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iridology definition

September 2, 2017

1)iridology definition from David J. Pesek, Ph.D.,


What is Iridology

The Iris, Sclera and Pupil of the eye show the veil the soul has created, through consciousness (or forgetfulness), that reflects the illusion which prepares the soul for attaining the reality of full enlightenment.
~David J. Pesek, Ph.D., settembre 1988

An Introduction

Gli occhi sono stati a lungo chiamati “Le finestre dell'anima.” Ma poche persone sono consapevoli di quanto sia vera questa osservazione. L'analisi accurata della struttura e della pigmentazione dell'iride fornisce informazioni su di te o sui tuoi clienti difficili da trovare con altri metodi. Queste informazioni sono così preziose che l'Iridologia merita di diventare uno strumento di valutazione ampiamente praticato sia nel campo della salute fisica che psicologica. Esistono numerosi fattori che influenzano la nostra salute e la nostra personalità e molti di questi fattori si riflettono nell’iride. Guarda attentamente i tuoi occhi in uno specchio e poi le iridi di chi ti circonda. Vedrai molti modelli diversi di fibre e colori dell'iride. Come le impronte digitali o i volti, non ce ne sono due esattamente uguali, e nemmeno noi lo siamo! La struttura dell'iride è davvero unica; ora viene utilizzato per l'identificazione di sicurezza presso i bancomat e gli aeroporti. La casa del futuro di Microsoft utilizzerà uno scanner oculare per identificare i residenti e aprire la porta.

What is it?

L'iridologia si basa sullo studio scientifico dell'iride — la parte colorata dell'occhio. Come i segni su una mappa, l’iride rivela condizioni fisiologiche, rischi per la salute psicologica, sfide e/o punti di forza di vari organi e tratti della personalità.

Attraverso l'iridologia possiamo comprendere le condizioni di salute passate, presenti e potenziali future valutando i vari sistemi corporei. Vengono rivelate anche le vostre tendenze ereditarie aggravate da accumuli tossici in varie parti del vostro corpo.

La Scienza dell'Iridologia si basa sull'analogia di una delle strutture tissutali più complicate dell'intero corpo – l'iride.

È un metodo con cui il medico o l'operatore sanitario può riconoscere, da segni o segni nell'iride, la condizione riflessa di vari organi e sistemi del corpo. Questi segni rappresentano un quadro dettagliato dell'integrità del corpo; sono potenziali costituzionali, aree di congestione o accumuli tossici e sfide e doni intrinseci.

I quattro principi che costituiscono i capisaldi dell’iridologia sono:

  1. La condizione dei nervi
  2. La condizione del sistema sanguigno e linfatico
  3. Circolazione adeguata
  4. Nutrizione – qualità del riposo, respirazione – stato d'animo

La natura ci ha fornito una visione inestimabile dello stato vitale della salute del corpo trasmettendo queste informazioni all'occhio.

Le procedure di analisi di laboratorio praticate oggi, che non sono sempre necessarie, sono costose, richiedono molto tempo e, spesso, sono scomode per il paziente. Con l'iridologia abbiamo a disposizione un modo semplice, indolore, economico e non invasivo di osservare il corpo. Ciò non vuol dire che debba escludere altre forme di analisi. Al contrario, può essere impiegato insieme a qualsiasi altro sistema di analisi o diagnosi che un professionista desideri utilizzare. Ora, più che in qualsiasi altro momento della storia, abbiamo bisogno di strumenti accurati e meno complessi per analizzare le condizioni di un paziente.

L'ottanta per cento delle malattie curate in questo Paese sono di natura cronica. Il tessuto trovato nei pazienti affetti da patologie croniche può essere monitorato meglio nell'iride dell'occhio che, forse, con qualsiasi altro metodo di analisi.

L'iridologia fornisce una visione essenziale dello sviluppo di queste malattie croniche o della diminuzione di tali malattie o infiammazioni.

La scienza dell'iridologia si basa sull'analisi di una delle strutture tissutali più complicate dell'intero corpo: l'iride. L’iridologia offre una prospettiva unica al concetto e alla pratica dell’assistenza sanitaria preventiva. Si tratta di una procedura diagnostica non invasiva, comunemente utilizzata dai medici europei e può essere utile per individuare condizioni esistenti e debolezze genetiche ereditarie. È noto che circa 300mila nervi provenienti da varie parti del corpo si dirigono verso il nervo ottico. Pertanto, la proiezione dell'attività sistemica può essere visibile sull'iride.

