Produttore e fornitore di la telecamera Iridology Maikong-Professional

telecamera per iridologia

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Stand per fotocamera Iridology

iridology camera stand iridology camera stand iridology camera stand








Iridology is a non-invasive alternative medicine practice that evaluates the iris of the eye for identifying health concerns. An iridology camera is a specialized device used for capturing images of the eye for analysis. A vital component of this device is the iridology camera stand, which is used to hold the camera in place. This article will highlight the working principle of the iridology camera stand, its advantages, and its application areas.

Working Principle

An iridology camera stand is designed to hold the camera steady while capturing images of the eye. It is made up of sturdy and adjustable components that ensure an accurate and stable capture of iris images. Often, the stand comes with adjustable knobs that enable the operator to precisely position the camera for the perfect shot.


A) Precise Image Capture: The primary advantage of using an iridology camera stand is its ability to capture high-quality images of the iris.

B) Consistent Results: The use of a camera stand ensures consistent and accurate results every time.

C) Ergonomic Design: The design of most camera stands allows for comfortable and strain-free usage, reducing operator fatigue and increasing productivity.

D) Durability: A well-constructed camera stand is durable and long-lasting, providing a reliable and robust support system that will enhance the iridology practice’s efficiency.

iridology camera stand iridology camera stand















Who Needs an Iridology Camera Stand?

An iridology camera stand is an essential tool for anyone practicing or planning to practice iridology. Essentially, anyone using an iridology camera will need a stand for optimal results.

Application Areas

A) Health and Wellness: Iridology is a complementary medicine that many use to identify health concerns and develop health and wellness plans.

B) Alternative Healing Practices: Iridology is often used in many alternative healing practices and natural medicine.

C) Preventive Medicine: Often used as a preventive measure, iridology helps identify potential health issues before they become severe.

D) Nutritional Consulting: Iridology can assist in creating a personalized nutritional plan that addresses specific health concerns.

E) Ophthalmology: Some ophthalmologists use iridology for eye disease diagnosis.

F) Sports: Some sports teams hire iridologists to evaluate their athleteshealth and wellness, which can affect an athlete’s performance.

G) Psychology: Some psychotherapists use iridology to diagnose emotional and mental disorders.

H) Beauty and Spa: Some beauty and spa businesses utilize iridology to identify internal health concerns that may affect skin and body health.

I) Research: Some academic institutions undertake research in the field of iridology for furthering knowledge on drug-free healthcare. In conclusion, an iridology camera stand is a crucial tool when using an iridology camera.

It provides stability, accuracy, and consistency in image capture. Furthermore, it is essential for anyone involved in iridology, and its application areas include health and wellness, alternative healing practices, ophthalmology, and nutrition consulting, among others.

iridology camera stand iridology camera stand

Camera Iridology iridology chart Camera Iridology iridology chart

Luogo d'origineGuangdong, Cina
Garanzia1 anno
Servizio post-venditaSupporto tecnico video
Tipotelecamera per iridologia, iriscopio
CaratteristicaAnalisi della pigmentazione, analisi delle rughe della pelle, rilevamento dell'umidità della pelle
ApplicazionePer uso domestico
Numero di modelloMK-9822U
Pixel12 MP
LinguaInglese / spagnolo
SistemaWindows XP, WIN2000, 2003, Vista, Win7, Win8, Win 10, Win 11, sistema operativo Apple MAC
Risoluzione del sensore CCD5,0MP
Dettagli dell'imballaggioCartone per esportazione
Tempi di consegna5-7 giorni (a seconda della quantità)
Capacità di fornitura10000 pezzo/pezzi al mese
Confezione singola33X28X12 cm
Peso Lordo Singolo2.500 chilogrammi

grafico iridologico grafico iridologico Download gratuito di grafici iridologi Grafico dell'iridologia d'angolo


SOFTWARE MAIKONG IRIDOLOGIA Installazione e funzionamento


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