A CNM Professional course in Iridology – analysis of the eye’s coloured iris – could throw open the curtains to a new level of diagnostic insight for you and your patients.

By helping to reveal a person’s underlying constitution, information displayed in the iris can suggest especially useful therapies to complement your specialism.

About the course

Iridology is the study of the “iris”, the exposed nerve endings which make up the coloured part to the eye. The colours and the many structural variations which can be viewed in each iris, are the genetically determined evidence of your uniqueness. You will learn how to examine and analyse the iris in order to interpret signs that may indicate the client’s general constitution and their genetic susceptibility to particular conditions, and whether their organs and tissues are inflamed, toxic or under stress.

Iridology is a useful tool to the practitioner and student practitioner wishing to provide an individualised service to their clients by informing them of their innate strengths and weaknesses, empowering them to work within those limits.

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Key Features

  • Dynamics of one-to-one consultations and case taking
  • Theory and history of Iridology
  • Anatomy of the eye and iris
  • Iris topography and the iris map
  • Signs and markings in the iris, pupil and sclera, and their implications
  • Clinical practice and contraindications
  • Recognition of pathological portraits and naturopathic therapies
  • Empowering the client
  • Advanced constitutional Iridology
  • Subtypes and syndromes


  • CNM Diploma in Iridology


  • Accredited by the Guild of Naturopathic Iridologists International


  • London

Course Fee

  • Please contact our registration advisors for exact course pricing, discounts, and financing options.

Study Programme

  • Certificate Course: The course is 6 days and is held on weekends.
  • Diploma Course: The course is 6 days and is held on weekends.

How to apply

  • Download and return the Post-Graduate Courses enrolment form
  • If you have questions, or for more information, please phone +44 (0)1342 410 505, use our contact form, or email shortcourseinfo@naturopathy-uk.com.

2 Naturopathy and Iridology in UK

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Holistic Health College


Tel: +44 (0)20 7834 3579
Fax: +44 (0)20 7821 0255

Email us

Naturopathy and Iridology

These are the cornerstones of the Holistic Health College’s complementary health courses.

The term naturopathy came into use early in the 20th century. It provides a distinct system of healing that aims to promote health by stimulating and supporting the body’s inherent ability to restore harmony and balance. Naturopaths believe that the symptoms of ill health are the body’s way of trying to heal itself so if you suppress the symptoms you inhibit the body’s healing ability.

The Naturopathic Iridology Diploma Course combines the diverse studies needed to master a truly holistic approach to diagnostics and the requisite treatments necessary to restore good health. This approach has enabled the principals’ own practice to achieve its internationally renowned success rate. While ideally suited to postgraduates, this course has produced numerous graduates who started with little or no background knowledge. Whatever your previous, or current, career, if your aim is to become a highly competent Complementary Medicine Consultant, you would benefit from this course.

The Intensive Iridololgy Diploma Course is the most extensive course available for ‘Pure Iridology’ in the UK. It is much sought after by practitioners and even graduates from some other Iridology courses.

Affiliated to:
Holistic Health Consultancy
Institute of Complementary Medicine
Guild of Naturopathic Iridologists International
General Naturopathic Council Ltd