A Brief History of Iridology

Iridology research began in 1670 when Dr. Philippus Meyens published a paper describing the eyes of his patients when they became sick or injured. He also noticed changes in the eye that came with healing and was able to link points on the iris to specific parts of the body. By observing the eye, he was eventually able to identify areas in the body in need of support which would show up in the eye long before physical symptoms would manifest.

While eyes have been a focus in civilizations throughout the ages,modernIridology got its start just over 100 years ago. In the late 1800’s, a physician from Hungary and another from Sweden began observing eyes and organizing their findings. This process of observation and correlating has been slow, but it established a foundation for others to build on. The first book on Iridology in America, by an emigrated Austrian physician, was printed in 1904. This was followed by the works of N.D.s and other naturopathic oriented M.D.s.

Working with limited magnification and photography equipment, progress was difficult. Then with the emergence of the AMA and other political and economic influences and the advent ofmiracledrugs, almost all natural medicine practices declined in this country. Dr. Bernard Jensen is credited with keeping Iridology alive in North America.

In Europe, a different political and economic climate created an environment that has allowed Iridology (and other natural medicine practices) to evolve. Extensive research has been carried out in Europe and iridology is now widely accepted as a valuable preventative health care approach. Currently in the U.S. more people are showing interest in iridology as an alternative method for improving health. Now you can experience the benefits of this remarkable assessment tool/technique.

What are the benefits of Iridology?

Iridology treats the person instead of the symptoms. Through understanding your genetic vulnerabilities and reactive patterns, you can maintain balance and guard against illness. The body has its own healing wisdom, given the opportunity. Iridology offers a simple economical way to learn to care for your body.

The fundamental goal of iridology is prevention of serious degenerative processes by integrating nutritional, mechanical (chiropractic), spiritual and emotional support. Some of the benefits of iridology are:

  • Overall health awareness
  • Understanding how the organs interact
  • Knowing which organs are under or over active
  • Becoming familiar with the body’s overall chemistry
  • Knowing the conditions of the nervous, digestive, elimination, lymphatic and structural systems of the body.


  • Inflammation Spotting. Will show where inflammation is present.
  • Reveals areas in the body where acidity has or can accumulate.
  • Body Activity Levels. Will show if any part of your body is over active or under active.
  • Problem Spotting. Will show where problems are occurring in your body.

It is this tissue change that takes place in the patient that makes iridology especially valuable for those specializing in the treatment of chronic diseases.

The Health Status Equation
In order to fully appreciate what the iris reveals, let’s first consider this equation:


We all inherit certain combinations of physical traits. We can observe some of these origins from our family tree, but how much this specifically affects you? Diet and lifestyle have a great impact on some people, but why are others able to get away with abusing their bodies? Which mental and emotional aspects significantly affect our physical health? And as we get older, we lose our resiliency at different rates.

What is our individual rate?

Iridology takes a lot of the guesswork out of these questions. Going through life without this information is like taking a trip without a map. What are your chances of arriving at your desired destination? Will you get there efficiently, or end up taking many detours along the way? And how will you know where you are heading next?

Using the road map or blueprint contained in the iris, you can find out how well you are put together (and how much abuse your body can handle), where your body will tend to get sick, (including which organ systems are at greater risk), what specific underlying reasons contribute to your symptoms (which may vary from person to person with the same symptoms), and what emotional or behavioral factors are influencing these patterns. In short, it can show you where you came from, where you are headed, what kind of body you have for a vehicle, and what type of driver you are. With this knowledge, you can more effectively approach health challenges and also identify which preventive medicine practices would be most important for you to pursue.

Iridology is dealing with one of the most basic truths of the healing arts, one that the average form of analysis has not dealt with properly.

The percentage of incorrect diagnosing is nearly as great now as it was back in the 1920s due to the increase in disease symptoms. This increase, together with the combinations of reactions due to X-ray, sulfa and other drugs, and our continued use of refined and synthesized foods, makes it difficult to diagnose accurately. Changes in living habits, pollution and the increased stress of modern times also change the manifestations of the various symptoms of disease. Based upon these facts, it is obvious that symptomology alone is often inadequate in providing the diagnostician with enough information to plan proper treatment for the patient.

