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Iridology & Tissue Cleansing

May 8, 2015

Iridology & Tissue Cleansing
Internal Cleansing System

Iridology & Tissue Cleansing – Internal Cleansing System aka The Ultimate Herbal Formula by Don Lemmon’s KNOW HOW Nutritionals which include the Perfect Vitamin, Lemmon’s Oil, Glandular Therapy, Internal Cleansing System, Complete Protein Powder, Metabolic Prescription, Toothpaste Alternative and Muscle Protector…

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Iridology & Tissue Cleansing – Internal Cleansing System aka The Ultimate Herbal Formula by Don Lemmon’s KNOW HOW Nutritionals which include the Perfect Vitamin, Lemmon’s Oil, Glandular Therapy, Internal Cleansing System, Complete Protein Powder, Metabolic Prescription, Toothpaste Alternative and Muscle Protector…
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A number of our customers use our Internal Cleansing System while under the care of an Iridologist. I thought this would be a good time to explain to those not familiar with that field, just what we are talking about. Iridology is the scientific analysis of patterns and structures in the iris of the eye which locates areas and stages of inflammation throughout the body.

The iris is the portion of the eye showing color. It reveals body constitution, inherent strengths and weaknesses, health levels, and transitions that take place in a person’s body according to their way of life. In the 1800’s, a young boy, Ignatz Von Peczely, happened to catch an owl in his garden.

The boy clearly saw a black line rising in the owl’s eye after accidentally breaking its leg during the struggle. He kept the bird until it had regained its health and then observed the appearance of crocked white lines across the black area in the owl’s eye. Von Peczely later became a physician and had the opportunity to study the irises of many patients.

He grew certain that there existed a reflex relationship between tissue changes in the body and iris markings and developed the first iris chart, which has been continually researched and revised over the years. The complex iris is composed of hundreds of thousands of nerve endings which are connected by impulses to every tissue of the body through the brain and nervous system.

The nerve fibers, or trabecula, respond specifically to tissue and organ conditions with a corresponding physiological reflex manifested in the iris as lesions and color variations. The iris chart, which is the result of many years of clinical observation and research by Dr. Bernard Jensen and others, represents the basic placement of body organs and tissues similar to a map.

An accurate iris analysis is possible by superimposing the chart over an iris image projection, allowing detailed observation of the valuable and reliable data recorded there. A complete iris analysis will show whether a person exhibits a generally good constitution or a poor one, depending upon the density of the iris fibers, The patterns, structures, colors and degrees of lightness and darkness in the iris tell if an area of the body is inherently strong or weak.

It also reveals the relative site of over-activity, irritation, injury or degeneration of the tissues and organs. Toxic accumulation levels can he observed as well as nutritional and chemical imbalances. Iridology will not show or name a specific disease but provides information about the body tissues which indicate tendencies toward conditions of “dis-ease”, often before symptoms appear. Iridology will not reveal surgery performed under anesthesia as nerve impulses are discontinued. Iridology cannot locate parasites, gallstones, or germ life, but will indicate the presence of inflammation and toxic conditions which are a refuge for their development.

It will not show pregnancy, as that is a normal function of the female body. Iridology is potentially an integral part of preventive health care. It has the ability to forewarn of approaching difficulties or signs of “dis-ease”. Iridology can be a powerful tool, allowing one to determine what is transpiring inside the body from a simple, painless, and economical external vantage point. In effect, iridology will reveal how well your body functions.

Improper nutrition and lack of exercise undermines the body’s integrity until eventually it becomes unable to reverse damaging toxic conditions through its own natural self-healing mechanisms, becoming susceptible to ailments of a chronic nature. Therefore, nutrition and iridology are inseparable in one’s pursuit of a healthy way of life and holistic health care program. iridology helps us understand our weakness so we may strengthen and cleanse our bodies to obtain our maximum health potential.

It brings to us an awareness of how to prevent illness, thus allowing us to earn our most precious earthly treasure–vibrant physical, mental and spiritual health! American doctors usually can’t tell you the score until the game’s over–until you actually have a namable disease–but iridology lets you walk in at the first inning–and that’s why it will probably play a staffing role in preventative medicine at the bioelectric level, which is well on its way to becoming the medicine of the future.


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