
The iris is like a television which receives signals from a satellite over the world. If you could see the world the way the satellite sees it, you would see gorgeous blue oceans, land masses of various colours, and clouds obscuring some areas. If you looked closely you’d see that some rivers and lakes weren’t as clear and blue as others, perhaps due to sedimentation or pollution. Some land areas would be brown, some would be full of lush green forests. A high powered satellite might be able to see electricity substations and communications lines.
The view that an iridologist has when examining your iris is similar in concept. The iris provides a miniature picture of the state of health of your own private world: your body. Your iridologist can see gorgeous clean healthy areas, full of lush regular fibres, perhaps also some darker recessed areas, or areas tinted with a yellowish or brownish haze. Each area of the iris shows the tissue state of an area or organ of your body. The right iris shows the tissue state of the organs of the right side of the body, the left iris shows the left side.
To an iridologist, there are only two iris colours: blue and brown. If you have hazel or green eyes, an iridologist would recognise that you actually have blue irises that are showing signs indicative of less than optimal health. Having said that, you should know that not every brown fleck in your iris has a meaning, so don’t rush to the mirror and start worrying about your health! Instead, go to a qualified iridologist and have your irises assessed and explained to you.
Some of the things that an iridologist can determine from your irises include:
- Toxins accumulating in tissues
- Under-functioning or over-working organs or tissues
- Inflammation in the body
- Stress levels and how you’re handling them
- Genetic weaknesses and predispositions – by knowing these in advance, you can take appropriate action to avoid illnesses
- Past injuries and how well they’ve healed
- Digestive and eliminative systems and how well they’re functioning
- Muscle cramps and their locations
- Lymphatic system performance
- Spinal health
- Blood circulation to different areas of the body
Note that there are also some things that cannot be determined from the iris:
- Pregnancy
- Cancerous tumours
- Sex of individual (this is only relevant when viewing an iris photo. Otherwise it’s usually obvious from looking at a person what sex they are!)
- Disease diagnosis
The last point is very important. Iridology is a tool to gather information about the tissue state of the body. It does not provide a diagnosis.
How the eye mirrors the health of the body