Iridology offers a unique perspective to the concept and practice of preventive medicine. It is difficult to alert a person to the health problems that his or her particular body will experience, using orthodox methods of analysis and diagnosis. These methods rely upon the appearance of clinical symptoms. The iris, however, can indicate a problem in its earliest inception, long before disease symptoms are present. With this information, a health program can be developed which is tailored to the specific needs of the client, thus preventing the manifestation of disease.

Grouping a list of symptoms into a disease name, in order to identify and administer the drug that will suppress those symptoms, is not a satisfactory solution to the problem of health care and maintenance. Iridology, in its basic philosophy, stresses the treatment of the patient, not the disease. By identifying the underlying imbalances in the body that produce symptoms, it is an invaluable asset in the formulation of remedial therapies.

When one has come to fully appreciate the value of being able to determine from the outside of the body what is occurring within it, he will realize that iridology is truly a science whose time has come.
Iridology Assessment
A story unfolds in the eye that depicts a detailed picture of the body at work, in health and dis-ease. The eyes are an extension of the brain. They are the input for the brain. Through changes in the pigments and structure of the iris, abnormal conditions of the tissue in the body are revealed.

Iridology is the most effective assessment technique in the world that considers the person as a whole. Humankind must be studied as a whole since the whole is more than the sum of its parts. The most efficient response in raising the health level comes from implementing both nutrition and iris analysis. In addition to nutrition therapy, various natural therapies can be incorporated into each individual’s plan of treatment.

Why Iridology Assessment? Management of your health is ultimately up to you. The wisest way to safeguard your health is to know and understand your body thoroughly. When you take care of your body, your reward is wellness. You feel and look younger. You experience more energy and enthusiasm. Iridology assessment provides you with information about your body signals and how you can respond to them. Certain conditions can be spotted before they cause serious problems, allowing you tonip it in the bud.

If you are suffering from any of the symptoms below, iridology assessment is a highly effective tool to help you determine the cause(s):

  • Catarrh
  • Constipation
  • Migraine
  • Insonnia
  • Skin Eruption
  • Infections
  • Arthritis
  • Depression
  • Low Energy
  • Discharges
  • Asma
  • Allergie
  • Colic, Diarrhea
  • Fevers, Cold, Flu
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Hay Fever

The greatest feature and main advantage of Constitutional Iridology over forms of health screening is that the iris reveals potentials and tendencies that may occur if a person lives their live a certain way. Therefore, symptoms can be treated decades before they ever appear. Preventative action may be taken to improve health and avoid those diseases that might otherwise follow.

2)Significato della carta iridologica


Each eye reveals different information. The left iris correlates to the organs, glands, tissues & other structures located on the left side of the body. The left side also controls the feminine, creative, conceptual & intuitive aspects of our personalities.
The right iris correlates to all of the anatomical structures on the right side of the body, as well as indicating the masculine, practical, analytical & logic aspects of our being.

More than just detecting the condition of present physical health & the exact location & stage of conditions, Iridology will accurately reveal potential problems twenty years or more in advance, as well as physical transitions due to toxicity, weakness or deficiency & past injuries or conditions. Emotional & mental patterns & attitudes & hereditary strengths & weaknesses also appear.

iridology chart meaning

Cholesterol ring:

This sign presents as white halo around the perimeter of the iris. It may indicate a family history of heart disease.
Go for a cholesterol check.

Orange tones:

A deep orange colour surrounding the pupil can be a sign of disordered sugar metabolism.

If the eye turns a deep red & you have throbbing pain at the front, this could be iritis or — inflammation of the iris, the colored part of the eye. This is triggered by an over-reaction of the immune system, though its exact cause isn’t known. The redness tends to start at the centre of the eye & spreads in a red ring around the center within 24 to 48 hours. It doesn’t usually spread to the other eye.

A coppery-colored ring round the eye can be a sign of Wilson’s disease, a rare genetic disorder which causes too much copper to build up in the body. Untreated it can cause damage to the liver & brain.

Pupil reflex:

If a pupil does not contract when a bright light shines on to it, this indicates dulled nerve reflexes, weak adrenal glands or an overstimulated sympathetic nervous system, often from fear as a hidden, chronic condition.
Adrenal stress is indicated if the pupils begin to expand & contract repeatedly when exposed to bright light for 30 seconds.

