iriscopio in vendita

What is iriscope?
Please feel free to look at this website for our iriscope, Iridology camera, iris camera, eyology and sclerology USB system ccarry case T
The EyeRonec Pebble Pro Iridology camera has been created for the NON TECHNICAL Naturopath and Natural Therapist, Iridologist and Herbalist.
The EyeRonec Pebble Pro Digital Iriscope takes only a little space on the desk and is very portable, Once your MAC or PC has the software installed all you need to do is plug the camera into the USB.
The EyeRonec Iridology iris camera needs No chin-rest, No dreaded flash, No ambient light problems, No heavy cases to carry,
The EyeRonec Pebble Prp sells for less then the price of other’s “camera only” prezzo.
The latest EyeRonec model Iriscameras have 8 light (for blue eyes) and 2+ side lighting LED’s for brown eyes.
The lights (white dots) are within the pupil zone ! No artifacts (white dots or streaks) in the iris so pictures are better than images taken with”open” system cameras
iriscopio in vendita
How to use the iriscope software?
1 installare il software.
2 chiavette usb arancioni di connessione al vostro pc.
3 Aprire il desktop “CadiCV Advance Analysis System Versione inglese”
1)usa seleziona “utente”,password:111111,e fare clic su: “login”
2)fare clic “strumento cliente”, inserisci le informazioni del tuo cliente. se ok, clicca “aggiungere”e fare clic su”vicino”
3) fare clic “catturare l'occhio destro”.–clic “catturare”,
4) ripetizione dell'ultimo passaggio con l'occhio sinistro.
5)seleziona l'immagine dell'occhio (immagine dell'occhio destro/immagine dell'occhio sinistro)
6) fare clic “analisi”
7)fare clic “impostare il parametro” pulsante.
8) fare clic “analisi dell'iride” pulsante.
Osservazione dei sintomi e colore dell'iride scelto nel software sopra il pulsante corrispondente sui sintomi e sulla notte.
Ad esempio: c'è una crepa sull'immagine dell'iride e il colore è chiaro.
Selezionare il pulsante "crack" e il pulsante "light", spostare il cursore sulle crepe sull'iride,
Fare clic con il mouse. Subito segnalato dalle analisi.
Tu e aggiungi il tuo consiglio o prodotto per il cliente.
aggiungere ——? Analisi——–?sinistra (Analisi occhio sinistro)
10 salvi
11 rapporto: seleziona il nome del rapporto —–?html report o report privew seleziona il nome del report (nome data)
12 stampa
13 cancella cliente
14 modifica cliente

iriscopio in vendita

iriscopio in vendita

iriscopio in vendita
How Choosing an iriscope
Essential elements to look for in iriscopes
Our cold lighting fibre optic system minimizes client irritation and gives precise daylight illumination for optimum exposure and true colour every time. It includes variable intensity adjustment to enable even the darkest eyes to display every detail with no loss of contrast! In addition, our lights avoid the pupils to avoid putting artifacts in this vital assessment area.
Easy operatation. Get perfect focus with ease.
One of the most important features to consider is the lighting. Our fixed lighting system ensures easy comparative analysis. Side lighting option included.
Our designer has had more than 30 years clinical experience as an ND and Iridologist bringing with him a keen understanding of what professional Iridologists need.
We only use high quality current model cameras and professional grade materials. Most of our camera systems include state of the art analysis software in the price.
All of our cameras meet iridology photographic criteria. In fact, we lead the way in iris photography!

iriscopio in vendita

iriscopio in vendita
iriscope for sale here get factory price
We are the supplier of iriscope,iridology camera,iriscopio,if you need the iriscope price or more info,please contact us.we will reply as soon as. you can pay by Paypal,TT,West Union. We offer OEM.
How to use the iriscope software?