The precise physiological mechanism that explains how the iris is able to register the tissue state of the body has not yet been determined, however we do know that the central nervous system and the eye are intimately related. In fact, in the embryonic state, the eye develops from the same tissue as the brain does.
In order to discuss the nerves that connect to and affect the iris, we must first mention that there are three main divisions of nerves affecting the eye:
- Motor nerves – these are the three cranial nerves that move the eyeball: oculomotor, trochlear and abducens.
- Sensory nerves – these conduct the sensory impulses to the brain. The main sensory nerve is the optic nerve. The cranial nerves mentioned above also contain a sensory component which transmits the location of the eyeball to the brain.
- Autonomic nerves – there are two main types of autonomic nerves:
- Sympathetic – those concerned with the fight-or-flight response. The radial muscle dilates the pupil in times of stress.
- Parasympathetic – those concerned with relaxation, which is sometimes called rest-and-digest. The ciliary nerve is the one that innervates the muscle that constricts the pupil. The oculomotor nerve also contains parasympathetic fibres. In fact, it contains the ciliary nerve.
Here is how the information is processed if you see something frightening:
The visual information in transmitted from the back of your eye into the optic nerve (a sensory nerve).
It travels to the basal ganglion of the brain, which is an integrating centre to help you add meaning to what you saw.
From there the information goes to the limbic system, which associates an emotion (such as fear) with it, and also to the visual cortex which allows you to understand what you just saw.
In this case, because fear was involved, the sympathetic nervous system is stimulated to produce a fight-or-flight response. To accomplish that, the main relay station of the brain (the thalamus) sends a message down the spinal cord to the superior cervical ganglion.
This transmits the message to the radial muscle of the iris, which dilates the pupil.
The thalamus also sends other messages to get your body ready for extreme stress.
The iris connection
In the iris, some of the nerve fibres form converging parallel lines that correspond to the pattern of fibres that you can easily see in blue eyes. The fibres converge towards the pupil and spread out as they reach the outer edge of the iris.
So you now have the full picture. The nerves in the iris are connected to the spinal cord, but also to the brain directly. Via this network of nerves encompassing the cranial and spinal nerves and many relay stations and information processing centres (plexes and ganglia), the iris receives word of far-off happenings indicating the tissue state of the body.
Changes in the iris
The research of Walter Lang (Die anatomischen und physiologischen Grundlange der Augendiagnostik) makes the following hypothesis to explain why the iris undergoes specific changes which match pathological changes in the body:
Changes of state are relayed from the thalamus and hypothalamus through the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal ganglion to the motoneurons of the iris muscle structure. Changes in the impulses conducted by these motor neurons may be responsible for the changes in the muscle structure of the iris, leading to the gradual separation of iris fibres in the stroma and consequent appearance of the lesions and other markings familiar to iridologists.
Let’s look at some examples of iris signs.
This first iris shows a sign called the arcus senilis. This is an indication of poor circulation. Usually the arc starts to appear on the upper part of the iris, which is the area corresponding to the head. This means the circulation to the head is insufficient. People with this sign will often tell you they have difficulty with their memory or concentration.
This iris is a brown iris with cramp rings. Cramp rings look like concentric circles going around the iris, formed by a crimping of the iris fibres. There may be on or more, and they can start at any part of the iris, going around the entire iris or only a portion. This iris has several light gold cramp rings. Cramp rings indicate muscle tension in the body. People with many cramp rings will benefit greatly from a series of massages.
Many people with brown eyes actually have blue eyes with a brown or gold overlay. The brown or gold indicates toxin accumulation in their connective tissue. This is a very common sign, and one that is quite easy to see even without an iriscope. The iris at left is one example of this.
Iridology is a handy tool for natural therapists, since it is non-invasive and provides instant information about the tissue state of the body. A photograph can be taken and later analysed in depth, or saved for comparison with future photographs to track the progress of the treatment.
2)What does your eye color say about you?
It is said that the eye is the window to the soul, yet so many see it as skin deep. We can all be enticed by beautiful eyes. Sometimes the color is so deep, but is it really just cosmetic attraction? On some subconscious level are we picking up on something deeper? Are we picking up on their soul? In a way perhaps we are!
Iridology claims that there are really only two eye colors. But how can that be? We see all different kinds of eye color. All shades and depths…so how can there be only two?
Iridology believes that you can read the health of the person in the color and texture of the eye, very much like the way Traditional Chinese Medicine may use the tongue or acupressure points to diagnose the body’s ailments. Believing the body to be symmetrical, meaning an issue in one part shows up in other areas of the body, is not a new concept in alternative or esoteric healing. Conventional medicine has some limited acceptance of this idea, i.e. yellow eyes are a sign of Jaundice. Overall this alternative concept often falls into the idea of pseudoscience by conventional-type practitioners.

So what are the two main eye colors? Brown and blue, according to iridology. If you have hazel or green eyes, an iridologist would see that as actually a blue type with less than optimal health. But what does the blue mean?

Blue-eyed people are usually of European decent, associated with water constitution type, and have a greater tendency to water-related conditions like water retention, lymph congestion, respiratory, urinary problems, and overall body stagnation. They can also be prone to skin problems and tend toward autoimmunity. Blue-eyed types come from the historical stereotype of blue-eyed/blonde hair.
The blue type is considered the healthier of the two eye colors. They also tend toward food allergies and have a harder time with grains than their brown-eyed counterparts. They tend to be able to drink heavier without the same consequences, especially the hangover – versus those with brown hair and brown eyes will tend to have a harder time breaking down alcohol as they age. This is not to encourage those with blue eye types to go out and drink heavily. It’s important to take care of your body.

Brown eyes on the other hand are much more susceptible to chronic health conditions than their blue-eyed counterparts. They are also stereotypically darker-skinned and darker-haired. They also have a pigment layer, known as a “carpet”, over their eye covering the iris fiber structure This carpet can make them harder to read but the main areas of concern are blood, liver, GI tract and glandular issues.
Naturopaths have said that you can’t use iridology to diagnose a specific condition, but you can use it as a guide to help overall wellness. It can be a great tool to discover your natural disposition and constitution. It can also help guide the practitioner to whether the issue is functional, structural, or emotional, or perhaps a combination thereof.

Of course due to toxicity and genetic mixing most people fall into the mixed type. These eyes usually range between the blue and the brown and show up looking greenish-brownish, often described as hazel. The composites of the eyes are thought to be from the blood stream which have been broken down from liver imbalances. These people usually suffer hepatic and digestive/intestinal issues.
One school of thought in Ayurvedic medicine says that the eyes absorb the color of the world and will reflect back the color it doesn’t need. In Ayurvedic medicine, personality types are depicted by what they see as Doshas – which are defined by body type. Doshas define a person’s personality and physical disposition. Ayurveda also teaches that colors represent Doshas and emotions, so if your eyes are grey it represents the Dosha Vata and reflects that color to the world because it doesn’t need it.