Nerve wreath:

A strong, white & almost circular outline of the intestinal areathe nerve wreathindicates a good condition of the autonomic nervous system.
If this outline is weak, jagged, discolored, or extends far towards the periphery or the pupil, we may assume the autonomic nervous system is in a poor condition.
The normal position of the nerve wreath is one-third the distance between the pupil & the periphery; if the nervous system is tense & overactive, the wreath is closer to the pupil & if the nervous system is relaxed & under-active it is closer to the periphery.

Nerve rings:

White circles or arcs of circles in the outer part of the iris. They indicate a tense, over-reactive, irritated nervous system.
The outermost iris zones represent the lymphatic & circulation system & bordering the sclera, the skin.

Discolored stomach area:

In a normal condition the stomach area is not visible, but if the stomach is irritated the area bordering the pupil will be whitish & distinct from the intestinal area.
A brownish discoloration of the stomach area indicates a chronic weakness.

Discolored intestinal area:

A whitish intestinal area indicates inflammation, irritation or ulcers.
If there is a mucous congestion in the head, there is a whitish or brownish discoloration in the transverse colon area, radiating towards ear & brain.
If chronically weak, this area will be dark.

Radial black lines:

When there is a serious deterioration of the intestines, strong black lines (radii solaris) will develop, starting from the pupil & radiating towards the periphery.
Organs through which these radii pass will be very weak as well.

Unusual markings:

Distinct markings may be colored brown, red or yellow. Unusual colors indicate deposits of drugs or other chemicals that settle in weak organs.

White outer ring:

A heavy white ring near the outer edge of the iris points to salt (sodium) & calcium deposits.

Bluish-white film:

A bluish-white film beginning to cover the iris from the outer rim indicates poor circulation to this area & an anemic condition.
Often this film appears in the brain area, indicating approaching senility (arcus senilis).

Dark outer ring:

A dark ring at the outer rim (scurf rim) shows the skin is inactive with accumulated wastes & needs frequent stimulation, better circulation & improved kidney & lung activities.

Lymphatic rosary:

A series of white spots near the outer rim, the ‘lymphatic rosary’, indicates chronic infection & congestion of the lymphatic system. Avoid especially lactose & cows milk products (except butter).


eye details 2


eye details 1

Sclerology is defined as the interpretation of the red lines in the whites of the eyes and their meaning for health evaluation & analysis.

The various signs, markings, shapes & colors in the sclera allow to evaluate the current state of health as well as inherited tendencies & the sings can show way before the symptoms arise or before blood test findings (up to 13 months in advance).

Sclerology may show that the function of an organ is disturbed, but not whether it is overactive or under-active.

Generally a blood vessel pointing towards a certain organ reflex in the iris indicates that there is something wrong with that organ or part of the body.
The stronger the blood vessel is visible & also the more of them are bunching together, the worse is the problem.
A bluish color of the sclera indicates under-activity.

Compare the lines to a Sclerology chart. Determine what parts of the body need attention based on the information from the chart.

The sclera can turn yellow when the body has high levels of bilirubin in it. This can be caused by blood diseases or by liver diseases.See a doctor right away, as jaundice can be a sign of several serious health problems, including liver dysfunction, hepatitis & in rare cases, pancreatic cancer.

When the sclera turns blue, it can be a sign of a syndrome called osteogenesis imperfecta, a disease that makes the bones very brittle.
Light blue sclera can be sign of lack of calcium.

Viruses or localised infections can cause the eye to redden — the problem usually starts in one eye, but can spread to both.

If they look grayish: It’s probably just a result of the natural aging process, which can make the whites of the eyes become grayer. Also there are some serious medical conditions that can turn the whites gray, including rheumatoid arthritis & brittle bone syndrome.

If one eye suddenly becomes red without any other symptoms, then it could be a subconjunctival hemorrhage — where blood leaks in the thin layer of skin at the front of the eyeball. This is very common, particularly in older people. It can be brought on by a violent coughing fit, vomiting, or if you are prone to nose bleeds or bruising. It should clear up by itself within a couple of weeks.

If they look red: Most likely, your eyes are dry. Those red squiggles you see are tiny blood vessels, which become more prominent when eyes are irritated. It can be a result of age, staring at the computer, or environmental factors, like air-conditioning.
Toxic liver.

