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Left eye iridology chart Here’s a Quick Way to Get

June 6, 2018

Left eye iridology chart Here’s a Quick Way to Get

left eye iridology chart

left eye iridology chart

left eye iridology chart

left eye iridology chart

left eye iridology chart

left eye iridology chart

left eye iridology chart

left eye iridology chart

left eye iridology chart

left eye iridology chart

left eye iridology chart

left eye iridology chart

left eye iridology chart

left eye iridology chart

left eye iridology chart

left eye iridology chart

left eye iridology chart

left eye iridology chart

left eye iridology chart

left eye iridology chart

Iridology history

The practice of Iridology has origins as far back as Ancient Egypt. It is here that drawings have been found relating the eye to the anatomy of the body. Modern iridology is in its infancy of less than two hundred years founded in 1861 by Ignatz Von Peczley, a doctor from Hungary. The story goes that as a young man Von Peczley had found an owl with a broken leg which he noticed to have had a black line in the bright yellow iris. As he nursed the owl back to health the line filled in with fine white lines and eventually looked like new. This observation stimulated Von Peczley to investigate the correlation with the iris and health. His knowledge as a doctor allowed him to create the first known map that connected the iris to specific problems within the aspects of his patients.

IridologyAround the same time a young Swedish boy Nils Liljequist became ill after a vaccination and needed to take quinine for treatment. He noticed his eyes changed color with the medicine and he published maps that coincided similarly with Von Peczley. Over the years iridology has expanded, matured and advanced technologically. From the Germans and Eastern Europeans to the pioneering work of the American Bernard Jensen who is the father of modern iridology, all have tested its diagnostic potentials upon hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. Today practitioners in all fields of medicine are still utilizing iridology.Left eye iridology chart

bernard jensen iridology chart

eye body chart

eye body chart

Iridology and Natural Health

As a natural health practitioner, Cheryl takes into account the whole person. She looks beyond a “disease” or condition or symptom to the whole person. We must remember that diseases do not create us, we create disease. And we must also remember that we don’t “catch” diseases. We create disease and disorder by breaking down our natural defenses by the way we eat, drink, think, feel and the lifestyle we live. The emphasis on healing must include the whole person, not just the disease. Iridology helps us look at the “whole person” and determine levels of health throughout the body.

Iridology benefit

1. Their examination is non-invasive. The only thing patients have to tolerate is light being shone in the eyes.

2. Iridologists aim to keep the patient well. They try to discover imbalances or weaknesses in the body before they develop into serious medical problems. Of course prevention of health problems is a central concept of all schools of medicine. Iridologists’ advice on how to keep the patient well is frequently good. For example, they may recommend a good diet, drinking plenty of water, and moderate exercise.





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