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Iridology ~ Iridologists

May 10, 2015

Iridology  ~  Iridologists

Iridologists claim that every body organ is related to the many thousands of nerve endings in the iris. In fact the iris has over 28,000 nerve endings, all of which are connected to the brain via the hypothalamus. These nerve endings become distorted or discoloured indicating the reflex condition of the various organs of the body.
As such iridology is often used by homeopaths, naturopaths, nutritional therapists and herbalists as a diagnostic tool. The right iris corresponds to the right side of the body and the left to the left. The iris is then divided into a serious of concentric zones surrounding the pupil and then radialy like segments of a clock. The concentric zones surrounding the pupil correspond to the stomach and intestines the radiant segments correspond to different parts of the body and its systems and organs.

The iridologist interprets iris signs by noting pigmentation change and pattern change. The pigmentation changes correspond to stages of inflammation. They range from acute (white) through to subacute (light grey) and chronic (dark grey) to degenerative/destructive (black).

In iridology the colour of the eye is of importance as this can indicate predisposition to certain conditions: blue-eyed people are prone to inflammatory conditions of the joints such as arthritis. The brown iris indicates an accumulation of pigment and an overall congestion pattern. This in turn is associated with all manner of digestive and liver system disorders. The mixed iris has a general tendency towards damage of the liver, dysfunction and damage of the liver parenchyma, gallbladder and biliary tract with associated disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract.

The Eyes are said to be the windows of the Soul,  but the iris can also be an indicator of our state of health.  Whilst Hypocrites was one of the first to make such a connection, it was not until the 19th century that iridology was developed by a Hungarian doctor Ignatz von Peczely (1822-1911) who, as a young man, had nursed an owl back to health, noting that its broken leg seemed to correspond with a mark on the creature’s iris. As its leg healed, it was observed that the bird’s eye cleared, thus marking the beginnings of a new form of medical diagnosis.

What to Expect
An iridology consultation usually lasts for one hour and includes iris analysis, close up photography of the iris, and a nutritional consultation involving diet, lifestyle changes, and herbal/nutritional supplementation where required. Depending on his findings an iridologist may refer you on to another practitioner such as your GP or an osteopath for instance.

Training & Colleges
Practitioners are usually qualified in another complementary therapy or conventional medicine. Many trained and qualified iridologists use the initials D. Irid, RIr, RCIrA, or MGNI after their names.


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