Persistent red blotches on the whites of both eyes can be a sign of hypertension. High pressure causes the blood vessels to expand or even burst, leaving red marks across the white of the eye (but not the colored part).

Red veins on the eye whites may be sign of high blood pressure.

White discharge from the corner of the eye-could be digestive problems.

Small yellow dots,look like bits of dough,around & on the eyelids can be sign of high cholesterol or liver cirrhosis.

Red upper eyelids-gastritis.

Blind spot accompanied with flickering lights or wavy lines-Ocular migraine (may lead to loss of vision)

Bloody eye,sclera has red spots -high blood pressure, clotting disorder

Brown spots, a bump with blood vessels, often on the lower eyelid -tumor (abnormal growth which may be cancerous)

Bug eyes,bulging eyes with swollen eye tissue -It’s a common sign of Grave’s disease, a.k.a. overactive thyroid. In addition to the bug-eyed look, people with Grave’s often experience weight loss, nervousness & a rapid or irregular pulse.

Bumpy yellowish patches,small yellow spots on the eyelid -high cholesterol

Burning eyes,stinging in the eyes with blurred vision during computer use-computer vision syndrome

Cloudy eyes,clouding of the lens with hazy vision-cataracts (may cause blindness)-the condition, which can be corrected with surgery, is most common in older people. Cataracts that arise in younger people can have a variety of causes, including tumors & diabetes, as well as side effects from certain medications.
Color confusion,reds & greens are unclear -color blindness

Crossed eyes,one or both eyes turn inwards -intra ocular tumor, neurological disorder

Double vision,seeing double images-stroke (sudden), Multiple Sclerosis

Droopy eyes,eyelids are droopy -brain tumor, neuromuscular disorder

Dry eyes,especially in 40+ women with autoimmune conditions & affecting the mouth such that absence of saliva makes chewing & swallowing difficult -Sjogren’s syndrome (immune cells damage tears & saliva producing glands).The menopause.

Golden brown or greenish yellow ring,colored ring on the cornea, surrounding the iris-Wilson’s disease (excess copper collects in tissues, may lead to liver disease)

Grey or milky-white colored ring on the cornea, surrounding the iris-which doctors call arcus senilis, often goes hand in hand with high cholesterol & triglycerides & an increased risk for heart attack & stroke. Anyone who has the condition should have a blood test to check for elevated blood lipidsespecially people under age 60.

Increased eye-gunk,eyelid edges are red & itchy-dandruff, Acne rosacea

Large eye,one eye appears larger (generally in children)-glaucoma (damaged optic nerve), tumor, infection

Persistent stye,reddish lumps on the eyelid, present for more than 3 months-tumor, possibly cancerous

Pink eye,sclera is pink or light-red -conjunctivitis

Pupil size different,different size pupils & droopy eyelids -Horner’s syndrome (nervous system disorder), neck aneurysms (blood-filled bulge in blood vessel) & tumors.

Red, itchy eyes,along with sneezing, coughing, sinus congestion or runny nose -allergic reaction

Unable to close eyes or control tears ,often one side of the face is weak & droops-Bell’s palsy (facial paralysis due to dysfunctional cranial nerve VII)

Vanishing eyebrows,outer part of eyebrows disappear -thyroid disease (under active thyroid)

Yellow eyes,sclera is yellow -liver diseases such as jaundice, hepatitis & cirrhosis

Skin cancer-Basal cell carcinomas can show up in some pretty strange places, including the eyelid, where it often causes a sore that doesn’t heal & the loss of eyelashes. And it’s not something to be ignored. Although basal cell skin cancers are not usually fatal, they can cause severe disfigurement, blindness even death if they reach the brain through the eye socket.

3)Iridology Chart of the Right Eye Iris

Grafico iridologico dell'iride dell'occhio destro

Il grafico iridologico in questa pagina mostra le zone dell'iride dell'occhio destro in relazione a tessuti specifici & Organi nel corpo dagli studi di grafici per iridologia del Dr. Jenson

La tabella iridologica Di seguito documenta le zone di iris per occhio destro relative a tessuti e organi nel corpo delle zone di iridologia del Dr. Bernard Jenson. Il nostro iridologo che ha studiato sotto il Dr. Jensen utilizza le classifiche di iridologia per identificare possibili debolezze nei tessuti e negli organi del corpo.

