Iridology – Your Unique Body MapQuite simply, Iridology involves the examination of the iris. (The iris is the coloured part of the eye.) Each iris is completely unique. It provides the genetic blueprint to the body. People can acquire inherited physical weaknesses that may have affected previous family members. These can be detected through Iridology. By examining the eye, the Iridologist is able to determine a person’s overall state of health and well-being. They are also able to tell which conditions a person has the potential to develop, if they neglect their health. During an Iridology consultation, I use a torch and magnifier to carry out the analysis. Iris analysis is a completely safe, hygienic and non-invasive process. It is the perfect method of diagnosis for people who may be anxious about undertaking other invasive diagnostic tests. By simply examining the eye, I am able to assess my client’s current state of health and any inherited weaknesses they may have. Iris diagnosis is also a perfect means of assessing levels of toxicity in the body. I have found it to be the most useful form of diagnosis over all other types of testing, such as allergy tests etc. This is because it tells me exactly what that person’s genetic pattern is. This is something that will not change during that person’s lifetime. It is their genetic inheritence.
Iridology can also act as an extremely useful early warning system. It can alert the Iridologist to the ‘potential’ a person may have for developing certain diseases and conditions. ‘Potential’ doesn’t necessarily mean that that person will develop those conditions. However, Iridology can be used preventatively in these circumstances. Information obtained can ensure that corrective measures be put in place long before a person would necessarily develop such ‘potential’ health problems. As each body is unique, every person I see has different dietary requirements. By exposing a person’s weaker organs, Iridology allows me to make dietary and/or supplementary suggestions that will help support those particular areas of the body. As such, I have found that Iridology provides me with the perfect diagnostic tool to prevent the onset of any future health problems.
 A Brief History of IridologyThe recorded practice of iris analysis dates back to the time of the ancient Egyptians. But is is not until the 19th Century that the practice of Iridology as it is known today, was established. The story goes that a Hungarian boy named Ignatz von Peczely (1826-1911) was playing with an owl in his garden. The owl became trapped in shrubbery and as von Peczely tried to free it, the owl suffered a broken leg. Whilst nursing the bird back to health, von Peczely noticed a dark marking appear in the owl’s iris. He continued to observe this unusual marking over the course of time. During this time he noticed how the dark marking began to lighten, eventually becoming pale and almost unnoticable. Today, this type of marking is recognised as showing the process of healing in the area of the eye in which it orginated.
Ignatz von Peczely went on to become a successful physician. During the course of his time as a practitioner he continued to observe the irides of many of his patients. He developed one of the first truly accurate iridology charts. Crude in design, it is still used as the model upon which all modern iris charts are based today. An iris chart shows the location of the various organs and body parts in the eye. Whilst von Peczely was developing his theory of iridology, a young Swedish man, Nils Liljequist (1851-1936), was carrying out his own research in the field. During a bout of ill health, Liljequist was given a fair amount of medication to treat his declining condition. Liljequist observed as his once-blue eyes, turned progressively greener in colour. He also monitored the gradual development of red spots in his irides. He noted that the changes began to take place with the increased use of quinine and iodine medication. Over time he also noticed his eyes gradually coming back to their original colour after stopping the medication. Liljequist was among the first to record such iris changes due to toxic build-up from drug use. Since these early days in the history of Iridology there have been many noted pioneers in this fascinating field. Among them are the German, Joseph Deck (1914-1990) who founded the famed iridology research institute in Ettlingen, Germany, the American medical doctor Henry Lahn (circa early 20th Century), his student Dr Henry Lindlahr (circa early 20th Century) who was both a medical doctor and osteopath and more recently, the late Dr Bernard Jensen (1908-2002), the acclaimed naturopathic practitioner who established the modern, American school of iridology. 
If you want to learn more about this fascinating method of diagnosis, you could look at the Iridology Diploma Course as provided by The Kevala Centre. |