Some people have noticed that their eye color changes. There are three different types of changes. Heterochromia means you have multicolored eyes. Hyperchromia means your eyes become darker/browner and hypochromia means your eyes become lighter/bluer. These three conditions are thought to mean one of two things: horrible illness, or nothing at all. Rapid depigmentation in the eyes might make a doctor wonder what else is falling apart in the body or what other shoe is about to drop; this is a rare reality. The truth is that the color of your eye is really one subject hugely understudied in the medical field, and there are many unknowns. On a novel note, medically speaking, green eyes are caused by yellowish flecks of fatty pigment against a dark background. So, basically, green eyed people have fat eyes. Very lovely exotic fat eyes, thank you very much, as this writer has green eyes. Deal with it.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) sees the condition of the eyes reflecting the liver’s health. In ancient TCM, doctors used to only get paid if their patients were healthy, so being able to anticipate illness before it hit was imperative. Having ways of seeing into a person’s health such as with the eyes was a clever trick they came up with. They believed the eyes could show 3 different types of imbalances: liver blood deficiency, liver heat and internal liver wind. Liver blood deficiency usually presents as dryness in the eye, blurry vision, and floaters. Liver heat usually presents with painful and burning eyes along with intense anger, frustration, and headache. Internal liver wind may cause the eyes to turn upwards and move involuntarily. This may also go hand in hand with severe emotional distress, vertigo, and dizziness. Diet, along with herbs, acupuncture, and Qi Gong can help alleviate symptoms.
So, is one’s eyes the window to their soul? Perhaps. If on some subconscious level we can see into a person’s physical, mental, and emotional state, why would we not be seeing into their soul itself? They say we are attracted to others with a similar DNA – perhaps it is the beauty of our own soul we are attracted to.

3)What is Iridology & Sclerology
By Nancy Seals, as seen in NW Women’s Show Magazine 2011
The eye is an extension of the brain, recording patterns relating to physical conditions of the body.
Iridology has its beginnings in Europe. Sclerology has its basis in the Chinese culture as well as in Native American oral tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation. Russia uses this tool extensively and it is taught in their medical schools. Why? It is affordable and less invasive.
This technology helps to educate the client, encouraging them to make better life decisions. It looks at the body from a holistic prospective. Its best feature is when used as a tool for prevention.
In practice, the Iris and Sclera are photographed by the Iridologist/Sclerologist using a specially designed high tech digital camera. The images are transferred to a computer screen for immediate evaluation. Photos are kept as a record for comparative use in the future.
Iridology: The Study of the Color Part of the Eye
Iridology shows genetic tendencies related to potential physical health concerns. In examining the iris, the focus is on light, dark, color changes, and patterns in the iris of the eye. During one’s lifetime very little notable change will take place in the iris, however, there is the base line of integrity of health such as the of the colon, circulation immune system etc.
Sclerology: The Study of the White of the Eye
Sclerology reveals changes in the healing process or how chronic a problem may be. It is focused mainly on the red veins, indicative of current conditions. Often the reddest vein shows the stage, congestion, inflammation or how chronic the organ is becoming. Under magnification, different patterns show different situations such as blood pressure, conditions at the cellular level, vessel pooling, or hardening of veins or tissue. Parasites and growths can also be seen in this area along with the root of the problem and other organs of involvement.
For example:A problem in the stomach area shows up in the Iris; however, in the sclera red lines show up to identify the specific cause, such as a lack of digestion of carbohydrates, fats or protein and other organs of involvement, especially in the pancreas, to name just one.
Do you have questionsabout health concerns such as: Colon • Brain Activity • Areas of Inflammation • IBS • Digestion • Nutrient Absorption • Kidney • Stroke Signs • Kidney or Gallbladder Stones • Heart Conditions• or Conditions of the Veins or Arteries?
Health practitionerssuch as Naturopaths, chiropractors, nutritionists, massage therapist, body workers, acupuncturists, etc. can use this tool to help their clients more effectively.
NOTE: this is not a medical exam or a definitive diagnosis of disease.
Personality Iridology
Personality iridology is a study of the Iris providing a fundamental understanding of personality traits and their functions in our life regarding behaviors effecting our emotions. It is very helpful in understanding the health of an individual.
Nancy Seals is a Certified Iridologist since 1978/Sclerologist since 2006. Nancy is registered with IIPA, International Iridology Practitioners Association, served on Board of Puget Sound Wellness, and is a television producer for 12 yrs in health related fields.
Using Iridology to Enhance Health
Excerpt from Flourish, a Go-To Guide For Herbal Medicine by Tierney Salter

