SD8004 Super Digital iriscopio chile
SD8004 Super Digital iriscopio chile
Joyful Living Services, in partnership with Iris Imaging, is excited to announce that we now offer an 24.2MP Digital Iridology and Sclerology Camera System that has the capability of extremely high resolution and uncompromising quality at affordable prices.
Our Iridology and Sclerology System is based on the 24.2MP Nikon DSLR. The system uses a highly rated, crystal clear 90mm lens that has even greater clarity than the 105mm macro lens for unparalleled performance and clarity.
The camera features a newly designed oversized Nikon CMOS sensor specifically optimized for low noise and high saturation, giving you the best image quality available. It also uses Image-processing engine EXPEED 3 – the same as that used by the Nikon D4 FX-format flagship camera and a 3-inch Clear View LCD with anti-reflective and scratch-resistant coating. You’ll have uncompromised Digital performance with power and flexibility in the palm of your hands.
We use a highly regarded macro lens along with a specifically designed flash and two high quality fiber optic strands to illuminate the eye perfectly. This allows for greater depth of field and consistently clearer pictures. The flashes are still within the pupil so no part of the eye is obscured.
The portable fully adjustable custom camera stand is made of heavy duty plate aluminum with a beautiful “Brite Dipped” face mount rather than the plastic found in other systems. This gives you unequaled beauty, strength, stability and longevity. It is easy to set up on any table, at any location for ultimate portability and comfort.
The lighting system gives you perfectly illuminated shots every time without flash spots on the iris. The twin head focus light is embedded in the flash ring giving you ease in focusing while being easy on the client.

The best 5 x iriscopio chile in the World
The best 5 x iriscopio chile in the World
Iridology magnifiers have different names in different countries. In Australia they are traditionally called iris torch, in the USA they call the magnifier a lens. At EyeRonec we have used a mixture of names for our illuminated magnifiers. Traditionally 10X magnifiers were being used by the iridology pioneers. On request we have put 2OX magnifiers in our range to enable iridologist practitioners and doctors to inspect the IPB (assimilation ring), individual fibers and other small markings.
There are a few iridology teachers that advocate 5X torches to be used. As a general rule the lens size gets smaller when the magnification goes up, so the 20X illuminated magnifier needs to be close to the eye and the practitioner needs to be close to the magnifier to see clearly. Our 10X magnifying lens has a clear view without having to be close and in the face of the patient/client and shows the full iris in the eye glass.
We use optical glass lenses for our magnifiers and the EyeRonec 10X iridology magnifiers that are used all over the world by colleges, students, doctors, iridologists and natural practitioners.
As some prefer a 5X lens that shows the WHOLE eye, not just the IRIS we have got together with our factory and have 5X magnifiers made based on our successful 10X model. The result is what we like to call the BEST 5X IRIDOLOGY MAGNIFIER IN THE WORD. Fantastic clarity and great viewing range!…
Our unbeatable lifetime guarantee applies. This is the best 5X iridology torch you will find anywhere.

Iridology and Nutrition: A Personalized Diet through Iridology
Iridology and Nutrition: A Personalized Diet through Iridology
Every cell, tissue and organ of the body has its nutritional requirements. They require specific nutrients in correct combinations to work at their best. When the body is not fed properly, certain elements become depleted and the body begins to suffer. The iris reflects these nutritional needs and the skilled iridologist can see them. Iridology takes much of the guess work from your food choices and better prepares your body for the future.
All tissues change according to the nutritional program applied and the living habits a person practices. Improper living habits undermine the body until it is unable to hold up under stress.
Iridology points out where the inherent weaknesses are and what is needed nutritionally to strengthen them. When the organs and tissues are fed the correct nutrients and receive the proper rest, healing can begin to take place.
As an example, people with loose iris fibers, referred to in iridology as the, “connective type”, can help their body by consuming extra amounts of bioflavonoids either by eating more fruits or through supplementation. Connective types would also benefit from cabbage juice which is high, in a lesser known Vitamin known as, vitamin P. Another way Iridology may help an individual with a more personalized nutrition plan, is by iris color. For example, through decades of Iridology research it has been noted that many people with dark brown eyes benefit from focusing on eating more blood building type foods such as kale, spinach, alfalfa and chlorella.
Iridology can help anyone personalize their diet. As always remember that Iridology is not to be used alone but along with the help and guidance of your qualified health care professional.
Iridology is intended to empower you with personal information necessary to live a life of vibrant health!

What is venta iriscopio chile digital?
What is venta iriscopio chile digital?
Detalles del producto:
Lugar de origen
Número de modelo
Resolución máxima
4 LED/2 lámparas LED control
Con Pro software de análisis
El iriscopio chile es fácil de operar. Se conecta directamente al ordenador y no requiere una fuente de alimentación eléctrica. Brillo de la luz y enfoque se puede ajustar usando el interruptor en el mango.
El alcance IRIS utiliza su propio software que puede ahorrar información y fotos del cliente, así como recomendaciones de productos. Los informes de análisis se pueden imprimir y las fotos se guardan según la fecha y hora tomadas.
Esta máquina ayudará al cliente a conocer su condición de salud francamente, incluyendo el problema que tienes en el antiguo, ahora y el futuro. Y la iridología será su consejero de salud, le diré cómo mantenerse alejado de la enfermedad y la subsalud.
* Buena apariencia y diseño innovador
* LED iluminador alrededor de la lente
* Lente importada con capa plateada
*5Sensor CCD de alta resolución mega píxeles
* Procesador de imagen de DSP especial, estabilizador de imagen óptica
* Solo botón de captura y captura de pausa digital.
* Enfoque ajustable para dar una imagen clara.
* Equilibrio blanco automático y ajuste de contraste, filtro de temperatura de color
* Compatible con lente Iris, lente de cabello.
* Entrega imágenes claras y precisas.
* Fácil de operar.
* Os: Windows XP, Win2000, 2003, vista, win7, Win 8, WIN 10
¿ Por qué eliges nuestro iriscopio chile?
1. software fácil de usar, ayudarle a dirigir. Avanzada tecnología de análisis de iris automático para proporcionar la mejor ayuda para principiantes para aprender.
2. Sistema de Análisis Iris: tecnología internacional, funciones únicas.
3. El sistema de análisis IRIS es una herramienta medicinal que comprueba las condiciones del cuerpo y evita que se produzcan enfermedades.
4. presentamos la avanzada tecnología de análisis de IRIS desde Alemania para dirigir a la gente para descubrir fuentes de enfermedad, y cuidar la salud corporal y el espíritu de todos modos.
5. el instrumento puede mostrar las condiciones corporales de los clientes y sugerir a los clientes la comida adecuada para la salud, Y los planes para cuidar sus cuerpos.
6. la máquina iriscope puede editar su producto en el software y mostrar los informes. ayuda a promocionar un producto saludable.
USB iriscopio chile
1 unid
30X lente de IRIS
1 unid
Caja de aluminio
1 unid
Cubierta protectora de la lente
1 unid
Iridología gráfico
1 unid
Manual del usuario
1 unid
CD (software de controladores y análisis Pro)
1 unid
Clave de software USB
1 unid
Términos de pago y envío:
Cantidad de orden mínima
1 unidad
Detalles de empaquetado
Caja de aluminio
Tiempo de entrega
3 días después del pago completo
Condiciones de pago
T/T, Unión Occidental, PayPal, tarjeta de crédito
Capacidad de la fuente
5000 unids cada mes