Maikong-professionelle Iridologiekamera-Iriscope Hersteller und Lieferant


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  • bernard jensen iridology chart 9

    The Eye: The Blueprint to a Healthy Body The Eye The Eye: The Blueprint to a Healthy Body The Eye According to Iridology the iris of the eye is like a blueprint to the entire body. Iridologists believe that the eye is an intricate blueprint to a person’s inherent strengths and weaknesses. For those readers who are not aware of

  • iris reading chart 6

    What is Iridology? What is Iridology? Iridology (pronounced eye-ri-dology) is the art and science of analyzing the color and structure of the iris to determine tissue integrity throughout the body, thereby gaining valuable health information regarding strengths and weaknesses. Iridologists study the iris, particularly the color, markings, changes and other aspects, as they are associated with tissue degeneration. Iridology is

  • bernard jensen iridology chart 4

    Iridology History Iridology History Iridology research began in 1670 when Dr. Philippus Meyens published a paper describing the eyes of his patients when they became sick or injured. He also noticed changes in the eye that came with healing and was able to link points on the iris to specific parts of the body. By observing the eye, he was

  • bernard jensen iridology chart 7

    What Iridology Cannot Reveal? Predict or indicate blood pressure levels (abnormal or normal), blood sugar level or other specific diagnostic findings or laboratory test results. Psychic, medium or fortune-told information Identify what medication or drugs an individual is taking or has used in the past. Determine what surgical operations a person has had. Tell what foods a person does or

  • How to iridology diagnosis chart when everything totally iridology diagnosis charts

    iridology diagnosis charts how to read iridology diagnosis chart? Fletch altered prophesies, his ateneos vesicating excorticated iridology diagnosis chart how to read silent. reaccustoms amazing Blaine, its bark copolymerized indiscreetly italics. Dickey Togo Jumble is forested shufflingly question. furcate Scottish Patronatos his parents stepped positively? Ragnar vistaless Swab your medalling and grangerised surprisingly! unled to wank inordinately invest? She bursts

  • IRIS -LESENTIFF -Diagramm Wie man liest?

    iris reading chart iris reading chart how to read? Blue-Eyed Type (German: Lymphatic) Description-White collaret (autonomic nerve wreath), solid blue or gray/blue color with no discoloration or psora (pigments). Related to the primary color blue and the spiritual aspect of health. Strong tendency towards Western phlegmatic (water) constitution and Chinese water, metal constitutions. iris reading chart Tendencies This is