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Hello! would any of you wise souls mind reading my mother’s eyes?

May 13, 2015

Hello! would any of you wise souls mind reading my mother’s eyes?

Hello! would any of you wise souls mind reading my mother’s eyes? I would appreciate it a lot! I got 2 pics of each right and left just because she wasn’t able to open an eye completely smile emoticon

Hello! would any of you wise souls mind reading my mother's eyes  3 Hello! would any of you wise souls mind reading my mother's eyes 1 Hello! would any of you wise souls mind reading my mother's eyes 2 Hello! would any of you wise souls mind reading my mother's eyes 4 Hello! would any of you wise souls mind reading my mother's eyes 5


It was the same story with me, the videos are really eye openers. The problem is she doesn’t speak much English so I have to translate everything to her frown emoticon
But I think she gets it

Oh my that does make it really tough. She is lucky she has you.

We can discuss this as such for entertainment purposes. Otherwise, please consult with a qualified health practitioner you trust for a diagnosis and recommendations.

Liver cleanse and you can do this with juicing. As you said spastic bowel under pressure and with the liver trying to get rid of the toxin

Is she having any problems with her throat? or with eating food etc.? Looks like something going on with her thyroid and congested lymph and digestion issues.

We can discuss this as such for entertainment purposes. Otherwise, please consult with a qualified health practitioner you trust for a diagnosis and recommendations.

Your mom has a spastic colon.
No wonder she suffers from back pain, rush on stomach etc.

Inflammation in the lower extremeties fron the arm to the pancreas. Liver is tryng to keep up with filtering toxins. Toxins appear to be leaching into the small intestine and the adreanal gland area is effected also. Lymph nodes are trying to fight this off and as they say everything in reverse order from which it came. We know where this came from now, digestive support. Detox is a must, perhaps charcol to help pull out toxins from tissue. Much inflammation, perhaps tired all the time. Aloe juice to support the digestive system, juicing to support the liver, lymph nodes and bowels. Check out Dr. Gersen thereapy with juicing. Apple cider vinegar with the mother to assist in nutrients, drink them they are absorbed better and can the cells.

We can discuss this as such for entertainment purposes. Otherwise, please consult with a qualified health practitioner you trust for a diagnosis and recommendations


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