Primary Constitutional Types
While the study of Iridology is vast and intricate, everyone can glean valuable health information from the eyes – beginning with eye color, as this determines what iridologists call one’s primary constitutional type.
There are 3 primary constitutional types: brown eyes (Hematogenic), blue eyes (Lymphatic) and mixed brown/hazel eyes (Biliary). Each type is constitutionally predisposed to its own health challenges. Thus, there are supportive lifestyle, herbal, supplemental and dietary factors that each type can do to promote balanced health.
Iridology – Lymphatic Constitution
These people have a blue or blue-gray iris. The fibers are easily viewed and may be straight and silk-like or slightly wavy and moderately spaced. Other colors may be visible, but the predominant color is blue.
Potential Challenges
Lymphatic refers to the lymphatic system in the body. The lymphatic system is comprised of a network of vessels that function as part of the immune system to circulate fluids throughout the body. People with this constitution are prone to lymphatic congestion and overactive immune function. They are also prone to catarrhal (mucousy) conditions in the respiratory system and sinuses such as allergies and hayfever, colds and flu, asthma, bronchitis, etc. They have a tendency towards swollen lymph glands, and do not do well in cold, damp climates or seasons. Skin afflictions such as eczema, psoriasis and dandruff are common due to lymphatic congestion and overactive immune function. These people’s systems are overall more sensitive, environmental and food allergies are common. Inflammatory in general, lymphatic people are prone to stiffness, arthritis, rheumatic disorders, and aching muscles.
Blue irises with a white-grey background often have problems with acid indigestion. Blue irises with a yellow background suggest challenges with kidneys and lungs.
Editor’s Message: People with this condition can consider elements that can support lymphatic/immune health, promote healthy elimination, and provide sinus and respiratory/allergy support. See Flourish for detail suggestions.
Iridology – Biliary Constitution
Biliary is a mixed brown eye, some may say they have hazel or pure brown eyes. There is often a brown pigmentation especially around the pupil, though sometimes gold, orange or red may be present. This iris is prone to pigmentary changes and may be observed to lighten or darken with time.
Potential Challenges
Biliary refers to bile, a substance secreted by the liver and gallbladder for fat digestion. People with this iris type are prone to liver and gallbladder insufficiencies, so it is always important to support liver health and function. As the liver and gallbladder are often weak, there is often challenges with fat digestion and metabolism, creating a potential for high cholesterol. A weakness in pancreatic function is common, creating a potential for blood sugar challenges. Gastrointestinal and digestive issues including constipation, diarrhea, bloating and indigestion are also common.
These people are most prone to Metabolic Syndrome – a modern disorder characterized by insulin resistance, hypertension, high cholesterol and stress intolerance.
Editor’s Message: People with this condition can seek elements that can offer daily digestive support, liver and gallbladder support, promote healthy elimination, provide blood sugar support and perform seasonal cleansing. See author’s suggestion in Flourish.
Iridology – Hematogenic Constitution
These people have a pure brown iris with dense pigmentation that looks almost ‘velvety’ with little or no visible fibers.
Potential Challenges
Hema means blood. People with this iris type are predisposed to blood abnormalities, such as anemia and other blood disorders. They have difficulty absorbing and storing minerals. Most often there are digestive and eliminatory sensitivities, such as indigestion, dyspepsia, flatulence, constipation, diarrhea. Also there is glandular weakness in the thyroid, adrenals, and pancreas affecting overall energy and metabolism. There is a tendency for circulatory disorders, varicose veins, hemorrhoids and arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).
Editor’s Message: Based on the above diagnosis, this group should seek multiple mineral support, consider elements that promote healthy metabolism, healthy circulation, and support digestion and elimination. See author’s suggestions in Flourish.
Tierney P. Salter has been a practicing Medical Herbalist and Iridologist for over 30 years. She is founder and president of The Herbalist, an herbal company that manufactures therapeutic herbal products. She operates a retail herb store that has been serving the Pacific Northwest for over 25 years.
4)See Lymph Congestion with Iridology