Iride destra


Iridology Chart of the Right Eye Iris

Grafico iridologico dell'iride dell'occhio destro

4)Iridology Definition

Iridology, also called iris analysis or iris diagnosis, is the study of the iris (the colored part of the eye). Irisreadingsare made by iridologists to assess a person’s health picture (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual) and guide them to take measures to improve their health.


The basic concept of iridology has existed for centuries. The medical school of the University of Salerno in Italy offered training in iris diagnosis. A book published by Philippus Meyers in 1670, called Chiromatica medica, noted that signs in the iris indicate diseases. Dr. Ignatz von Peczely, however, is generally considered the father of iridology, with the date of his discovery given as 1861. Von Peczely was a Hungarian physician. As a child, he accidentally broke an owl’s leg. He observed that a black line formed in the owl’s lower iris at the time of the injury. After the owl’s leg healed, the young von Peczely noted that the black streak had changed appearance. As a physician, he treated a patient with a broken leg in whose eye he observed a black streak in the same location as on the injured owl’s iris. Von Peczely became intrigued by the possibility of a connection between diseases and eye markings. Through observing his patientseyes, he became convinced of this connection and developed a chart that mapped iris-body correlations. After several decades of comparative study, von Peczely mapped organs across zones identified by hours and minutes on a clock face superimposed over drawings of the eyes. In 1881, he published his theories in a book called Discoveries in the Field of Natural Science and Medicine: Instruction in the Study of Diagnosis from the Eye.

A Swedish pastor and homeopath named Nils Liljequist also developed the concept of iris-body correlations at roughly the same time but independently of von Peczely’s work. He was the first iridologist to identify the effects of such drugs as iodine and quinine on the iris. Liljequist based his initial observations on changes in his own irises after illnesses and injuries, publishing writings and eye drawings during the late nineteenth century. One of his students, Dr. Henry Lahn, brought the practice of iridology to the United States. A variety of practitioners, primarily European, have sought to popularize iridology since these early works. Dr. Bernard Jensen, a chiropractor, is the best-known contemporary American advocate of iridology.


Iridologists claim that by studying the patterns of a person’s iris, they can provide helpful and accurate health and wellness information. Iridology is a holistic endeavor in that it addresses the person’s whole being in the reading. The range of information gleaned encompasses physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of the person’s health picture. In addition to assessing the person’s general level of health, readings can reveal other data, including energy quotients; internal areas of irritation, degeneration, injury, or inflammation; nutritional

and chemical imbalances; accumulation of toxins; life transitions; and subconscious tensions. Iridologists maintain that the eyes reveal information about the person’s physical and emotional constitution, such as inherited weaknesses and risks to which the person may be prone. Strengths may also be revealed, including inherited emotional tendencies from which the person derives particular talents. Cleansing and healing can be verified by changes in the iris. By looking for certain signs such as healing lines, iridologists obtain information about previous health problems and injuries and discover what may have gone wrong in the person’s past.

An iridology reading reflects the causes of problems, not symptoms. It may, iridologists claim, reveal that organs or systems are overstressed or predisposed to disease before clinical symptoms even develop. By predicting future problems, iridology can be used as a preventive tool. People can use the information from iridology readings to improve their health and make better behavioral choices in the future, thereby heading off problems before they occur.

In North America, iridology is generally considered to be an assessment tool to be used in cooperation with other health specialties. Iridology is not a diagnostic tool (although it is more likely to be considered so by European iridologists) and should not be used to diagnose or name specific diseases. Not only would diagnosis represent an improper application of iridology according to many iridologists, as noted by the International Iridology Research Association (IIRA), it could also be construed in many countries as practicing medicine without a license.


Iridology is generally based on the concept of neural pathways between the body and the iris. Although iridologists may differ on the exact mechanism, most maintain that the iris reflects what is happening throughout the body via nerve conduction from all parts of the body to the eye. The client’s health is assessed by the iridologist, who interprets patterns, shapes, rings, colors and pigmentation markings, fibers, structures, and changes in the pupil and iris. Many iridologists also use sclerology (reading the lines in the white part of the eyes) in their health evaluation.

Iridology readings are typically performed by such holistically oriented practitioners as naturopaths, chiropractors, or nutritionists. The reading may be done using a bright light, a magnifying glass, and a notepad. The iridologist may also use various tools to better view the eye, a special camera to take pictures of the iris, and/or a computer.

