What iridology eye types have?
1)Blue Eye
Blue-eyed people are usually of European decent, associated with water constitution type, and have a greater tendency to water-related conditions like water retention, lymph congestion, respiratory, urinary problems, and overall body stagnation. They can also be prone to skin problems and tend toward autoimmunity. Blue-eyed types come from the historical stereotype of blue-eyed/blonde hair.
The blue type is considered the healthier of the two eye colors. They also tend toward food allergies and have a harder time with grains than their brown-eyed counterparts. They tend to be able to drink heavier without the same consequences, especially the hangover – versus those with brown hair and brown eyes will tend to have a harder time breaking down alcohol as they age. This is not to encourage those with blue eye types to go out and drink heavily. It’s important to take care of your body.
2)Brown Eye

Brown eyes on the other hand are much more susceptible to chronic health conditions than their blue-eyed counterparts. They are also stereotypically darker-skinned and darker-haired. They also have a pigment layer, known as a “carpet”, over their eye covering the iris fiber structure This carpet can make them harder to read but the main areas of concern are blood, liver, GI tract and glandular issues.
Naturopaths have said that you can’t use iridology to diagnose a specific condition, but you can use it as a guide to help overall wellness. It can be a great tool to discover your natural disposition and constitution. It can also help guide the practitioner to whether the issue is functional, structural, or emotional, or perhaps a combination thereof.
3)Green Eye
Of course due to toxicity and genetic mixing most people fall into the mixed type. These eyes usually range between the blue and the brown and show up looking greenish-brownish, often described as hazel. The composites of the eyes are thought to be from the blood stream which have been broken down from liver imbalances. These people usually suffer hepatic and digestive/intestinal issues.
One school of thought in Ayurvedic medicine says that the eyes absorb the color of the world and will reflect back the color it doesn’t need. In Ayurvedic medicine, personality types are depicted by what they see as Doshas – which are defined by body type. Doshas define a person’s personality and physical disposition. Ayurveda also teaches that colors represent Doshas and emotions, so if your eyes are grey it represents the Dosha Vata and reflects that color to the world because it doesn’t need it.
Some people have noticed that their eye color changes. There are three different types of changes. Heterochromia means you have multicolored eyes. Hyperchromia means your eyes become darker/browner and hypochromia means your eyes become lighter/bluer. These three conditions are thought to mean one of two things: horrible illness, or nothing at all. Rapid depigmentation in the eyes might make a doctor wonder what else is falling apart in the body or what other shoe is about to drop; this is a rare reality. The truth is that the color of your eye is really one subject hugely understudied in the medical field, and there are many unknowns. On a novel note, medically speaking, green eyes are caused by yellowish flecks of fatty pigment against a dark background. So, basically, green eyed people have fat eyes. Very lovely exotic fat eyes, thank you very much, as this writer has green eyes. Deal with it.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) sees the condition of the eyes reflecting the liver’s health. In ancient TCM, doctors used to only get paid if their patients were healthy, so being able to anticipate illness before it hit was imperative. Having ways of seeing into a person’s health such as with the eyes was a clever trick they came up with. They believed the eyes could show 3 different types of imbalances: liver blood deficiency, liver heat and internal liver wind. Liver blood deficiency usually presents as dryness in the eye, blurry vision, and floaters. Liver heat usually presents with painful and burning eyes along