The lymphatic system is the most important detoxification system in the body, responsible for keeping blood clean and moving metabolic and acid wastes out through the kidneys.
Here are some signs that could indicate unhealthy, congested lymph: allergies and food sensitivities, frequent cold and flu infections, joint pain, arthritis, headaches and migraines, menstrual cramps, fibrocystic breasts, breast tenderness around cycle, sinusitis, loss of appetite and GI issues, bloating, muscle cramping, tissue swelling, fatigue, brain fog, mood irregularities, depression, parasites, skin breakouts, acne, and cellulite. In general, you may feel tired and toxic, with a heaviness in your chest or abdomen
Lymphatic system stagnation can easily be seen in the human eye. An iridology assessment can make this very clear for you. You might even be able to see it in your own eye. Here are the signs:
If You Have Blue Eyes:
- Blue eyes in general are genetically pre-disposed to lymph and kidney congestion
- Look for white covering your eyes (all the white is lymph stagnation). We call this over-acid or a febrile condition. When it builds into a thick netting, we call it uric acid diathesis
- There are pockets of lymph stagnation that show as little blotches around the outside of the iris in zone 6 (the lymph zone). They almost look like little cotton balls
- If you have very dark coloration (rust/brown) around the pupil of the eye, this is severe lymph stagnation
If You Have Green, Hazel or Steel Grey Eyes
- Your eyes are really BLUE! The coloring is your true blue eye underneath mixed with the colors of lymph, kidney or other congested areas of the body
- All green, hazel or steel grey eyes have lymph congestion. The darker the eye, the more congestion
- If you have very dark coloration (rust/brown) around the pupil of the eye, this is severe lymph stagnation
If You Have TRUE Brown Eyes (descendants of asian, african american, etc.)
- Brown eyes are genetically pre-disposed to liver congestion, which is most always a sign of lymphatic system congestion. (It is hard to have a congested liver if your lymph system is working)
- It is harder to see lymph stagnation in general with brown eyes
- If the area around your pupil is DARKER than the rest of the eye, you have lymph stagnation
This is a “steel-grey” eye. It is really a blue eye with severe lymphatic system stagnation and inflammation.

This is really a blue eye with severe lymphatic and liver congestion around the digestive zone (around the pupil). In a blue eye this digestive zone should also be blue.

This eye would appear “green or hazel” to most people, but it is really a blue eye. The white is lymph stagnation and inflammation. You can also see the whitish/yellowish tophi or “cotton balls” around the outside of the iris which indicates even deeper lymph stagnation. This condition is also known as hydrogenoid.

Almost everyone has some level of lymphatic system congestion in the body. “Seeing is believing.” To come up with a good cleansing program, the key is knowing where to start, and iridology can help with that. Learn more about iridology and book an appointment with a certified iridologist.
Re question on colour change by Ana Ambrosia posted last week.
5)Other info about iridology hazel eyes
First of all, what you observed in your eyes as a child is exactly what happens in the case of hazel eyes. Babies are born with what looks like slate coloured eyes which eventually go brown or blue. Unless they are going to have Hematogenic (true brown) eyes, the pigment is laid down gradually over a couple of years. My grandson had sparkling blue eyes for the first year of his life and I noticed a gradual emergence of brown pigment over the next 3-4 years. This colour is an indication that there is a blue eyed parent or grandparent and a brown eyed parent or grandparent. This pigment is constitutional meaning permanent. I suggest you ask the naturopath to show you before and after photos of the case she told you about. I have been in practise for over 30 years and have never seen hazel eyes or brown eyes turn blue because of a detox program. There are certain medications used to treat glaucoma such as Xalatan which can permanently remove colour from eyes but this is random and often ugly – not usually what Naturopaths intend. This is old philosophy based on the teachings of Bernard Jensen who built his practise around the premise that detox programs would lighten eyes. One thing which can influence perception of colour change is pupil size. Larger pupils make hazel eyes look darker – smaller make them look lighter. Classical Iridologists have not been taught to observe pupils in their analysis. I do believe your eyes will remain hazel regardless of any detox program you embark on. It’s possible that your detox program increased your energy levels and may have reduced the size of your pupils. (Large pupils can indicate exhaustion.) I hope this answers your question.