MAIKONG-Professional iridology camera iriscope system Manufacturer and supplier


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How to best iridology camera without ruining anyone’s life. (Or your own.)

July 30, 2018

best iridology camera

best iridology camera software what can do?

best iridology camera software what can do?

1)add comstomer info to software.

2)Edit or Delete comstomer info.

3)Take the iridology eye images to software.

4)Analysis the eye iridology images.

5)Pint the iridology analysis reports.

6)Comparing Before and after iridology eye images.

7)Comparing iridology analysis reports.

best iridology camera

What is Comprehensive Iridology?

What is Comprehensive Iridology?

Comprehensive IridologyTM, was developed, and is accredited, by the International Iridology Practitioners Association. This is a combination of the American and European models of iridology, and it contains the latest up-to-date information on the theory and practice of iridology that is based on current extensive research.

best iridology camera

Eyeronec best iridology camera best iridology camera eyology

Eyeronec best iridology camera best iridology camera eyology

Iridology Equipment Images shown are only representative of the actual equipment supplied as models are updated from time to time.Iris images have not been re-touched or photo-shoped.


Introducing the NEW 5MP Pebble Pro

With Lifetime Warranty and EyeRis Iridology Report Software

$795 + Postage

Why EyeRonec?

Truly light weight, 5Mp portable iridology camera,

NO need to peek into a tiny view finder,

NO flash needed,

NO chinrest,

NO card swapping,

Can be used on a PC or Mac

Our iridology equipment is plugs straight into the USB port of your computer!

The EyeRonec camera does not require batteries nor upgrades to operate satisfactory. It includes EyeRis Iridology Report writing software(digital download – win only) RRP $99, there is nothing more to buy!

You may have seen ‘chinese camera’ offers for a variety of prices. But before you waste your money check with the people who have already bought the camera, All over the world the EyeRonec iridology camera is regarded as the best value for money Iriscope with a lifetime guarantee that puts us above the rest…

Even now our ideas are taken by other iridology equipment and camera makers. We have been in innovative electronic design since 1961, THAT’S over 50 years and have a number of patents.

Our customer service is second to none.

Our lighting system is unique, fully electronic with 8 lights for Blue lights or 2 side lights for brown eyes. The pebble cameras continue the EyeRonec tradition of using a CLOSED system so NO false light will spoil the images.

Our system does NOT use the dreaded flash and has TRUE DAYLIGHT lights that never need replacing. The LEDs ensure the correct colour each time.

There is NO software to learn, NO exposure and speed and ISO setting to worry about.

best iridology camera


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