What is the iridology brown eyes?

Brown Eyed Type (German: Haematogenic) Description
Pure brown eye with pigments covering iris fibre structure. Related to the primary colour red and the physical aspect of health. Probably Chinese constitutional types: fire and earth. Probability related to Western fire and earth constitutions as well.
What the mean iridology brown eyes?

Pure brown eyes are difficult for Iridologists to read because a layer of pigment completely covers up the fibre structure of the eye. However, Iridologists have noted some general characteristics of brown-eyed people. First, they appear to be pre-disposed to imbalances in blood composition and hence to blood disorders. It has been suggested that they have a possible inherent inability to store adequate supplies of minerals. They may especially have problems with calcium metabolism. Specific systems and organs to pay particular attention to are: The circulatory system (heart, blood, blood vessels), the organs that make blood (liver, spleen, bone marrow), the digestive system and the endocrine glands.
Common health problems experienced by brown-eyed people include: Anaemia, hardening of the arteries, all types of blood diseases, constriction and hardening of lymph tissue, possible reduced leukocytes in the blood, digestive troubles, mineral deficiencies and early breakdown of the endocrine glands.

True Brown Eye Colour::
Persons with true brown eyes are pre-disposed to imbalances in blood composition and hence to blood disorders. It is suggested the person to have a possible inherent inability to store adequate supplies of minerals. They may especially have problems with calcium metabolism.
Common Health Problemsassociate with true brown eyed persons):
– Common health problems experienced by brown-eyed people include: Anemia, hardening of the arteries, all types of blood diseases, constriction and hardening of lymph tissue, possible reduced leukocytes in the blood, digestive troubles, mineral deficiencies and early breakdown of the endocrine glands

Brown-iridology people tend to have a faster reflex than those with blue eyes. Experiments show that the darker the eye, the faster your reflexes are. Peter Post of New York Hospital clinically tested reflex action by electronically dropping a ruler, accompanied by a buzzer or flash of light. Volunteers had to catch the ruler as it fell. Variables such as gender, age, etc. were taken into account, but the results showed that the darker the iris, the faster your reflexes. Brown-eyed people consistently caught the ruler more times than blue-eyed people. The color of the iris is determined by melanin. Fair skinned (Caucasian) can have brown, blue and mixed color iris’s as well as darker skinned people can have the same variations.