Produttore e fornitore di la telecamera Iridology Maikong-Professional

telecamera per iridologia

» telecamera per iridologia

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  • Video di installazione e funzionamento

What is iridology camera australia?

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iridology camera australia

12mp Usb Digitai Eye Iriscope iridology camera australia Iris Analyzer Pro iridology

Skin Analyzer, Multi-Function Beauty Equipment,Skin Analyzer
Place of Origin:
Guangdong, China (Mainland)
Brand Name:
Model Number:
English, Spanish, Malaysia
12M Pixel
Iris, Skin, Eye
After sales service:

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We are the supplier for iridology camera ,we can delivery iridology camera to australia,if you need the info please contact us.

How to use he Cadi CV Advance Analysis System English Version auto iridology software?

1) Open desktop the “CadiCV Advance Analysis System Versione inglese”
2) use select “utente”,password:111111,e fare clic su: “login”
3) click “strumento cliente”, inserisci le informazioni del tuo cliente. se ok, clicca “aggiungere”,and
4) click “catturare l'occhio destro”.–clic “catturare”,left eye repetition Last Step.
5) select the eye pic (right eye pic / left eye pic)
6) click “analisi”
7) click “impostare il parametro” pulsante.
1st. put the mouse arrows in center of pupil, click left key of mouse,
2nd . remove arrows of mouse edge of pupil, click left key of mouse,
3rd.remove the arrows of mouse between iris and sclera, then click left key of mouse.
And click the “set parameter” button.
8) click “analisi dell'iride” button,and click “show organ” button.
then choose what part of eye do you want to analysis, view its color and
shape, at last click its color and shape, as following“Brown, lump”,

remove the arrows of mouse to your choose correct part, at last, you can see the following
analysis result picture, if you choose “color, or shape” is wrong, no any result of the part

Note: when you can read analysis result each time, please click “add to report” of right eye, store
the analysis result. Of course, you can continue to any part of right eye, repeat to choose color and

When you finish the right eye analysis, please click “analysis” again, then choose “left” of eye, to
repeat above operation ways.

9). When you finish all parts analysis , please click “analysis” again, then click “save”, to store a
complete of customer iris analysis result.

10) click button “customer report” button and click your replort name,

iridology software 49 iridology software 48

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Software per telecamera per iridologia

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Software per telecamera per iridologia

iridology software 51

What is Iridology Analysis?

What You’ll Get From Your Iridology Analysis:

Awareness of areas of toxicity or inflammation in your body (systems, organs and glands).

Learn whether you have a weak, medium or strong bodily constitution.

Suggestions for specific detox protocols to correct the imbalance.

Suggestions for herbal or dietary supplements.

A detailed evaluation of your case that’s detailed enough to give you specific things you can do to move forward without feeling overwhelmed or confused.

New to eating healthy and detoxifying?

*I suggest doing an iridology analysis at the beginning of your journey to see a before and after of your progress.

Your eyes will change with deep tissue detoxification!

Taking Your Iris Photos with a Digital Camera:

  • Set camera to macro setting.
  • Keep the eye close to the camera. On a macro setting, you can be 4-5 inches from the lens.
  • Turn on flash if taking photos indoors.
  • Use natural daylight. I find taking them in my car on a sunny day always works well.
  • Stand sideways from any window (facing the window will cause glare).
  • Have someone else hold the camera if possible or use a tripod and timer. If you do not have a tripod, use a mirror to see if your eye is in the shot.
  • Hold the upper and lower eyelids open to make your ntire iris visible.
  • Take one photo of each iris at a time.

Taking Your Iris Photos with a Phone Camera:

  • Keep the eye close to the camera.
  • Flip your camera horizontally.
  • Take photos using natural daylight. I find taking them in my car on a sunny day always works well.
  • Have someone else take your photos if possible.
  • Hold the upper and lower eyelids open to make your entire iris visible.
  • Take one photo of each iris at a time.

Checking Your Photos for Lighting and Clarity:

  • Check the photo on the viewfinder of your camera. Use the zoom feature to see the iris.
  • Be sure the iris is clear, otherwise try again.
  • Be sure there is no red eye. If possible, turn on red eye reduction on your camera.
  • Be sure the entire iris is visible; otherwise try again.
  • Be sure there is no significant glare on the iris; otherwise turn your body slightly away from any window and try again.

Emailing Your Final Iris Photo Results:

  • You may crop the photos so only the eye is visible if you wish.
  • If possible, please let me know which eye is left and which is your right eye. I can still locate which eye based on your tear duct, but this always helps.
  • You can send 3-5 pictures of your left eye and 3-5 pictures of your right eye.
Luogo d'origineGuangdong, Cina
Garanzia1 anno
Servizio post-venditaSupporto tecnico video
Tipotelecamera per iridologia, iriscopio
CaratteristicaAnalisi della pigmentazione, analisi delle rughe della pelle, rilevamento dell'umidità della pelle
ApplicazionePer uso domestico
Numero di modelloMK-9822U
Pixel12 MP
LinguaInglese / spagnolo
SistemaWindows XP, WIN2000, 2003, Vista, Win7, Win8, Win 10, Win 11, sistema operativo Apple MAC
Risoluzione del sensore CCD5,0MP
Dettagli dell'imballaggioCartone per esportazione
Tempi di consegna5-7 giorni (a seconda della quantità)
Capacità di fornitura10000 pezzo/pezzi al mese
Confezione singola33X28X12 cm
Peso Lordo Singolo2.500 chilogrammi

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SOFTWARE MAIKONG IRIDOLOGIA Installazione e funzionamento


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Siamo una fabbrica leader a livello mondiale di iriscopi per fotocamere per iridologia, che offre prezzi competitivi e qualità eccellente. Se hai domande sulla telecamera per iridologia, non esitare a contattarci.

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