Produttore e fornitore di la telecamera Iridology Maikong-Professional

telecamera per iridologia

» telecamera per iridologia

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  • CUORE Grafico iridologico
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What is Dino Lite Iriscope?

Dino Lite Iriscope Dino Lite Iriscope Dino Lite Iriscope Dino Lite Iriscope

The Dino Lite Iriscope makes it easy to create clear images of your eyes and iris. Due to the high magnification, you can hardly see details. In naturopathic medicine, the IriScope is often used for iris diagnosis. Iridologists assess a patient’s health based on the color characteristics of the eye’s iris. According to iridologists, they can use iris diagnosis to diagnose diseases such as diabetes, rheumatism or gout and treat patients accordingly.

Cameras for Iridography

The contour hood on the microscope camera ensures that the camera is close to the eye. Thanks to the built-in LED illuminationtwo white and two yellow LEDsyou can easily create good images without external light sources. The yellow LEDs are used to provide better dark iris images. Practitioners can view iris images directly on the screen of a computer or laptop with Windows or MacOS or Windows tablets, proving the versatility and mobility of the IriScope.

Dino Lite Iriscope

Utilizzo del software iridologico nella fotocamera iridologica Mac per IOS iridoscopio

Direct patient involvement in diagnosis

Frederike Otger, a naturopathic practitioner from The Hague, The Netherlands, has been using the IriScope for some time:It’s a handy, simple microscope camera that takes clear pictures of the eye and iris. With the adjustable magnification, I can focus correctly on the eye and find the smallest irregularities, and my own patients and I are very happy to be able to view the images directly on the screen so that the patient can be more involved in the diagnosis and can provide better feedback.
For the naturopathic practitioner, Iriscope is affordable, compact and easy to use. Images can be stored digitally in patient files. Frederike Otger:The combination of tablets makes the IriScope an excellent tool to emphasize the modern features of my naturopathic practice.

Dino Lite Iriscope Dino Lite Iriscope


How do I use Dino Lite Iriscope software?

1. Install the software.
Connect the orange USB key with your PC.
3Open desktop “CadiCV Advance Analysis System Versione inglese”.

1) Use selectUser, password: 111111, then click:Login”.
2) Click onClient Toolsand enter your client’s information. If you can, clickAddand then clickClose”.
3) ClickCapture Right Eye”. –Click on “Catturare”.
4) Repeat the last step for the left eye.
5) Select the eye picture (right eye picture/left eye picture)
6) Click on “Analisi”
(7) Click on theSet Parameters” pulsante.
(8) Click theIris Analysis” pulsante.
(9) Analyze
Observe the symptoms and iris color selection above the corresponding symptom and night buttons on the software.
For example: Iris photo with cracks and light color.
Select the buttonCracksand the buttonLightand move the cursor to the cracks on the iris.
Click with the mouse. Report immediately after analysis.
You and add recommendations or products for your customers.
Add —? Analisi —? Left (analyzing the left eye)

10 Save
11 ReportSelect Report Name -?html Report or Report Privilege Select Report Name (date name)
12 sheets
13 Delete client
14 Editing Clients

Dino Lite Iriscope Dino Lite Iriscope Dino Lite Iriscope Dino Lite Iriscope Dino Lite Iriscope Dino Lite Iriscope Dino Lite Iriscope


Luogo d'origineGuangdong, Cina
Garanzia1 anno
Servizio post-venditaSupporto tecnico video
Tipotelecamera per iridologia, iriscopio
CaratteristicaAnalisi della pigmentazione, analisi delle rughe della pelle, rilevamento dell'umidità della pelle
ApplicazionePer uso domestico
Numero di modelloMK-9822U
Pixel12 MP
LinguaInglese / spagnolo
SistemaWindows XP, WIN2000, 2003, Vista, Win7, Win8, Win 10, Win 11, sistema operativo Apple MAC
Risoluzione del sensore CCD5,0MP
Dettagli dell'imballaggioCartone per esportazione
Tempi di consegna5-7 giorni (a seconda della quantità)
Capacità di fornitura10000 pezzo/pezzi al mese
Confezione singola33X28X12 cm
Peso Lordo Singolo2.500 chilogrammi

grafico iridologico grafico iridologico Download gratuito di grafici iridologi Grafico dell'iridologia d'angolo


SOFTWARE MAIKONG IRIDOLOGIA Installazione e funzionamento


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Siamo una fabbrica leader a livello mondiale di iriscopi per fotocamere per iridologia, che offre prezzi competitivi e qualità eccellente. Se hai domande sulla telecamera per iridologia, non esitare a contattarci.

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