Iridologists conduct their readings using charts on which each area of the iris is mapped to a specific body system or organ. Iridology charts vary, with at least 20 different ones in existence. Some charts are more widely used than others; however, many iridologists believe that there is more than one correct map and that each practitioner should become familiar with several charts. Some iridologists even develop their own charts. Differences also exist among practitioner techniques; among American, European, and other approaches; and in the interpretation of specific iris signs.

Iridology charts divide the iris into numerous zones corresponding to different parts of the body. Although the specifics may differ on each chart, all share a general pattern. The left eye is mapped to the left side of the body and the right eye to the right side. The top of the eye is mapped to the upper body (e.g., brain, face, neck, chest and heart). The center of the eye is mapped to the stomach and digestive organs, with other organs being represented by concentric circular zones moving outward toward the edge of the iris. The bottom of the eye is mapped to the legs and lower half of body. Paired organs (e.g., the kidneys) are mapped to both irises.

Using a holistic approach that considers each client as an individual with unique health patterns and concerns, behaviors, and experiences, the iridologist will examine the eyes and make a health assessment. Based on the results of that reading, the iridologist generally recommends a wellness program tailored to the individual’s physical, emotional, and life situation. This program may incorporate various health improvement, maintenance, and prevention regimes. Recommendations may include vitamins, minerals, herbs, supplements, and/or diet and nutrition , among other suggestions.


No special preparations are necessary before an iridology reading.


An iridology reading is unlikely to cause any physical harm by itself, as it does not involve direct contact with the eye or applying eye drops of any kind. Critics of iridology, however, argue that iridology can be detrimental to health if a sick person delays treatment for a condition not suggested by the iridology reading; or that it can can cause anguish and unnecessary expense if a reading suggests a problem when there actually is none.

Research & general acceptance

Rita M. Holl, RN, PhD, states thatWithin Western medicine, iridology is considered a controversial science at best and medical fraud at worst.Proponents of iridology argue that the practice is time-tested with proven results. Although critics acknowledge that certain symptoms of non-ocular disease do appear in the eyes (e.g., brain injury), there is, they argue, a lack of rigorous scientific testing and no evidence that iridology has any merit. Studies published in the Australian Journal of Optometry, the British Medical Journal, and the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) have found iridologistsassessment of patients with diagnosed serious diseases including kidney and gall bladder disease to be inaccurate. Iridologists counter that the research itself was faulty, citing problems including poor-quality photos; the absence of important additional information including the ability to see/interview the client; and inappropriate expectations of diagnosing specific diseases, a task outside the parameters of iridology. A more recent study conducted to reevaluate JAMA’s findings in regard to renal failure was published in the Alternative Health Practitioner. Acknowledging that thestudy leaves several questions unanswered,the author reported both similarities and variations in the iridologistsreadings and concluded that the iridologist’s level of expertise is extremely important as well.

Formazione & certification

Iridologists receive training from various sources. They may learn their trade through books, tapes, correspondence courses, online classes, or live classes. According to the IIRA,Iridology operates in a gray area in North America. In general, there are no laws defining or regulating the practice. In Europe, especially in Germany, Iridology is well recognized and routinely used by natural medicine practitioners.Also according to the IIRA,Because Iridology has no official standards of practice, anyone can call themselves an Iridologist, often with little training or experience. There are also great differences in the Iridology information being taught, especially in North America.



Jackson, Adam J. Iridology: A Guide to Iris Analysis and Preventive Health Care. Boston: Charles B. Tuttle, 1993.

Jensen, Bernard. Iridology: Science and Practice in Healing Arts, Vol. II. Escondido, CA: B. Jensen, 1982.

Jensen, Bernard. What is Iridology? Escondido, CA: B. Jensen, 1984.

Jensen, Bernard and Donald Bodeen. Visions of Health: Understanding Iridology. Garden City Park, NY: Avery Publishing, 1992.

Worrall, Russell S.Iridology: Diagnosis or Delusion?” In Science Confronts the Paranormal, ed. Kendrick Frazier. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books, 1986.


Canadian Neuro-Optic Research Institute. P.O. Box 29053. 4324 Dewdney Ave. Regina, Saskatchewan S4T 7X3. Canada. (306) 359-7694. Fax: (306) 525-2659.

International Iridology Research Association. PO Box 1442. Solano Beach, CA 92075-2208. (888) 682-2208.

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