginning student, or anyone interested in natural health care. Topics include: – What is Iridology & How Does it Work? – Physiology and Basic Iris Topography – Major Iris Signs, Markings, …

  • does iridology work for fake?

    Does iridology work for fake? What is iridology? According to a theory, the iris is a display area of all the nerve fibers terminating in the brain. Hence, the iris is able to sashay any sort of change that takes place in the body, and this is detectable due to the discoloration of the iris. When the iris is examined …

  • 11 iridology chart large

    11 iridology chart large free for you. you can click the image to get and save or download the large iridology chart.  

  • What the mean iridology green eyes?

    What the mean iridology green eyes? green and/or with a visible blue base. People with these eyes have a tendency towards sluggish liver and gall bladder conditions and have an emphasis on digestive weakness. They also have a tendency for diabetes.Deal with it.Green eyes, an iridologist would recognise that you actually have blue irises that are showing signs indicative of …

  • iridology eye color

    How Many iridology eye color type?   About 3 color: Brown iridology,Blue iridology,Mixed iridology 1 Brown iridology,White collerette (autonomic nerve wreath), solid blue or gray/blue color with no discoloration or psora (pigments). Related to the primary colour blue and the spiritual aspect of health. Strong tendency towards Western phlegmatic (water) constitution and Chinese water, metal constitutions. Read Tendencies This is …